IMPACT Wrestling Under Siege
Exclusively on Impact+
May 15th, 202
Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee
Commentary: Matt Striker & D’Lo Brown
Brian Myers vs. Black Taurus (w/ Rosemary & Crazzy Steve)
Taurus takes Myers right away after a lock up, as Myers complains about the hair pulling and Decay being outside as Myers gets taunted by Rosemary with her tarot card. Taurus rolls up and hits a back breaker for a 2 count as Myers cowers to the corner trying to call a timeout. Taurus jumps off the ropes while being in a wrist lock for a 2 count as Myers escapes to the outside calling another timeout. Myers takes a cheap shot at Steve and as Taurus checks on Steve, Myers attacks him against the barricade. Back inside, Myers hits a suplex and back body drop, both with 2 counts. Myers trips up Taurus while they are running the ropes and goes outside to choke Taurus against the bottom rope. Myers keeps Taurus in the corner, hitting stomps and screams ‘The Most Professional Wrestler!’, as he continues to taunt Taurus, but Taurus comes back with a twisting crossbody after running up the ropes. Taurus stops Myers in the corner with a boot, followed by a bulldog and a crucifix bomb for a 2 count. Taurus is able to catch Myers and hit a shoulder breaker for a 2 count, as he picks Myers up, Myers fights back with a kick and a flatliner for a 2 count of his own. Myers heads to the top rope, but Taurus slaps him down, they punch it out, but Myers bites Taurus and hits the Roster Cut for the pin.
Winner: Brian Myers by pinfall at 9:10
Kimber Lee & Susan vs. Taylor Wilde & Tenille Dashwood (w/ Kaleb with a K)
Susan and Wilde start the match, as Susan is not happy at Wilde doing her guitar solo, so she tags out quickly to Kimber Lee. As Lee has Wilde up, Tenille tags herself in and all 4 come in with Taylor and Tenille working on the same page taking out the heels in the corner. Tenille makes sure Taylor is watching as she hits a neckbreaker to Lee on the corner, but Susan knocks Tenille off the apron. Susan and Taylor tag themselves in, and Taylor runs ‘wild’ on Susan, with a head scissors and a Fisherman Suplex, but the pin gets broken up by Lee. Susan has Wilde on the top rope, but Tenille runs but ends up getting thrown in Taylor on the top turnbuckle. Susan goes back and hits the suplex on Wilde, and tries to use the ropes for the pin but gets caught. Susan thinks she won, but Lee yells at her to keep going at Wilde, who hits a small package that Lee breaks up. Susan ends up by the ropes, and gets kicked in the face by Kaleb, as Taylor hits a German Suplex for the pin.
Winners: Taylor Wilde & Tenille Dashwood by pinfall at 4:27
The Hero This Company Needs
We get a hacker style video of Sami Callihan where he is addressing ‘The Forbidden Door’ with AEW and NJPW, and says he is Don Callis’ biggest fear to face Kenny Omega, as Don knows what Sami is capable of. Callihan says he is winning tonight and going after Omega, and like it or not, he might not be the hero this company wants, but he is the hero this company needs.
IMPACT Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) vs. Rohit Raju & Shera vs. TJP & Petey Williams
The referee tries to figure out who’s starting the match, but all 8 men start fighting as the bell rings, until it ends up being Larry D and Fulton to start the match, but Romero quickly tags in and hits a senton for a 2 count. Raju tags in, but his punches don’t phase Romero. Petey tags in, trips up Raju and hits a running dropkick to the back of Raju, and sets him up for a Tree of Woe just to stand on him. TJP comes in as the newly formed tag team works together on Raju. TJP applies some submissions on Raju, followed by a pin attempt until Petey tags back in. Raju escapes out, and tags Shera in who hits a big body slam and works Petey in his corner, as Raju tags back in. They trade off sleeper hold attempts, until Petey hits a twisting neckbreaker, crawling over to tag TJP back in. TJP starts scraping his boot against Raju in the corner, but Shera takes him down with a clothesline before getting tagged back in. Ace Austin blindly gets tagged in for the first time and goes on the attack to TJP before tagging Fulton in and they hit a couple double team moves, with Fulton getting a 2 count. TJP tags in and hits a springboard leg drop / sidewalk slam combo with Fulton for a 2. Austin slowly tries to hold TJP down, but TJP teases tagging in XXXL before going over and tagging in Petey. Petey hits a side Russian leg sweep into a pin attempt, but Austin gets out until Petey hits a power bomb and teases the Canadian Destroyer, but Fulton runs in to stop it. XXXL comes in and takes out Fulton to the outside and hits a back body drop to Austin, then takes down Petey as everybody else comes in to take out XXXL. TJP and Austin end up in the ring, with TJP hitting a boot wash, but gets knocked off the top rope by Raju, who hits a DDT on Austin for a 2 count. Larry D tags himself in and he and Romero hit a double sandwich onto Raju, followed by a backbreaker/elbow drop on Austin but Fulton breaks up the pin. Fulton takes down Larry D, and Austin runs off and hits a splash off the back of Fulton for the pin on Larry.
Winners: Ace Austin & Madman Fulton by pinfall at 13:52, to become #1 contenders for the IMPACT Tag Team Championship
That’s On Period
Gia Miller is backstage with Fire ‘n Flava and asks what’s the game plan for tonight. Kiera Hogan says obviously their titles are coming back home, they got caught slipping the first time but they are ready tonight. Tasha Steelz says again that Jordynne Grace is the weak link, but now they are prepared for Rachael Ellering as well. Tonight they will drag them by their hair and make them bow down to Fire ‘n Flava and be the new two time Knockouts Tag Team Champions. And that’s on period.
W. Morrissey vs. Willie Mack
Mack right away runs toward Morrissey to try and take him out and mounts him in the corner, followed by a couple smacks and punches but Morrissey pushes him off and knocks him down. Mack comes back with chops, as Morrissey escapes to the outside for a breather but Mack quickly chases after him. Back inside, Mack continues the attack, but Morrissey knocks Mack to the outside with a huge boot on Mack who was laying by the bottom rope. Morrissey goes out to follow him and goes after the head of Mack and slams Mack back first against the post. They continue to fight on the barricade, as Morrissey keeps going in and out of the ring to reset the count. Finally, they head back inside where Morrissey applies a submission hold on the back of Mack’s neck, but Mack fights his way out. Morrissey hits a pair of elbow drops, but only gets two. Morrissey continues with the elbows and goes after Mack’s neck. Mack dodges in the corner from a big splash, and tries to knock Morrissey down, hits a spinning kick and a big splash in the corner, followed by a jumping punch. Mack hits a flying clothesline off the top rope, but only gets a 1 count. Mack runs the ropes, but Morrissey catches him and hits the East River Crossing, but instead of going for the pin he hits a running kick to the back of Mack’s head for the pin.
Winner: W. Morrissey by pinfall at 11:54
After the match, Morrissey keeps attacking Mack, teases leaving before going back in the ring with a chair. As he’s about to attack Mack with it, Rich Swann runs in and is able to take Morrissey to the outside, before grabbing onto the chair himself.
IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering (c) vs. Fire ‘n Flava (Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz)
Fire ‘n Flava go and attack the champions before the bell even rings, but it ends up being Ellering and Kiera in the ring. Grace goes to the top rope, but gets knocked down by Tasha, as Rachael goes for a small package for two, followed by a spinebuster for another two. Grace tags in and hits three gut wrench suplexes on Kiera and gets a 2 count. Ellering tags in, chops and takes Kiera down followed by a drop kick and running senton for a 2. Tasha tags in and starts stomping on Ellering followed by chops in the corner. Tasha and Kiera work on Ellering in their corner, making sure she doesn’t tag out to Grace, including a neckbreaker/stomp combo for a 2. Tasha starts talking trash in the face of Ellering, as they continue to pull Ellering away from tagging out. Kiera comes in and takes a cheap shot on Grace, which causes the referee to be distracted by the Fire ‘n Flava double teaming going on. Grace finally tags in, same time as Tasha, and goes on the offense with a pair of body slams and a driver for a very close two count. As Kiera this time is tied up with the ref, Grace & Ellering start double teaming Steelz. Grace hits a spine buster on Tasha, but ends up getting a DDT from Kiera, until Ellering takes out Kiera as all four women are in the middle of the ring. Grace and Tasha end up in the middle of the ring, as Grace clotheslines Steelz into the corner followed by a running double knees and a falling elbow drop. Grace tries to go for a Vader Bomb, but Kiera grabs her ankle until Ellering and Kiera start fighting on the outside including Kiera hitting a Slice Bread on the outside. Back inside, Grace sets Tasha on the top turnbuckle but gets knocked down, as Tasha hits a frog splash for the pin.
Winners: Fire ‘n Flava (Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz) by pinfall at 12:37, to become NEW IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champions
See Ya Later, Natural Disasters
We go to Swinger’s Palace, where we see one Lenny, one of the security guards losing all his money so he puts his car on the line. XXXL walks in and wants to know if they can make a bet in today’s main event. Johnny Swinger makes a tag team crack at them, but Larry says he was only champion because Simon Diamond carried the team. Alisha mentions how Larry D shot John E. Bravo, before Swinger tells Hernandez to escort them out, before calling them the ‘Natural Disasters’.
IMPACT X Division Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs. El Phantasmo
Match starts slow as ELP tries to take down Alexander and fails. ELP keeps trying, but Alexander’s amateur wrestling background quickly keeps taking ELP down. ELP finally is able to trap Alexander in a Bow & Arrow, but Alexander quickly escapes. They trade off leap frogs, but ELP takes down Alexander before showboating a bit. Another leap frog attempt, but Alexander grabs and slams ELP for a 2 count. Alexander whips ELP, hits a back body drop, tries to tie up ELP who escapes to the outside. Back inside, Alexander hits a back breaker for a two count. ELP jumps on the ropes, hits a hurricanrana for a two count. ELP sets up Alexander in the Tree of Woe, ‘revs up the crowd’ and runs and stands on Alexander’s privates. He starts a ‘one more time’ chant before doing it again, but Alexander has had enough and knocks ELP off, causing him to head outside. Alexander tries to chop ELP, but ducks and Alexander hits the post instead. ELP starts working on the fingers of Alexander, testing the referee, before walking on the ropes all throughout the ring, until Alexander is able to catch him and counter it. They start trading off shots in the middle of the ring, but Alexander gets the better of it, hits a splash in the corner followed by a boot for a 2 count. Alexander rolls out of a small package, tries to put an ankle lock on, but ELP escapes and hits a moonsault for a 2 count. ELP hits an airplane spin like drop for a 2 count, goes for the super kick, but Alexander hits a backbreaker into the ankle lock. ELP gets out and uses tights for a roll up, but only gets a two. Alexander hits a release German Suplex followed by a low cross body to knock them both to the outside. Back inside, ELP knocks Alexander off the top rope, hits a kick and hurricanrana off the rope, followed by the frog splash but only gets a two count. ELP goes for the CR2, but Alexander escapes and tries Divine Intervention but ELP breaks out and goes for a bridge suplex for a two, followed by a jackknife pin for another two. Alexander keeps going for the ankle lock, but turns it into the powerbomb/backbreaker, right back into the ankle lock as ELP finally taps out.
Winner: Josh Alexander by submission at 16:45, to retain
Six Man Hype
Gia Miller is backstage with Eddie Edwards and FinJuice asking for the final thoughts before tonight’s match. Juice Robinson says they’ve been thinking a lot about Under Siege, and says there will be no interference tonight and just 3 vs. 3. David Finlay names his opponents and his own team, before asking Edwards how he feels. Edwards says IMPACT is indeed Under Siege, but not by guys like FinJuice, but guys like Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers. And nobody will be able to take IMPACT away from him.
IMPACT Knockouts Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) (w/ Kimber Lee & Susan) vs. Havok
Deonna goes right for Havok, but Havok acts unphased by Deonna’s kicks. Havok ragdolls Deonna around and hits a splash in the corner, goes for the running boot, but Kimber Lee is able to save her, as Susan distracts Havok causing Deonna to jump on her back with a sleeper hold. Deonna goes for the fingers of Havok and kicks her in the arm and continues to target it throughout the match. Havok attempts a comeback, but her arm fails her as Deonna puts on the chicken wing and starts attacking the arm while having Havok in the corner. Havok tries to hit Deonna with stomps, but Deonna keeps dodging out until she runs into Havok, who drops her and puts on a Boston Crab, but Deonna slowly crawls and reaches for the ropes to break it. Havok hits a splash in the corner, but Kimber Lee and Susan both get on the apron distracting Havok. Havok catches Deonna, but Deonna escapes and tries to put on an armbar, but Havok gets out and hits a knee strike followed by a running boot in the corner. She goes for a second one, but Deonna moves and hits the Divorce Court arm bar after jumping off the ropes for leverage as Havok immediately taps out.
Winner: Deonna Purrazzo by submission at 8:38, to retain
FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson) & Eddie Edwards vs. The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) & Kenny Omega (w/ Don Callis)
Don Callis introduces Kenny Omega with his over-the-top introduction as usual, as Omega comes out with the AEW, TNA & IMPACT titles, leaving the AAA one back home. Karl Anderson and David Finlay start the match with a collar and elbow tie-up. Finlay works on the left arm of Anderson, and tags in Juice Robinson. FinJuice keeps working on Anderson, hitting quick tags in the process. Doc Gallows tags in, but Juice stops him and hits a bunch of punches until Gallows stops him with a punch of his own. Finlay tags in, gets cornered in the Bullet Club’s corner as Omega tags in keeping Finlay in their corner, as Anderson tags in. The faces now take turns on Anderson in their corner, followed by Juice hitting a slam and a senton on Anderson, but Omega breaks up the count. Eddie Edwards tags in and works on the arm of Anderson, before Anderson backs Edwards into his corner as Omega tags in and punches Edwards up against the ropes. Edwards knocks Omega down with a shoulder tackle, Atomic Drop and Belly to Belly suplex for a 2 count. Finlay tags in, hits a snap suplex on Omega for the 2 count, before Juice quickly tags in and FinJuice hits a double bulldog on Omega, as Juice gets a 2 count. Gallows trips up Juice to the outside, but Juice is able to duck as Anderson runs into Gallows. Juice tries to get back inside, but Omega takes him down with a drop kick. On the outside, Omega runs Juice’s back up against the apron as he starts shouting into the camera. Gallows and Anderson take turns tagging in and working on Juice in their corner. Juice is able to fight back and tag out to Finlay who takes everybody out and hits a jumping European uppercut. Gallows and Omega run in as all three heels try to take out Finlay. Finlay knocks them out, but gets held by Omega in the corner as Anderson throws Finlay to the outside. Gallows keeps Finlay in his corner with body shots followed by a suplex for a two count. Finlay fights back and hits a jumping cross body, dodges Anderson who comes in and tags in Edwards. Edwards and Omega go at it, with Edwards hitting a barrage of chops in the corner, followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb for the two. Good Brothers run in and take out FinJuice, before all three heels go after Edwards. All six end up in the ring, ending with Edwards hitting a Tiger Driver on Omega for a two count. All six men again end up in the ring, but Omega hits a snap German Suplex on Edwards, followed by a triple splash by Omega with the Good Brothers on his back for a 2 count. The referee has no sense of control here as every man comes in with offense and pin attempts. Omega hits a kick to the neck of Edwards, but Edwards bounces back with a clothesline until Anderson hits Edwards with a TKO for a 2 count. Juice comes in and takes Anderson out with a Unprettier, followed by the Boston Knee Party by Edwards for the pin.
Winners: Eddie Edwards & FinJuice by pinfall at 19:57
6 Way IMPACT World Championship #1 Contenders Match: Sami Callihan vs. Chris Bey vs. Matt Cardona vs. Trey Miguel vs. Chris Sabin vs. Moose
Moose starts the match inviting everybody to come and attack him, and he is able to take them down one by one ending with a throwaway slam to Moose, screaming he’s the best wrestler in the world until Bey and Sabin hit him out of the ring with a double superkick. Sabin hits a drop kick but misses in the corner as Bey takes Sabin out of the ring with a drop kick. Miguel and Bey now showcasing their speed with Miguel coming up in the upper hand before Callihan comes in taking Miguel down with a shoulder tackle and a Death Valley Driver. Cardona comes in and takes Callihan out but quickly gets taken down by Moose, until all men end up fighting on the outside including Bey and Miguel hitting in stereo tope con giros on the outside. Callihan takes Bey out with a powerbomb on the apron as they head back inside. Cardona runs in but Callihan sets up Cardona and Bey in the corner ending with Bey hitting an upside down suplex onto Callihan and Cardona, but Sabin hits a Coast to Coast on Bey. Miguel puts a Dragon Sleeper on Sabin but Moose breaks it up and takes them out, including Bey who runs in. Moose hits a superplex on Miguel, but receives a frog splash by Bey but the pinfall gets broken up by Callihan with a chair shot to the back of Bey. Callihan sets up the chair in the middle of the ring and hits a suplex to Bey on it that Cardona breaks up the pin attempt for. Callihan and Cardona go at it, but Sabin takes them both out with a DDT/flatliner combo followed by a missile dropkick to Cardona. Miguel comes in and takes out Sabin, but gets a spinning kick from Bey. Cardona takes out Moose with Radio Silence, but Callihan hits him with a low blow and as he’s about to take out Cardona, the Good Brothers run out, grab Callihan and take him out. Chris Sabin hits a Cradle Shock on Cardona but Moose breaks up the pin attempt. Moose ends up clipping Sabin’s injured knee followed by the spear for the pin.
Winner: Moose by pinfall at 10:48, to become #1 contender for the IMPACT World Championship
After the match, Moose screams that he’s going to take back “what’s ours” as he has a match slated for Kenny Omega coming.