IMPACT Wrestling Report: Christian & Alexander vs. Austin & Fulton

John Siino's review of IMPACT where Christian Cage & Josh Alexander teamed up against Ace Austin & Madman Fulton as BFG approaches.

Photo Courtesy: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT! Wrestling

October 7th, 2021

By: John Siino

Skyway Studios in Nashville, Tennessee

Commentary: Josh Mathews & D’Lo Brown

Before the IMPACT! – Laredo Kid def. Matthew Rehwoldt by pinfall at 9:10

The Bullet Club (HIKULEO, Chris Bey & El Phantasmo) vs. FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson) & Chris Sabin

Chris Bey and Chris Sabin start the match and trade-off pin attempts and dropkicks before they tag out to Juice and ELP as we see the Good Brothers from their home watching the match. Juice hits an atomic drop and standing senton as he starts talking trash to the rest of the Bullet Club before tagging in Finlay who hits a double ax handle before Sabin tags in and does the same. Bullet Club keeps Juice in their corner as they take turns attacking him including back rakes. Finlay tags in and tries to hit a crossbody but gets caught by HIKULEO who drops him with a big boot before tagging in ELP. Bey and Finlay start going at it before Sabin gets tagged in and hits a double crossbody on ELP and Bey. FinJuice and Sabin all hit dives onto the Bullet Club on the outside. All six men start fighting on the inside and outside before Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock, but HIKULEO distracts the referee while ELP low blows him and Bey hits the Art of Finesse for the pin.

Winners: The Bullet Club (HIKULEO, Chris Bey & El Phantasmo) by pinfall at 8:44

Front Row Seat

Gia Miller is backstage with Josh Alexander and asks what his dynamic will be tonight as he teams up with Christian Cage. Alexander says it normally would be an honor and a privilege but there’s an issue as they are going one-on-one at Bound for Glory. Alexander is calling himself the wild card and Cage thinks he’s going to take advantage of him, but he’s got another thing coming and tonight when he takes care of Ace Austin and Madman Fulton, Cage will have a front-row seat on what’s going to happen at Bound for Glory.

He’s Got Kids, But No Best Friend

Heath heads to the ring as the crowd chants ‘welcome back’ but Heath says welcome back to the fans as they were missed. Heath says he’s been out for a year, and we all have had a bad year and last year he came in at Bound for Glory ready to get his IMPACT contract until the rug got pulled from underneath him. After hospital visits and his family taking care of him at home, but the worst thing was that he lost his best friend and after many attempts to reach out to him he never got a phone call from Rhino. He’s not putting blame on Rhino because that’s not the Rhino that we all know, and Violent by Design has brainwashed him and it’s pissing him off. So, he’s out there today to call out his best friend Rhino so they can talk.

Instead, we hear the music of Violent by Design, as Eric Young, Deaner and Joe Doering make their way out. Young says the Rhino that Heath knew before was gone as Young got rid of him and made him better, stronger, and more pure. Young asks how many times they have to get rid of Heath and only he can speak for Rhino now. VBD goes into the ring and Young says Rhino belongs to him before Heath says Rhino doesn’t belong to anybody. Young tells Heath to leave this ring and never come back again. Heath says with all due respect he wouldn’t do that for anybody, and he’d be damned if he walked out. Young asks him again to leave or he will force their hand. Heath asks who wants to try him and starts attacking VBD, but Doering knocks him down with a clothesline as VBD starts attacking Heath. The fans start chanting for Rhino as Young says you can cheer for him all you want; he’s not coming and hits Heath with a shot to the stomach as Deaner and Doering hold him down before they hit him with the VBD flagstick.

Rotten Idea

Gia Miller is backstage with Willie Mack and Rich Swann and says next week has a chance to advance and fight at Bound for Glory for the vacant X-Division Champion but Zicky Dice and Manny Lemons interrupt as Swann starts making fun of their gear and questions if they think they are better than them and since they think so he will go to Scott D’Amore and set up this tag team match for tonight. Lemons and Dice go to Brian Myers and tell them about the match, but Myers says that idea is rotten and won’t be in their corner tonight and he heads to his bus to eat chicken wings.

Kimber Lee, Brandi Lauren & Lady Frost vs. Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans & Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes making her IMPACT Wrestling debut starts the match with Lady Frost who quickly tags out to Brandi Lauren who is draped in the same undead bride gear as Kimber Lee and Su Yung do. Tasha gets tagged in but is scared of Lauren so tags out to Evans as they go to commercial.

When we come back, Tasha is in control over Lauren before tagging in Evans. Evans and Tasha keep taking turns as Mercedes looks frustrated that she isn’t being tagged in. Mercedes reaches out but Tasha teases it and doesn’t tag her in, as Kimber Lee tags in and takes control as they plug Turning Point live from Las Vegas on November 20th. Mercedes comes in and takes out Lee and goes for the pin, but she isn’t the legal woman, Tasha takes advantage and rolls up Kimber Lee for the pin.

Winners: Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans & Mercedes Martinez by pinfall at 9:15

In Honor of Daffney

After the match, Mercedes starts arguing a bit with Tasha, but Evans gets in between them. Alisha Edwards runs out with a Kendo stick and attacks Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren as revenge for them abducting one of the Swingerellas from Swinger’s Palace.

We cut to Alisha who’s backstage screaming for Kimber Lee. Gail Kim comes out and tells her she can have Lee at Knockouts Knockdown in a Monster’s Ball match, but it will also have Jordynne Grace, and Savannah Evans and it will be in honor of Daffney.

Today’s Host (Bodies)

We go to It’s All About Me with Tenille Dashwood who’s along with Madison Rayne and Kaleb with a K as her ‘guests’. Rayne goes through the headline of The Influence becoming Knockouts Tag Team Title contenders with their finisher move ‘The Collab’ and says that’s exactly what they’ll do to win the titles against the ‘hosts’ of the day, Decay as Havok and Rosemary join them. Tenille goes on a rampage of cursing as it’s all bleeped out and ends it by saying something about popcorn without salt and butter. Rosemary asks The Influence if they feel lucky, but Tenille and Madison quickly try to sign off, but Decay says they don’t get dismissed as the show is now theirs and say they need new ‘host bodies’ as The Influence runs away.

Calling the Shots

Moose and W. Morrissey are backstage, and Moose talks about in this story the heroes don’t save the day they get sent to the hospital and that’s what they did to Sami Callihan and Eddie Edwards. Morrissey says this is an alliance and they will take this alliance to the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at Bound for Glory, but Moose says when it comes down to them, they will kick each other’s asses.

X Division Championship Tournament Match: Black Taurus vs. Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams

Black Taurus starts in control and hits a backbreaker to Maclin knocking him to the outside before Petey goes after Taurus and hits a huracanrana off the top rope followed by a dropkick to the back while Taurus is on the ropes. Petey dodges Taurus who ends up diving to Maclin on the outside as Petey dives as well and hits Maclin with a huracanrana off the apron. Taurus tries to hold Petey from going in but gets hit with a stomp to the face as Maclin drags Petey in. Maclin keeps attacking Petey and Taurus and hits Petey with a backbreaker. Maclin gets knocked to the outside as Petey takes out Taurus with a leg sweep and crucifix pin attempt. Maclin comes back in but gets taken out with a running knee. Taurus hits Maclin with a crucifix bomb but only gets a two count. Petey and Taurus go at it on the top rope, but Maclin stops them and hits Petey with the crosshairs in the corner. Taurus comes back in, gets hit with the Canadian Destroyer but Maclin sneaks in and hits Mayhem for All on Petey for the pin.

Winner: Steve Maclin by pinfall at 7:10, to advance

Writing the Wrongs

Gia Miller is backstage with Christian Cage and asks him about tonight’s match. Cage said that Josh Alexander has the best seat in the house and that’s good news and bad news as he can watch Cage but then realizes he’s not as good as him and tells him to keep his emotions in check. As Christian is about to leave, Christopher Daniels stops him and says now it’s time to explain the reasons why he is in IMPACT Wrestling, and it’s not to laugh with old pals but to write the wrongs of the past and get something he’s never held as he points at the World Title and doesn’t care if it’s in IMPACT or AEW, he just wants to make it official and ask for an opportunity for the title and tells Christian to think about it.

Shutting Down Swinger’s Palace

We go to Swinger’s Palace where we see a bunch of moving boxes and Johnny Swinger calls it the worst day of his life and his Swingerellas say they’ve never seen him like this. Hernandez reveals he has a poster of Dixie Carter that was stashed in there. Fallah Bahh comes in, but Hernandez says shutting down or not, Bahh is still banned. Bahh said they got what they deserve as Swinger shows up a giant poster of a Best of Jeff Jarrett DVD set.

The Learning Tree (Manny Lemons & Zicky Dice) vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann

Lemons and Dice attack Mack and Swann before the bell but Mack and Swann quickly take control and dominate the match as Swann hits a neckbreaker off the top rope as Mack holds up Lemons and they quickly get the pin.

Winners: Willie Mack & Rich Swann by pinfall at 2:45

Sam Beale, VSK, and Brian Myers come out right away and start attacking Mack and Swann including Myers hitting a Roster Cut on Mack while VSK hits a Brain Buster on Swann.

Pick Your Poison

Gia Miller is backstage and says that Scott D’Amore and Gail Kim are currently in a meeting with Deonna Purrazzo, but we see Mickie James running and intruding in the meeting. D’Amore says this has gone too far and starting immediately there is a no-contact clause between now and Bound for Glory, and if James attacks Deonna she’ll lose her title shot and if Deonna attacks James she’ll be stripped of her title. Gail Kim says they will both get Pick Your Poison matches starting with this Saturday at Knockouts Knockdown where James will pick Deonna’s opponent.

Knockouts Knockdown

·       IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Decay (c) (Rosemary & Havok) vs. The Influence (Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne) (w/ Kaleb with a K)

·       Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match: Tasha Steelz vs. Jamie Senegal

·       Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match: Chelsea Green vs. Renee Michelle

·       Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match: Lady Frost vs. Rachael Ellering

·       Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Round Match: Brandi Lauren vs. Mercedes Martinez

·       Daffney Memorial Monster’s Ball Match: Alisha vs. Savannah Evans vs. Kimber Lee vs. Jordynne Grace

·       Knockouts Knockdown Tournament First Semi-Finals & Finals

·       Pick Your Poison Match: Deonna Purrazzo vs. ???

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. Josh Alexander & Christian Cage

Christian Cage and Madman Fulton start the match with Fulton outpowering Cage quickly. Cage tries to fight back but Fulton keeps him in the corner. Austin and Alexander tag in as the crowd chants ‘Walking Weapon’ and Alexander hits a vertical suplex until Austin knocks him off the apron. They start fighting on the apron, but Austin throws him back in where they start trading strikes. Fulton hits Alexander, giving Austin the chance to go for the pin, getting a two as they go to the commercial.

When we come back, Austin and Alexander are going at it with Austin choking him out in the corner. Cage comes in and hits Austin with a reverse DDT before kicking Fulton off the apron with a kick. Austin takes advantage, rolls Cage around, and tags in Fulton who comes in and starts kicking away at Cage. Fulton holds Cage down with a modified vice grip, but Cage is able to punch his way out and reaches out to try and tag Alexander, but Fulton drives him back into their corner as he tags in Austin as they double team Cage and Austin gets a two count. Cage takes Austin down with a spear as both Alexander and Fulton get tagged in with Alexander who picks up Fulton in a torture rack position before dropping him down for a two count. Alexander hits a German suplex, Fulton tries to fight out of it but Alexander ends up hitting a second one before Fulton backs up and tags out to Austin who hits a kick off the ropes. They try to go for the Chokeslam Fold, but Christian knocks Austin off the apron but gets caught by Fulton, Christian gets out and throws Fulton into the ring post. Back inside, Alexander blocks the fold and puts Austin in an ankle lock. Austin kicks free, Alexander hits the Chaos Theory but Christian tags himself in and hits the Killswitch and pins Austin to Alexander’s dismay.

Winners: Christian Cage & Josh Alexander by pinfall at 17:20

Cage and Alexander shake hands to end the show as Cage raises the title.

About John Siino 427 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.