Martin Bushby & Andrew Thompson are joined by SP3 of Tru Heel Heat to revisit ROH Final Battle 2005 for this month’s Wrestling Adventure.
They talk about the two big main events of Low-Ki vs. KENTA and Bryan Danielson vs. Naomichi Marafuji. Plus, an undercard featuring BJ Whitmer, Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe & Christopher Daniels in a four way.
They discuss their fandom at the time and other wrestling during the period including John Cena’s rise in WWE and Brock Lesnar in NJPW. Sid talks about the many ROH shows he attended live in New York.
Photo Courtesy: ROH
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Martin Bushby on Twitter: @bushby01
Andrew Thompson on Twitter: @ADThompson__
Andrew Thompson on YouTube: youtube.com/AndrewThompsonInterviews
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