12 matches announced for AEW Dark.
The next installment of AEW Dark is airing on 11/16 and there are 12 matches scheduled for the show. Today’s Dark sees the return of Frontman Jah-C, Ruby Soho versus Hyan and Arik Cannon in action. These matches were taped while AEW was in Minneapolis, Minnesota for Full Gear weekend.
- Hyan vs. Ruby Soho
- Too Fast Too Fuego (Fuego Del Sol & Cody Rhodes) vs. Kit Sackett & Brandon Gore
- Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose the Assistant) vs. Jah-C
- Preston ’10’ Vance vs. Mikey Wild
- John Silver vs. Peter Avalon
- Alan ‘5’ Angels & Colt Cabana vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)
- Sonny Kiss vs. Adam Grace
- Craven Knyte vs. Scorpio Sky (w/ Ethan Page)
- JD Drake, Ryan Nemeth, Aaron Solo & Nick Comoroto (w/ QT Marshall) vs. Lee Johnson, Brock Anderson and Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (w/ Arn Anderson & Julia Hart)
- Jaysin Strife vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook)
- Shawn Spears & Wardlow (w/ Tully Blanchard) vs. Renny D & Arik Cannon
- Riho, Kris Statlander & Ryo Mizunami vs. Nyla Rose, The Bunny & Emi Sakura (w/ Vickie Guerrero, Lulu Pencil & Mei Suruga)
Watch an all new #AEWDark TOMORROW at 7/6c – https://t.co/lBSV4rTE11
–@NylaRoseBeast/@EmiSakura_gtmv/#TheBunny (@AllieWrestling) v @riho_gtmv/@mizunami0324/@callmekrisstat
–@ShawnSpears/@RealWardlow v @arikcannon/@OfficialRennyD
–@TrueWillieHobbs w/ @730hook v @JaysinStrife pic.twitter.com/AVGKgVCxCr— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 16, 2021
Tons of action on a new #AEWDark TOMORROW with 12 matches at 7/6c – https://t.co/lBSV4rTE11:
–@RealJDDrake/@ryrynemnem/@AaronSoloAEW /@Mr_Freakbeast v @FlyinBrianJr/@griffgarrison1/@BigShottyLee/@BAndersonAEW
–@ScorpioSky v @CravenKnyte
–@SonnyKissXO v @agraceofficial pic.twitter.com/mEGEIgykcH— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 16, 2021
#DarkOrder well represented on tomorrow’s #AEWDark at 7/6c – https://t.co/lBSV4sbfpB
-@Alav_V_Angels/@ColtCabana v #TheAcclaimed (@PlatinumMax/@Bowens_Official)
–@PAvalon v @SilverNumber1
–@Pres10Vance v @MKYXWLD pic.twitter.com/UXxEurJbAT— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 16, 2021
This week’s AEW Dark is going to be reviewed on the Shot In The Dark show here on POST Wrestling.