NOAH’s Yoshiki Inamura intends to return in November following fibula fracture

After breaking his left fibula in July, Yoshiki Inamura intends to return to Pro Wrestling NOAH next month

Photo Courtesy: Pro Wrestling NOAH

Inamura announces his plans to return to the ring.

Pro Wrestling NOAH held a press conference on 10/25 to promote their ‘Demolition Stage’ event on October 30th. During the presser, 28-year-old Yoshiki Inamura stated that he plans on returning to the ring in November.

Inamura has been out of action since July due to a fractured left fibula. He suffered the injury while competing for ZERO1. He was competing in their ‘Fire Festival’ tournament and tallied up a 3-0 record before being injured. Inamura last wrestled for NOAH in early July.

Inamura began his in-ring career in 2018 and he has been a part of NOAH since the start of his career.

Coming out of the presser, it was also announced that GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions NOSAWA Rongai and Eita are going to be defending their titles in Dragon Gate on November 5th against Kota Minoura and Jason Lee.

About Andrew Thompson 10382 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.