REPORT: WWE signs Anthony Henry

Per report, WWE has signed Anthony Henry and he'll be reporting to the WWE Performance Center.

Former EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Anthony Henry has signed with WWE, per a report from PWInsider. The site noted that he’ll be reporting to the Performance Center in Orlando ahead of his on-screen debut for the brand.

Over the weekend, Henry wrote a detailed message about his final match for the PWX Wrestling promotion and how crucial the promotion has been to his career. At the conclusion of his message, he noted that he hopes to make everyone proud as he takes the next step in his career.

Back in the summer of 2020, Henry was considering retirement and during his appearance on the Andrew Thompson Interviews YouTube channel in December, he stated that as far as independent wrestling goes, he was going to be done in February if a bigger opportunity didn’t arise.

So it was a combination of a lot of different things. The pandemic, obviously put everybody through a lot, still is and a lot of people have gone through depression, I was one of those people. So… not just the pandemic as a part to where it relates to everybody suffering, but also just wrestling suffering because the pandemic in terms of not that many shows going on. There’s not a lot of work going on and the whole #SpeakingOut thing which was something I already knew about. Not ‘knew about’ but — we talked about earlier about me keeping my circle tight. One reason for that is also because I didn’t — and this is me in general but, I don’t agree with a lot of people and the way their live their lives, and wrestling, I know and I knew that there are plenty of bad people in wrestling and that’s not just to say it’s the wrestling culture or wrestling is bad. You go to any workplace, that’s gonna be the case. You’re going to have plenty of people that are not good people. That’s just life. So it wasn’t surprising, necessarily for it to happen, but just the fact that it did happen, combined with depression, combined with the pandemic, all that stuff in mind kind of led me to that, that I’m gonna be done and as far as where I’m at now with it, I would say maybe until February as far as independent wrestling shows, I’m done. So, unless you see me pop up somewhere under contract with a lot of money, I will more than likely be done with independent wrestling for now, come February.

To read the written version of the interview with Anthony Henry, head over to this link.

About Andrew Thompson 9118 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.