Event: Revolution Pro Live at the Cockpit 42
Venue: The Cockpit Theatre, London
Submitted by: Steve Harris
Andy Quildan began the show by presenting Aussie Open with new tag team championship belts, the champions were then attacked by their challengers in the main event, Sha Samuels and Josh Bodom
Contenders Division
Kenneth Halfpenny and Shaun Jackson over Brendan White and Gabriel Kidd
Rob Lias over James Mason
British Women’s Championship
Zoe Lucas over (Toronto’s own) Seleziya Sparks to retain
David Starr over Ricky Shane Page
Starr challenged Quildan to find an opponent for him at Summer Sizzler on August 30th, with the stipulation that if Starr wins he gets control of Revolution Pro Wrestling.
Team White Wolf (A-Kid and Carlos Romo) over Kurtis Chapman and Dan Magee
Chris Brookes over TK Cooper
Rob Lias attacked Cooper after the match
British Tag Team Championship
Sha Samuels and Josh Bodom over Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis) by DQ, no title change
PAC over Michael Oku
They went within 60 seconds of the 30-minute time limit before PAC won with the Black Arrow