WWE has released the names of its latest recruitment class at the WWE PC, which they are calling the “largest recruit class in history”.
The following names have reported to the WWE Performance Center and including ten female recruits:
Bronson Rechsteiner – the son of Rick Steiner and played football at Kennesaw State University as a running back and fullback. He began pro wrestling last October.
Kira Magnin-Forster – Better known as Taya Valkyrie, who was initially trained at the Storm Wrestling Academy by Lance Evers and has been a pro for eleven years. She has worked extensively for AAA, Lucha Underground, and just wrapped up with IMPACT Wrestling where she held the Knockouts title for a year.
Shaun Ricker – The former Eli Drake, who is now going as “LA Knight” and debuted on the pre-show of the recent TakeOver: Vengeance Day card. It is Ricker’s second stint in WWE developmental and comes after having success with Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, IMPACT Wrestling, and the NWA where he has become one of the better talkers in the industry.
Angela Arnold – She wrestled as AQA and was trained by Booker T. Arnold has worked for SHIMMER, RISE, and held the Diamonds Division Championship twice for Booker T’s Reality of Wrestling group in Texas.
Parker Boudreaux – His signing was reported several weeks back and confirmed by Paul Levesque on the recent NXT media call. He was an offensive lineman at the University of Central Florida.
Anthony Henry – Henry has been wrestling for nine years and became a regular for EVOLVE in 2016. He won the EVOLVE tag titles with JD Drake in July 2017.
Chance Barrow – The former Harlem Bravado and as part of The Bravado Brothers with Lanc,e they worked for ROH from 2008-12. The duo would find work in Japan for Pro Wrestling NOAH and would bounce around with several groups in the U.S. including Dragon Gate USA and FIP.
Theresa Serrano – She previously wrestled as Lacey Ryan and was introduced several weeks ago as Zoey Stark. She appeared on last week’s episode of NXT defeating Valentina Feroz.
Christian Brigham – The former Christian Casanova, who held titles with Chaotic Wrestling out of Massachusetts, Limitless Wrestling, and Beyond Wrestling.
Priscilla Kelly – She now wrestles as Gigi Dolin and previously appeared in the Mae Young Classic in 2018 and teamed with Cora Jade in the recent Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.
Drew Kasper – He is the brother of Jacob Kasper, who was signed last year to the WWE. Drew is a two-time All-American heavyweight wrestler in Division III wrestling for Otterbein University. He was a started and lettered at the school where he also served as the team captain.
Brianna Coda – Coda wrestled as Elayna Blacker on the independents. She was announced along with the signings of Lacey Ryan and Priscilla Kelly previously. Coda is now wrestling as Cora Jade and teamed with Kelly in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.
Christian Hubble – Previously known as Blake Christian, who had a breakout run on the independents over the past two years mainly working for Game Changer Wrestling. Hubble is only 23 years old and made his debut in 2017
Matrick Belton – He played football at the University of South Carolina and did training at the CZW Academy before his WWE tryout.
Camron Clay – She wrestled as Camron Bra’Nae for the likes of RISE, WWN Live, and EVOLVE. She once wrestled Lacey Evans in an enhancement match on Friday Night SmackDown in October 2019.
Joe Ariola – Ariola, 25, wrestled at the University of Buffalo.
Taylor Grado – The former Avery Taylor, who was trained by Jay Lethal and Matt Sydal and been wrestling for four years.
Karissa Rivera – She made her debut on the independents in 2018 and is from New Jersey where she trained under Damian Adams. She has done several appearances on WWE television in the past.