Martin Bushby & Andrew Thompson are back with the first Wrestling Adventure of 2021. This month, they are joined by Chad Gelfand from The Wrestling Estate and “The Professor” Kris Ealy of The Kings of Sport to look back at WWE Royal Rumble 2002.
They talk about the big Triple H return at MSG weeks before the show, Chris Jericho’s Undisputed title run and his match with The Rock, the Steve Austin “What?” craze and where 2002’s Rumble match ranks among the others.
Finally, they talk about the movies/music of 2002, Chris Jericho on twitter, their thoughts on this year’s Rumble and much much more.
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Martin Bushby on Twitter: @bushby01
Andrew Thompson on Twitter: @ADThompson__
Andrew Thompson on YouTube: youtube.com/AndrewThompsonInterviews
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