upNXT MOVIE REVIEW – Halloween (1978)

upNXT MOVIE REVIEW – Halloween (1978)


Braden Herrington & Davie Portman from upNXT review John Carpenter’s 1978 horror classic, HALLOWEEN! They go through and share their views on the film, give their thoughts on the entire Halloween series itself, deliver some nerdy trivia, and look ahead to the new sequel coming out today!

Braden & Davie host upNXT every Thursday where they review WWE NXT each week! Be sure to look for more “BDE” movie reviews soon!

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  1. This is awesome!!!

  2. This is better than those comic book movie reviews. I cant get into those movies. They are so fake. But I am sure that John and Wai do a great job reviewing them.

    Someone should review my favourite movie Speed.

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