Braden Herrington & Davie Portman return to their journey reviewing every movie in the Star Wars saga, and finally the BDE are at the original trilogy as they start with: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
The lads review the movie that started it all! They chat all about the Star Wars charm, the iconic original cast and how awesome Han Solo is, Stormtroopers and their bad aim, how the prequels tie in with the originals, the new Disney+ “Maclunkey” controversy, old school lightsaber duels, collecting all the toys & more!
Han Shot First.
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Braden Herrington & Davie Portman host upNXT every Thursday reviewing WWE NXT each week! Be sure to look for more BDE movie reviews soon.
BDE Chiptune Theme by BetaClubFieldTrip.Bandcamp.com
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