There are ten matches currently announced for the 6/22 episode of AEW Dark on the All Elite Wrestling YouTube channel. Tomorrow’s show will feature the likes of Abadon, Dan Barry, FTW Champion Brian Cage, Colt Cabana and Marko Stunt.
Below is the current card for the next installment of AEW Dark:
- Dan Barry vs. Colt Cabana (w/ Orange Cassidy, Trent & Kris Statlander)
- Ashley D’Amboise vs. Diamante
- Griff Garrison (w/ Brian Pillman Jr. & Julia Hart) vs. Marko Stunt
- Ashley Vox vs. Abadon
- Chandler Hopkins vs. Brian Cage
- Reka Tehaka vs. The Bunny (w/ The Blade)
- Serpentico (w/ Luther) vs. Stu Grayson
- Kit Sackett vs. Colt Cabana
- Brian Pillman Jr. (w/ Julia Hart & Griff Garrison) vs. Bear Bronson
- Rex Lawless vs. Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts)
#AEWDark airs TOMORROW at 7/6c – https://t.co/BrjjA2FDJn
– @SexyChuckieT w/ @orangecassidy, @callmekrisstat & @trentylocks vs #DanBerry
– @ashley_damboise vs @DiamanteLAX
– @griffgarrison1 vs @realmarkostunt
– @ashley__vox vs @abadon_AEW pic.twitter.com/4vjpeL82kQ— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 22, 2021
#AEWDark airs TOMORROW at 7/6c – https://t.co/BrjjA2FDJn
– #ChandlerHopkins vs FTW Champ @MrGMSI_BCage
– @Reka_Tehaka vs #TheBunny @AllieWrestling
– @KingSerpentico w/ @KillLutherKill vs #DarkOrder's @stu_dos
– #KitSackett vs @ColtCabana pic.twitter.com/pzF9IY8kNt— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 22, 2021
#AEWDark airs TOMORROW at 7/6c – https://t.co/BrjjA2o2kN
– @FlyinBrianJr with @griffgarrison1 and @TheJuliaHart vs @bearbronsonBC
– #RexLawless vs #MurderhawkMonster #LanceArcher (@LanceHoyt) with @JakeSnakeDDT pic.twitter.com/58OOpDCMPV— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) June 22, 2021
This week’s AEW Dark and Dark: Elevation will be covered on POST Wrestling’s Shot In The Dark show which can be found at this link.