Braden Herrington and Davie Portman are back with another HangOver edition of upNXT discussing all the fallout from NXT TakeOver: Toronto and the pre-tapings from the Scotiabank Arena including Breezango vs. The Forgotten Sons and the final of the Breakout Tournament: Jordan Myles vs. Cameron Grimes. [REVIEW STARTS AT 00:37:15]
The lads also talk in-depth about their TakeOver: TailGate event including the Mario Kart tournament and THAT Johnny Gargano video, how John Pollock bought Davie a drink and who owes Braden $17!!
If you want to see some photos from the Takeover Tailgate, click here!
A big thank you to Gareth from the GRAPPL app who also provided us with some very interesting stats about this past TakeOver.
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upNXT Theme by: Warren-D, PXCH and Shaheen Abdi
Photo Courtesy: WWE
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