Month: March 2018

POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE 3/30 – At least 78,500 reasons to read today’s update
A look at the attendance figure from WrestleMania 3 following Deadspin’s research, Impact does a strong number on POP, L.A. Memorial Coliseum seeking future WrestleMania, reviews of NXT and Impact Wrestling’s television, Andre the Giant screener notes, Brock Lesnar wrestling in Boston tonight, and more.

WWE states Hulk Hogan is not scheduled for any upcoming events
Hulk Hogan is expected to attend a screening on Thursday night for the Andre the Giant documentary, which Hogan was interviewed for. Earlier this month, the company stated they have spoken with Hogan regarding helping others to learn from their mistakes while confirming that he was not under contract to WWE.

POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE 3/28 – Louisiana commission confirms WWE and ROH performers exempt from in-ring restrictions
A new report from Deadspin confirms that the Louisiana Boxing & Wrestling Commission will not hold the WWE and ROH performers to certain moves being banned on their shows, SmackDown and Raw numbers, son of Sweet Georgia Brown defends Fabulous Moolah, updated battle royal participants for WrestleMania, interview with Liam O’Rourke, and more.

“Crazy Like a Fox” author Liam O’Rourke speaks about the life and legacy of Brian Pillman
The new book on the life of the late Brian Pillman, Crazy Like a Fox: The Definitive Chronicle of Brian Pillman 20 Years Later, is one of the most fascinating and compelling wrestling biographies ever written and is a must-read for anyone interested in this fascinating story that held so much promise but ended up tragically going out of control. Dan Lovranski had a chance to sit down and discuss the book with its author, Liam O’Rourke.

POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE 3/27 – Ronda Rousey doesn’t want to speak about her MMA career
Ronda Rousey had several awkward exchanges with ESPN on Tuesday, back up ideas for Daniel Bryan’s match at WrestleMania, nine women defend the Fabulous Moolah, Sakura Genesis card released, EVIL returns, WWE Network expected to add “Saturday Night” episodes, Road Dogg to induct Jeff Jarrett, and more.

POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE 3/26 – John Cena vs. Triple H announced for “Greatest Royal Rumble” in Saudi Arabia
The WWE announces matches for the “Greatest Rumble Ever” card, no women will be performing on the show, Ronda Rousey teased for Raw in Cleveland, Leon White undergoes open heart surgery, New Japan books the Cow Palace for July, review of this week’s ROH episode, anniversary of the final Monday Nitro, and more.