REPORT: Tony Chimel let go from WWE

Longtime WWE employee Tony Chimel has been let go from the company, per report.

Photo Credit: WWE

WWE has cut and/or furloughed a handful of talent and additional staff members dating back to April which was a month after the COVID-19 pandemic began. Additional cuts were made recently per PWInsider. The site noted that 10-15 employees that mainly worked at WWE Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut were let go.

One of the names that was let go is ring announcer Tony Chimel. Chimel has been a part of WWE for over two decades and was the ring announcer for the SmackDown brand for a number of years. WWE regularly brought him back on-screen to announce Hall Of Famer Edge to the ring.



Chimel worked behind-the-scenes in WWE as a production manager and oversaw the ring crew.

Included in that batch of employees that was let go was Derek Casselman, who was the Director of Venue Merchandise and Remote Operations and had been with the company since the early 90s.

About Andrew Thompson 9115 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.