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John Pollock & Wai Ting are joined by Benno (GRAPPL Spotlight, British Wrestling Experience) to review Ospreay: The Rise of an International Pro Wrestler, a crowd-funded 2020 documentary profiling the early career of Will Ospreay and the UK independent wrestling scene.
They focus their conversation around how much the landscape of the UK wrestling scene has changed since the documentary’s production, the documentary’s inception and subsequent delays following a successful 2016 Kickstarter campaign, the career of Will Ospreay and recent controversies attached to his name, the future of BritWres and more.
Espresso Executive Producer Alex Francois joins us to discuss his selection before going through the Trivia Gauntlet.
We had no luck in acquiring a proper way to watch the documentary in Canada, but in the UK, you can stream it on Amazon Prime’s streaming service. In the US, you can rent it through Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Ospreay-Rise-International-Pro-Wrestler/dp/B08HFP2537
Next time on Rewind-A-Wai… WrestleMania XIX (2003)
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