205 Live took place from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto on Tuesday night to close out SummerSlam week and the promotion’s four consecutive nights in the building.
Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, and Aiden English are calling the show.
*Akira Tozawa over Jack Gallagher in 8:45
*Kalisto, Humberto Carrillo & Lince Dorado over The Singhs & Ariya Daivari at 7:33
*Drew Gulak over Oney Lorcan to retain the Cruiserweight title in 15:30
Brian Kendrick was in Tozawa’s corner.
Tozawa applied an Octopus and Gallagher escaped from the hold. Tozawa dropped Gallagher in the corner and then got lifted by the feet of Gallagher and sent into the post.
Tozawa came back with a head scissors and shining wizard. Tozawa was cut on the forehead as he climbed to the top and Gallagher got out of the way. Gallagher was booted off the apron and hit with the torpedo-like suicide dive from Tozawa.
Gallagher lifted Tozawa in the position for a Vertebreaker and ran Tozawa into the corner. Tozawa dropped Gallagher from the turnbuckle and landed the senton for the win.
On the count, Gallagher got his foot on the bottom rope and as Kendrick was slamming the mat to cheer, he knocked it off and the referee counted three.
WINNER: Akira Tozawa at 8:45
It was a good match between the two with a clever way to execute the `foot being on the bottom rope` scenario that gets played out. The replay gave Kendrick the plausible deniability that he wasn`t cheating and was just slapping the mat.
The match didn’t have much heat but there was nothing wrong with it.
Oney Lorcan was backstage and said Drew Gulak took the easy way out at SummerSlam by striking him in the throat and will leave Toronto with the Cruiserweight title.
A mystery attacker took out Gran Metalik earlier in the day with Carrillo finding him in the back and taking his place in the match.
Kalisto balanced on the shoulders of Dorado and splashed Sunil Singh. Kalisto applied a Greco Roman knuckle lock to Sunil and balanced on the top rope until Sunil yanked him off. During the replay, Joseph mentioned how Kalisto was doing ‘good Lucha things’ before being dropped.
Kalisto made the tag to Carrillo, Kalisto took out Daivari with Salida del Sol, and then double superkicks and springboard dives were delivered to the Singhs by Carrillo and Dorado. Daivari walked out on his teammates.
Carrillo hit a missile dropkick to Sunil and landed a twisting splash, but Dorado made the blind tag and followed with the shooting star press and Dorado scored the cover on Sunil.
WINNERS: Lince Dorado (pinned Sunil Singh), Kalisto & Humberto Carrillo at 7:33
This was another match with a story attached to the finish as you had the reluctant addition of Carrillo, who the Lucha House Party were suspicious of after the attack on Gran Metalik. There were good flying sequences with Kalisto. Carrillo is a terrific babyface and has lots of potential given his look and talent.
Drew Gulak cut a promo and called his 205 Live a “battlefield” and will dismantle his opponents piece-by-piece and he is the law.
Lorcan suplexed Gulak and then landed a somersault off the top onto Gulak on the floor. Gulak stopped a half-and-half suplex from the top, they returned to the floor and Lorcan was sent into the desk throat first following up on the attack from Sunday.
Gulak attacked Lorcan’s throat with a flying clothesline off the turnbuckle and then applied a choke.
Lorcan fired back with a huge clothesline. They were working so hard and the audience wasn’t responding.
Gulak hit a massive lariat and seated Lorcan on top, he escaped from underneath. Lorcan went for the half-and-half suplex and hit it from the top, although rotated Gulak as opposed to dropping him on his neck.
Lorcan slapped him repeatedly, Gulak rolled Lorcan out of the corner and into the Gulock and Lorcan went out.
WINNER: Drew Gulak at 15:30 to retain the Cruiserweight title
They emphasized that Lorcan didn’t give up, he passed out.
This was the match everyone wanted at SummerSlam and didn’t have the time for. The audience never seemed to get into the match, but they worked a hard pace for the duration and played off the throat attack from Sunday. Lorcan has a unique fire that has become his calling card and Gulak has become the focal point of this show that can have different types of matches with the 205 Live roster. This was worth the effort to check out if you have the time.