POST NEWS UPDATE: Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini details how she got onto WWE’s Board of Directors

Barstool Sports CEO details how she got onto WWE's Board of Directors, Teal Piper discusses training with Ronda Rousey, Jazz feels she should be in the WWE Hall Of Fame, Eric Young recalls Shinsuke Nakamura being bitten by a police dog and more notes from the news update.

If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

** Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini was elected to WWE’s Board of Directors and the news was made public on October 5th. Erika discussed the news on her ‘Token CEO’ podcast and talked about the gist of her meeting with Vince McMahon and why they were introduced to one another initially. Erika added that the meeting took place within the past two months.

“It was just like, ‘Hey, you guys should meet, you should know each other. We’re doing interesting things.’ They’re obviously a massive brand, huge company. They’re trying to figure out digital more, we’re trying to figure out rights and other stuff. It was just kind of a good pairing, and then I didn’t know it at the time but they were looking for someone to be on their Board, and… I don’t know. I guess I made the candidate pool I guess so then I had a ton of meetings. Like a ton, a ton, a ton of meetings. [I] had to be like well-behaved and sit up for each one of them and I was anticipating, I don’t know if I’m really their bag and they would like the Barstool of it all but everyone has been great, so that was a very intense process of a lot of interviews and then it all came together.”

Erika thinks WWE brought her on because they want more women of their Board but also because the company wants to improve on the digital marketing front.

“I think what they like about me — I think they wanted more women on their board to be honest. But it’s not just because of that. They also want more digital thinking. They want people from this and the next generation of lifestyle companies and media companies and I think I fit in there very well.”

Nardini stated that she has asked around about the Vince McMahon quirks that have been spoken about at length.

“I asked about all that stuff. I asked about eye contact, shaking hands, the germ thing. I asked about the sneezing.

I also asked, I heard in meetings if you make a noise… you shouldn’t show emotion. I asked about all of that. I got like two hugs last time we were together. I won’t sneeze. I’ll try not to. Hard to control when you sneeze though.”

At the beginning of the podcast, Nardini spoke about how excited she was to meet Vince McMahon and detailed what it was like for her leading up to that moment.

“So I had the great fortune of getting a meeting with Vince McMahon, who I was pretty intimidated by, so I went to Stamford… this is in Corona. I go to meet Vince McMahon which of course I jumped at. I stressed all day on my outfit. Like what am I gonna wear and what am I gonna say, whatever and then I get there and it’s COVID so it’s like masks and temperature taking and big protocol, whatever. But I had never been inside WWE and you know how you drive up [I-] 95 and that flag is there? It’s so badass. Like the black and red of it all is so bad ass. So, go to WWE, you get to the lobby and there’s this life size, I think it’s a life size statue of Andre The Giant. It’s f*cking awesome and so you really feel like you’re in this place so, go there, get seated in this boardroom. Vince like walks in — there’s like a joining door to his office and it’s just like he walks into WrestleMania. He’s very dapper, wearing like a very nice suit, but with flair to it, you know what I mean? With patterns and colors. He’s completely a gentleman about that vibe. So, we sit down and I was getting all excited. I was talking about Barstool and how I knew of the WWE and some stories from my past with the WWE…”

** Former NWA World Women’s Champion Jazz sat down with Chris Van Vliet at the Independent Wrestling Expo in Texas. At the conclusion of their chat, Jazz was asked if she thinks she deserves to go into the WWE Hall Of Fame and she believes so. Jazz touched on the now-dismissed concussion lawsuit against WWE and why she specifically sued the company.

“You know what? Honestly, that’s up to them. Do I feel I should be? You damn right. You damn right. They’re trying to put that lawsuit situation over my head but you know how many people have f*cking sued Vince McMahon that’s still in the Hall Of Fame? You know, so I don’t wanna hear that. Yeah it did [the lawsuit got dismissed] and my thing wasn’t even about the concussions. My situation with them, I was upset because the whole time I was there, they never gave me freaking action figure, you know? So it’s like the people of color was treated a little differently. They didn’t know how to really market me. I made myself. They gave me the platform to go out there but, Jazz got over on her own but yeah, no action figure, never on a poster. That’s the sh*t I was upset about, but it’s all good. I still thank ‘em for the opportunity because without them, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here right now so I don’t hate them, I just wanted to be treated fairly.”

At WrestleMania 18, Jazz, Trish Stratus and Lita had to follow Hulk Hogan versus The Rock. Jazz feels that the placement of the Women’s Title match was done on purpose.

“Well, you know, they put us in a bad situation and it was intentionally done because the crowd was so high, right? And they needed something — they had to go get water or use the bathroom. That was the time for them to go, during our match. But, we just stuck to our guns and we had faith in our ability to go out there and draw the people and we still considered — that was a great match but, that’s how they treated the women back then. We had respect and we was earning our respect, but they would come tell us, ‘Oh, well, they’re saying y’all are wrestling too much like men’ but our ratings were higher during the women’s matches at that time [than] tons of the men’s matches, so it was a lot of hater-ation going on if you ask me.”

To kick off the interview, Jazz stated that she’s done with the in-ring performance of wrestling. She said she planned on doing a retirement tour this year but with the COVID-19 pandemic, those plans were put on hold. She added that she may try again in 2021.

“But honestly, I just had my last match this past Sunday. I’m done with in-ring. Last match, I ain’t gonna say — yeah, yeah, ever. I’m done, because I’m limping right now so… yeah [in response to she knows how wrestling retirements work], but I’m not gonna Terry Funk it. I’m done. I was actually gonna do a whole tour for 2020 but with the pandemic happening, that kind of screwed everything up but, we’ll see for 2021. I may try to do a little tour around. Well, I’m really done but I go out there and do 45 seconds, one minute, that’s all I got.”

Following up on that, Jazz stated that she went into her last match knowing it was gonna be her last. She said a reason why she had to give up the NWA World Women’s Title is because of physical and mental battles she was having.

“Yes I did, yes I did. Honestly guys, truthfully, I’ve been having some issues with my knees and my back and a lot of more issues that physically, mentally and emotionally, that’s why I kind of just had to forfeit the NWA Title, because I was having some issues so, I just figured I got two beautiful daughters and I gotta focus on them right now.”

Jazz started her career in pro wrestling in ECW under the tutelage of Paul Heyman. Jazz credited Heyman for being a key piece of her success.

“I always give Paul E credit, because Paul E… the birth of Jazz happened in ECW so without Paul E, there would be no Jazz and he not only gave me opportunity, he pushed me, and just [sent me] out there and let it happen but he would tell the guys, ‘Don’t go easy on her.’ It’s pretty scary before a pay-per-view match and he’s over there telling your opponent, ‘Beat the f*ck out of her,’ and you’re just, you’re already nervous and then he comes over there to me, ‘And I want you to put it on him. Beat him like he stole from your mama.’ That’s just how Paul E is. He likes to get in your mind and he’s good at it, but yeah, he’s the one that gave me my first opportunity and it was up to me. I was given an opportunity and it was either nut up or shut up.”

** IMPACT World Champion Eric Young was a guest on David Penzer’s ‘Sitting Ringside’ podcast. Young talked about the original plan for SAnitY’s debut on SmackDown and in the midst of that, he spoke about the incident that occurred at a house show in 2018 in California where Shinsuke Nakamura was bit by a police dog.

“We were supposed to be with New Day and during the show, our debut, the main event was like an eight-man or a six-man and I can’t even remember who’s in it but I know it’s three guys versus New Day and then New Day goes over and then our music hits and we come out and stand at the top of the ramp to end SmackDown and that’s gonna be the first time you see us, SmackDown goes off the air with the three of us standing there. It’s a big moment and it’s a cool spot to be in working with New Day. These three guys that are absolute pros, three of the most amazing human beings that I know, three of the most talented professional wrestlers that I know and the match went long and our segment got cut and that’s what happens with live wrestling so we’re standing there at the Gorilla Position and they cut it because we wouldn’t have time to get out on the top of the ramp and then shoot us. They would’ve been able to show maybe a couple of seconds, but they felt maybe it wasn’t effective enough, and then, for whatever reason, that plan changed and we ended up doing something with The Usos and then through this weird cosmic event that happened, Shinsuke Nakamura is on a house show in California, we’re there with him and he gets attacked by a bomb sniffing dog and it bites him and he has to go to the hospital. So the next day, it’s SmackDown, we’re in California and they’re like, ‘Well someone has to wrestle Jeff Hardy for the U.S. Title.’ I’m pretty sure it was B.G. James [Road Dogg] [who] said, ‘Eric Young is excellent, he’s a heel, he’s new, it’s a good spot for him so have him come out and challenge Jeff’ so that’s what we do, but they’re like, ‘Woah, Eric can’t beat Jeff. We don’t even know who Eric is yet. We know that SAnitY’s brand new’ and then it’s like, well maybe The Usos can come out and we attack Jeff Hardy and The Usos come out and rolls it into a six-man. Well then it’s like, ‘Well, they can’t go over because The Usos are going for the tag titles and Jeff Hardy’s the U.S. [Champion]’ so the first time seeing us work on TV, we get beat, and like literally at that point, I knew we were done, like dead in the water and [I’m] not a person that’s been concerned about winning or losing but there’s times when you gotta win and when you’re a debuting group, half the audience doesn’t even know who we are and we get beat the first time seeing us wrestle on TV, we’re dead. We’re dead in the water. Before we can even learn to walk, they’re breaking our legs.”

Eric Young further reflected on his time in WWE as a part of SAnitY, specifically competing in WarGames. Young stated that he spearheaded the layout for the first NXT WarGames match in 2017.

“I did a lot of work in that match. Putting it together and organizing it and I think anybody that was in it and Adam Cole and Roderick Strong and AOP [Akam & Rezar] and all those guys, they’ll tell you. I feel like the success of that. It was definitely a group effort, but I think a lot of it was spearheaded by me and winning match of the year was a huge feather in my cap.”

** Sarah Wolfe, who wrestles as the “Razor” character for Women of Wrestling is a co-host of the Women’s Wrestling Talk podcast. Sarah provided an update on the W.O.W. show and stated that talents have been in contact with the promotion’s founder David McLane. She added that it’s just a matter of establishing COVID-19 protocols. It was announced in June that AXS TV and WOW parted ways.

 “David [McLane] has been very communicative with us as far as what is holding up filming and the fact that it’s the pandemic, for anyone who’s curious. Basically, WOW wants to make sure they’re moving forward the correct way and in a way that makes sense for the audience, for them, where they’re filming it, where they’re placing it and for the safety of the wrestlers so, the plan is for WOW to come back. It’s just waiting on them to create a protocol basically.”

** Hannibal TV has an interview up with Teal Piper, daughter of the late ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper. Recently, Teal shared photos of herself and Ronda Rousey training along with JTG and Deimos. Teal discussed what it was like training with Rousey:

“Well, Ronda actually, obviously we’ve been in touch for quite some time but I reached out to her when I tore my ACL so I had to get a donor ACL put in and a meniscus repair maybe six months [ago] now, and so I had reached out to her. Obviously I was feeling super bummed because I’m just now launching into the industry and it’s like, ‘Guess what!? You get to stay out for an injury now’ so, she had-had a similar injury and that’s actually part of why she’s so good at arm bars and things like that is she just spent a year of her life working on only that because she couldn’t use her knee, so she invited me out to train with her and then I started working with Deimos and I was like, ‘Why don’t you come train with all of us?’ And you know, she’s so aggressive in the ring, especially for women. I’m used to seeing a lot of very aggressive men in the ring but women, some of them aren’t so physical and Ronda is not that person. She has very strong moves and is very aggressive and I find it very inspiring, especially as a woman to get in there and get your hands dirty.”

The interview also included a Q&A from those who tuned in live. Teal was asked for her thoughts about Ronda Rousey using Roddy Piper’s nickname and Teal stated that she does not want to use her father’s gimmick/nickname.

“I think I’d have to be a pretty insecure person about my own level of talent to worry about stuff like that. When Ronda got into wrestling, I, at that point had not considered getting into it myself yet. I don’t think I was there mentally. I always say I was not an MMA fan until Ronda Rousey. She drew me in as a fan and I’m sure a lot of women especially can say the same thing. She’s done so much for women in sports and I was actually there with my dad when her and Gene LeBell called to ask to use ‘Rowdy’ for her MMA gimmick. So it seemed like a natural transition when she came to WWE. I thought it was really cool that she wanted to honor him in that way. Personally, I don’t want to use my dad’s gimmick, especially because I’m his kid. I think that-that — that’s like a one-offer. It’s cool when Ronda uses it to honor him but I think for me, it’s important that I establish myself as more than just my dad’s kid, you know?”

Teal told the story of why her father consistently wore his leather jacket. She said he wore it everywhere because he’d previously been stabbed on several occasions by those who were not fond of his on-screen character.

 “I remember being a kid and him going inside a restaurant or to pick up an order and bringing me back to the car because somebody wanted to fight him inside, because everybody wants to have their shot at Roddy Piper for some reason. That leather jacket that he wore, that wasn’t a gimmick. He wore that because he’d been stabbed three times by fans so he started to wear this heavy, heavy leather that you can’t get a knife through and he would wear that everywhere. You could have a meeting with him in L.A. in 110 degree weather and he would show up with that jacket on because he was just so — had that mentality left from the 70s and 80s part of his career where he could get stabbed at any point.”

** IMPACT Wrestling Co-Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore was the focus of an international media call (Quotes via Metro). Scott touched on the idea of IMPACT possibly integrating fans back into their shows and he explained why they are choosing to take it very slow in department.

“As you can see, we’ve taken our own approach and been a little more conservative than the other companies. That’s not a knock or criticism on them. We just evaluated for ourselves. Right now, we are focusing on putting out the best possible product we can, as safely as possible. Like everybody else, we long for a day when our performers and events can be out in front of rabid fans both here domestically, and here in the UK and hopefully around the world. Until then, we’ll continue to take all the precautions that we think prudent to do our best.”

D’Amore added that had the COVID-19 outbreak not occurred, IMPACT would have been looking at touring the U.K. this year.

“100%, getting back out with live events in front of the UK fans is a huge part of our continued growth. When we were over there in 2018, we knew we had to right the ship and then look to get out there. I think we’ve done a pretty good job with that. In an ideal world, we would have been looking at being in the UK in 2020.”

** UFC Hall Of Famer Ken Shamrock joined Bully Ray and David LaGreca on Busted Open Radio. Several weeks ago, Shamrock asked Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to do the honors of inducting him into the IMPACT Wrestling Hall Of Fame during Bound For Glory weekend. The Rock responded by noting that he’d work on it. Shamrock talked about asking The Rock to the do the honors:

“No [he’s not super close with The Rock], me and Rock ran a program and we’ve definitely stayed in contact through social media, but his schedule and my schedule, I mean it’s not like we can go out and have coffee. We just live on two parts of the world. But I’ll never forget the things that he did for me and the times we spent together were special because it really did help me in my pro wrestling career and I know he’ll tell you the same thing with me in the things we did because that shot him up into stardom and it wasn’t because of me, it was because of what we were able to do together and be able to give ourselves a chance to be able to step away and do greater things in other places but, that was the start for me and for him and he was a big part of that so, I just thought it was fitting for him to be a part of that induction because I believe that’s where it started was with him.”

** Following winning the 2020 Champion Carnival tournament, it was officially announced that Zeus is challenging Suwama for the AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship on 10/17.

** Kurt Angle was announced for the Chris Jericho cruise in 2021.

** U.S. Olympian Rulon Gardner chatted with The Wrap for an exclusive interview. He talked about the two separate contract offers he received from WWE and the company wanting to pair him with Kurt Angle upon his arrival.

“In 2000, right afterwards, they said, ‘Hey, WWE wants you to possibly join up,’ and I’m like, well, I still have Olympic aspirations and I made a commitment to myself to go for two Olympics, and so I just didn’t even take it serious then.

Then in ’04, I got done and retired and Kurt Angle and the WWE team called me and said, ‘Hey, we’d like to have you come down and try out and see what we could do about bringing you on board, because we think you and Kurt Angle would be a good tag team.’ I went down there and I got to see a showdown in Phoenix. And I got done and was getting ready to leave and they had me do some media stuff on camera, talk on the camera, take a roll. And then it’s like, ‘Dude, you and Kurt Angle would be the tag team Dream Team.’ I was offered a really good deal. I got home and said, ‘Mom, what do you think?’ And she said, ‘Is this what you want your life to become? I raised you and you’ve been an amateur wrestler, you’ve been a sportsman.’ And I’ve been, hopefully, a humanitarian. I’m not a person who goes out trying to hurt people.”

Rulon stated that he debated the decision but ultimately decided not to join WWE. He was asked if he was concerned about the reception to him transitioning from amateur wrestling to scripted pro wrestling and said that was a reason. Rulon was also told by WWE that when they brought him in, they would make light of him and “tarnish” him, only to build him back up.

“In the conversation, [WWE] said, ‘We may tarnish you, we may drag you through the mud a bit– not mud, but we’re going to bring you down, because everyone wants to see somebody who comes from failure and hardship and loss.’ It’s like the phoenix rising again. You know, Kurt Angle was great and great and then everybody disliked him and he came back as a champion again. That’s what they wanna do with your persona. They wanna figure out what is going to help get people interested because if you’re just like happy-go-lucky, ‘shucks,’ ‘darn’ — and then all of a sudden people probably get bored of that. But if you start that way and then turn ‘evil,’ all these type of things, then people will be like, ‘Oh, he’s such a jerk.’ And then you come back. And it’s part of the professional wrestling journey. And I understand it, I could see it.”

** Revolution Pro Wrestling posted Amazing Red and PAC’s match from the 2019 British J Cup tournament:



** WWE applied to the trademark the following NXT UK talent names: Kay Lee Ray, A-Kid, Amale, Amir Jordan and Aoife Valkyrie.

** Charly Caruso, The Miz and Susan Levison, SVP of WWE Studios are co-hosting a panel on 10/7 on the topic of anticipating what’s next in the growth of WWE.

** The Hashtag Show uploaded their interview with Kevin Nash. Nash said that if he were to add a female member to the nWo, it would be Sasha Banks.

“Probably [would] be Sasha [Banks]. I thought her match at SummerSlam that she lost, I thought the psychology was amazing at the end. It was some thought there. There was several times that she had her in the — is she going to tap? No. She doesn’t tap and they worked it back and forth and I thought, ‘I’m not seeing that anywhere else.’ I mean I’m seeing it here, I’m seeing it in her match and she’s very attractive. That goes without saying but she’s got that swag… she’s the total package.”

** Kevin Nash will also be featured in a film titled ‘Chick Fight’ that’s releasing on November 13th. The trailer can be watched at this link.

** Added to the 10/7 episode of AEW Dynamite is a singles match between Big Swole and Serena Deeb.

** AEW’s Taz was a guest on the Mike Delivers Podcast. At the conclusion of the show, Taz jokingly scoffed at Chris Jericho getting celebrated for his 30 years in the wrestling business while over the Summer, Taz celebrated 33+ years in wrestling.

“It’s gonna be a big show. You know who Chris Jericho is of course? Chris, we’re doing a big celebration of Chris. It’ll be 30 years he’s in the wrestling business, so that’ll be on Dynamite. It’s a big, big deal. I celebrated in June, 33 years in the wrestling business and nobody in the company gave a sh*t so, but congrats to Chris,” Taz laughed.

** Renee Paquette (Renee Young) chatted with Erika Nardini on the Token CEO podcast.

** Major League Wrestling announced that the Opera Cup will be a part of their restart this year.

** Per PWInsider, new episodes of NXT U.K. will be taped next week.

** Daily Record has a story up about a young wrestling fan who created a wrestling-themed booked and donated the proceeds to the doctors who helped him recover from Coronavirus.

** Kim Laurinaitis, wife of the late Joseph Laurinaitis (Road Warrior Animal) joined Sportskeeda’s WWE RAW review podcast and talked about how her family has been processing the loss of Joseph.

“Everyone in the family is just utterly shocked, I mean to say the least. There really are no words to describe… we are still in the period of all of this happening. Now we are still getting into the realness of everything setting in, and Kathy [Bella Twins’ mother], I love Kathy to death, and Kathy has been going through her own health issues. She and I have both had health issues in the past couple of years. And I hated it for her because she really struggled because of her health issues. It’s a struggle, aside from it being COVID, and a lot of people not being able to come from certain states. We have been bombarded with phone calls and messages and things like that, and people that are just heartbroken, because they wanted to be here, or come and stay. But they can’t figure out a way to get here.”

** Here’s the newest episode of AEW Dark:



** Part two of Tetsuya Naito’s interview with is up on the site. Naito talked about the partnership between Hiroshi Tanahashi and Kota Ibushi. Naito said he expected Ibushi to take control but the team ended up being similar to his team with Kenny Omega.

“I wanted him to say to Tanahashi, ‘All you have to do is be there. Leave it all to me!’ But that didn’t happen. As it was, it was kinda just like his team with Kenny Omega, right? I think that disappointment just pushed him to the background for me.”

Transitioning to the topic of the G1 tournament, Naito stated that the only reason Yujiro Takahashi is a part of this tourney is because of travel restrictions.

“We’re going to talk about that, too? I mean to be honest, let’s face it, Yujiro is here because of COVID. He wouldn’t have this spot if it weren’t for the travel issues affecting some of the wrestlers. He got a bit of a shine when he started this feud with Okada, but it’s all a spot he wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the pandemic.”

** Taya Valkyrie revealed that she was going to be a part of season four of Netflix’s GLOW series. The show was cancelled by Netflix on 10/5.

** Dave Bautista revealed that he wrestled with asthma. He added that he kept inhalers under the ring.

** Aron Stevens sat down with Wrestling Inc. for an interview. Stevens further reflected on his time as a part of WWE and his experiences in the company. Stevens feels that there are good staff members in WWE in regard to the agents, producers etc. but according to Stevens, there are also quite a few that are not “stand-up” people.

“That was that machine, and again, only so much I can do. What I didn’t like was how some of the people in between the top of the mountain and the talent would treat talent, and they would absolutely talk down to them. It literally was high school with grown men that were supposed to be in positions of authority, and this doesn’t go with everybody.

There’s some very good people there. Mike Rotunda, Road Dogg, Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson, Jamie Noble and Fit Finlay, all of those people, I’ll tell you what, great human beings. I really think the world of all them. There were people between the office and the agents, they were, to me, some of the most insecure people I’d ever met. They’re your friends when the boss likes you, but then if the boss sours on you, I don’t want to say they’re not men, but to me, they’re just not very stand-up people. And I don’t respect that, and this is nothing that I wouldn’t say to their face. And I have at some point, which maybe is why I’m not there anymore, or maybe I didn’t get more than I got because I was always very honest in a respectful way, but you stand by what you say, and that that doesn’t happen a lot.”

** Ring of Honor put a short clip on their social media channels to promote the debut of EC3 in the company. Here are the results from the 10/5 episode of ROH TV:

ROH Pure Championship First Round Match: Tracy Williams def. Rust Taylor
ROH Pure Championship First Round Match: PJ Black def. Tony Deppen

** pushed out their interview with Robert Roode. The former NXT Champion stated that he’s open to the idea of returning to NXT if that’s where he’s needed.

“NXT was a great spot for me. When I first came to WWE, I was able to be a part of that brand early on, and do my part and try to really grow that brand, and had the opportunity to be their champion, and to be on top, and to main event TakeOvers. That was just a great experience and the brand itself has now grown even larger. So wherever the job takes me, I’m going to be there and I’m going to do everything I can to be a guy that the brand can lean on, and to be in the mix, and to take every opportunity that is given to me and make the best of it. So whether that’s on Raw, whether that’s on SmackDown, or whether that’s on NXT, I’m going to do everything I can to stand out and to work my way towards being a champion again.”

** Maithan Steel, a mining & metals company based in India has hired The Great Khali to be a brand ambassador.



** Lilian Garcia shared a clip of an interview she conducted with Renee Paquette (Renee Young). Garcia’s ‘Chasing Glory’ podcast is returning this Fall.



** NXT U.K. Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray did an interview with The National’s ‘Arts & Culture’ section.

** Nikki and Brie Bella joined the ‘Uncool with Alexa Bliss’ podcast.

** AEW posted a compilation video of Chris Jericho highlights from his first year in All Elite Wrestling.



** Part one of PWInsider’s interview with Kurt Angle is up on their site. Angle talked about the early stages of his interest in pursuing pro wrestling and the idea of potentially joining ECW had Paul Heyman offered him a deal prior to his start with WWE.

** Jim Varsallone of the Miami Herald chatted with Booker T and Sharmell.



** Samoa Joe and Xavier Woods played ‘Ready 2 Rumble Boxing’.

** MyTwinTiers published an article to promote the Northern Tier Wrestling promotion’s show on 10/17.

** The lineup has been announced for this week’s episode of NJPW Strong and it’s listed as followed:

– Fred Rosser, Adrian Quest & Barrett Brown vs. Misterioso, Blake Christian & Logan Riegel
Lion’s Break Crown Final: Clark Connors vs. Danny Limelight
Elimination Match: David Finlay, Jeff Cobb, Rocky Romero, TJP, ACH & Karl Fredericks vs. BULLET CLUB (Jay White, KENTA, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Hikuleo & Chase Owens)

** Monster Factory has tickets on-sale for their ‘Monster Mash’ show on 10/30.

** To promote the 10/7 episode of AEW Dynamite, AEW premiered a ‘Road To’ show for the program.



** Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa broke down the first half of the G1 Climax tournament for the latest installment of the Tama’s Island podcast.

** WWE won a multitude of awards at the w3 Awards.

** Lana put a new video up on her YouTube channel featuring Natalya.



** AAA ‘Auto Luchas’ Results (10/4/20) Mexico City, Mexico
– La Parka Negra def. Dinastia
– Faby Apache def. Hades
– Maximo & Mr. Iguana def. Carta Brava Jr. & Mocho Cota Jr.
AAA World Cruiserweight Championship: Laredo Kid (c) def. Octagon Jr.
– Octagon Jr. def. El Texano Jr.
Three Way Match: Pagano def. Chessman and Psycho Clown

** There is a catalog of Mickie James matches up on the WWE Network.

** WWE’s 2010 Hell In A Cell event was the focus of Arn Anderson’s latest podcast.

** WrestleZone has an interview with Mick Foley.

If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 9218 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.