POLLOCK’S REVIEW: MLW Fusion “The Decision” with Pentagon & Fenix

John Pollock's review of MLW Fusion with Pentagon Jr. and Fenix announcing their future plans with MLW, Tommy Dreamer teams with The Sandman & more.

MLW Fusion
Friday, February 8th, 2019

RESULTS: Myron Reed over DJ Z in 6:25, Gringo Loco over Puma King in 7:36, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. over Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman in 8:06

-The show built to the announcement by Pentagon Jr. and Fenix that they are not leaving MLW and would be in Chicago on March 2nd for “Intimidation Games” and they want to wrestle everywhere around the world.

-The big match on the show saw Brian Pillman Jr. select Hart Foundation teammate Davey Boy Smith Jr. as his partner to face Tommy Dreamer and his mystery partner The Sandman. It doesn’t matter if Sandman is 55 years old or 155 years old, the former ECW Arena went nuts for his entrance and lasted forever with Sandman drinking and pouring beer endlessly.

-The match was simple, and the audience just wanted the ECW nostalgia, which works for one match on the show. Pillman was hiding from Sandman and tried to pull a weapon from underneath the ring, instead, he pulled out a hooded figure that turned out to be Blue Meanie like he’s Hornswoggle and lives there. Blue Meanie nailed Pillman, who then took a kendo stick shot. Moments later, Sandman was down as Pillman assisted Smith, who powerbombed Dreamer through two chairs and pinned him.

-Announcer Matt Striker led a standing ovation for Dreamer as he exited the arena. It was the right play for that audience, and they were lively for Sandman’s entrance and lost to the younger team that is being emphasized.

-Gringo Loco defeated Puma King after blocking Puma King on the top turnbuckle and landing a Spanish Fly. The match didn’t get a reaction and they seemed off on a few sequences, notably Puma King slipping on the top rope and felt like a visual record scratch during the match. Gringo Loco hit an impressive tope con giro without even running before the dive to the floor. Announcer Rich Bocchini noted Puma King’s lineage with his father El Felino and uncle Negro Casas.

-In the opener, Myron Reed defeated DJ Z after reversing an O’Connor roll and grabbing the tights for the cover. Reed attempted a springboard somersault and was caught with a sit-out powerbomb that stood out in the match. I thought both looked good and Reed has a lot of potential as someone to keep your eye on. DJ Z has been a great talent for years and seems like a guy poised for a big year ahead with many opportunities for someone with his experience.

-There was a bizarre H2 segment where Teddy Hart and Brian Pillman Jr. were sharing French fries and taking questions for Valentine’s Day. This segment felt unscripted and a challenge by Teddy to get the word “pussy” (his cats) on television as much as possible. Hart put Pillman’s sunglasses on and explained Brian can see things others can’t, so I guess he has the powers Roddy Piper had in “They Live”.

-The show ended with Tom Lawlor wandering out of a strip club at 8 am with the MLW championship following an all-nighter. He did not refer to the city as “Filthy-delphia”.

-Next week’s show will feature Teddy Hart defending the MLW middleweight title against MJF. The latter cut a promo running down those that have praised Hart’s redemption tour. MJF said he’s never been to jail, done drugs, or cheated.

About John Pollock 6022 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.