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Wai Ting & WH Park review The Falcon & The Winter Soldier Ep. 2 as we meet John Walker, the new Captain America. Bucky’s meeting with a former Korean War opponent reveals a horrifying secret to Sam.
We discuss the MCU’s most direct confrontation of American race relations via several scenes in this episode, the “tweener” dynamics of John Walker and The Flag Smashers, the work of director Kari Skogland, comic origins of Isaiah Bradley, Battlestar and Power Broker, and lots more.
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:03:29] The Falcon & Winter Soldier Ep. 2 Review
[00:49:59] Feedback from the POST Wrestling Forum.
[01:08:44] WH Park’s Recommendations
WH Park’s Recommendations:
Watch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/the-falcon-and-the-winter-soldier/
To listen to our previous POST MCU Reviews, click here.
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