The Great Muta is no longer competing at NOAH’s show on 8/15.
Former GHC Heavyweight Champion Keiji Muto and the current GHC Heavyweight Champion Naomichi Marufuji were scheduled to team up at Pro Wrestling NOAH’s 8/15 show but Muto has been pulled from the match. NOAH announced that there is “suspicion” that Muto came into contact with someone who has COVID-19.
He was pulled from the show as a precautionary measure. Muto recently tested negative for COVID.
【グレート・ムタ選手 欠場のお知らせ】
8月15日(日)カルッツかわさき大会に出場予定でしたグレート・ムタ選手につきまして、大会前のPCR検査では陰性でありましたが、濃厚接触者の疑いがあり、管轄保健所からの認定の遅れもあって、今回は大事をとって同大会を欠場といたします。#noah_ghc pic.twitter.com/6Pc8PRQyL3— プロレスリング・ノア | PRO WRESTLING NOAH (@noah_ghc) August 12, 2021
Marufuji and Muto were going to take on Hayata and Ogawa Yoshinari. Filling in for Muto is former DDT KO-D Openweight Champion Nosawa Rongai.
In early June, Marufuji defeated Muto for the GHC Heavyweight Title at the CyberFight Festival. To read POST Wrestling’s report about that match and the entire show, click here.