The third edition of REWIND-A-WAI is now available for all POST Wrestling Café patrons – go to Patreon.com/POSTwrestling to download OR check your podcast app if you have subscribed to the RSS feed provided to all members.
John Pollock & Wai Ting travel back to March 2002 to review WrestleMania X-8 from The SkyDome in Toronto, Ontario.
This show is brought to you by “Espresso Executive Producer” Ziggy Cao, who chose WrestleMania X-8 to be reviewed. Ziggy will join us to share his reasoning for picking this show and his memories of WrestleMania in Toronto.
Pollock and Wai go back to 2002 and dive in deep to review WrestleMania’s return to Toronto. Both of us attended this show live and will share our thoughts on the event at that time period and how well it holds up today, the memorable match between The Rock and Hulk Hogan, the decision to put the Undisputed title match on last, the state of Steve Austin during this time period, the final pay-per-view before the first brand split, the odd pairings on this show and the natural comparisons to WrestleMania the year prior in Houston.
WWF WrestleMania X-8
Sunday, March 17, 2002
Toronto, Ontario at The SkyDome
*Chris Jericho vs. Triple H for the WWF Undisputed title
*Jazz vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita for the WWF women’s title
*The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan
*Billy and Chuck vs. The Hardys vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The APA in an Elimination Match for the WWF tag titles
*Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall *Edge vs. Booker T.
*The Undertaker vs. Ric Flair
*Kane vs. Kurt Angle
*Maven vs. Goldust for the Hardcore title
*Diamond Dallas Page vs. Christian for the European title
*William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental title
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