Event: Revolution Pro British J Cup 2019
Venue: York Hall, Bethnal Green, London
Submitted by: Steve Harris
El Phantasmo over Senza Volto
Defending J Cup champion ELP needed Hikuleo’s assistance to get past Volto. After hitting a Spanish fly from the top rope Volto seemed to have ELP beat but Hikuleo pulled the referee out of the ring before the three-count. While the referee admonished Hikuleo, ELP hit Volto with a low blow and got the pin. The Bullet Club pair were beating Volto down until ‘Shooter’ Umino made the save in his first appearance for Rev Pro to a great ovation.
British J Cup first round
Robbie Eagles over Barbaro Cavernario
For the majority here, including myself, this was the first opportunity to see Cavernario live and up close. His patented splash from the top rope to the floor is a nasty move that had the audience on their feet but will come back to haunt him at some stage later in life. Eagles won with the Ron Miller Special.
British J Cup first round
Michael Oku over Rocky Romero
Fans favorite Oku fought well from underneath as he always does, reversing an arm breaker into a cradle for the win, a popular result here.
British J Cup first round
PAC over Amazing Red
This match sold a good number of tickets for this show and made up a lot of people’s minds to choose this show over the Progress one happening simultaneously in Camden. Both guys worked hard and one sequence, in particular, ending in a kick out after a Code Red was outstanding. PAC hit a Black Arrow and locked in the Rings of Saturn until the referee stopped the contest. Red was visibly moved by the standing ovation he received after the match.
Ren Narita over Brendan White
New Japan Young Lion vs Rev Pro Contender, Narita won with a Texas Cloverleaf.
British Tag Team Championship Unification Match
The Legion (Rampage Brown and Great O’Kharn) over Moonlight Express (Speedball Mike Bailey and Mao)
The first in the series of title unification matches between Rev Pro and Southside. Sha Samuels got involved and was ejected early on, the Moonlights are an exciting team to watch but they fell to the bigger, stronger team. Gideon Grey claimed post-match that there was no team that could challenge the Legion but was interrupted by the debuting Kings of the North who brawled with the Legion before running them off.
We were treated to a video from Kurtis Chapman who claimed that at Uprising on December 15th he was challenging the biggest coward in Rev Pro, the biggest loser in Rev Pro…Minoru Suzuki. Chapman delivered this promo really well.
Gisele Shaw over Tessa Blanchard
My personal favorite match of the night, a stiff battle that was athletic and at times breathtaking. Shaw submitted Blanchard with a brutal looking armbar.
British J Cup Final: Four-way elimination match
Michael Oku over El Phantasmo, Robbie Eagles and PAC to win the tournament.
This was a whirlwind from the outset. ELP repeated the spot from Power Struggle when he walked the top rope holding Oku in a wristlock and carrying PAC on his shoulders. PAC used a chair on Oku and was disqualified, so he destroyed Oku on the outside with multiple chair shots. While the referees herded PAC away ELP hit Eagles with the Cruiserweight title but only got a two count. After a ref bump, ELP hit Eagles low and cradled him for the elimination. Oku barely made it back in time to prevent a count-out, and after yet another low blow from ELP managed to kick out. El Phantasmo hit a Styles Clash for two, then a V-Trigger and a One-Winged Angel that only got a one count to a tremendous reaction. Oku hit a frog splash and transitioned to the half crab for the submission victory. After celebrating with his family at ringside Oku lifted the trophy but was attacked and beaten down by PAC, who destroyed the cup. Oku vowed revenge at Uprising.