Adam Cole vs. Anthony Greene, Skye Blue vs. La Rosa Negra set for 11/30 AEW Dark

A portion of the 11/30 AEW Dark lineup pushed out

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

Seven matches announced for the 11/30 AEW Dark.

A portion of the lineup for the next edition of AEW Dark has been rolled out. AEW announced seven of the matches on their digital platforms and the program includes singles matches between La Rosa Negra and Skye Blue, Adam Cole versus Anthony Greene and Ryo Mizunami versus Dani Jordyn.

  • Bear Country (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder) vs. Shawn Spears & Wardlow
  • Ethan Page vs . Fuego Del Sol
  • Skye Blue vs. La Rosa Negra
  • Anthony Greene vs. Adam Cole
  • Michael Martinez vs. The Butcher (w/ Matt Hardy, The Bunny & Jora Johl)
  • Ryo Mizunami vs. Dani Jordyn
  • Mike Reed vs. Alan ‘5’ Angels (w/ Brodie Jr.)

This week’s AEW Dark and Dark: Elevation is going to be covered by John Siino on his Shot In The Dark show.

About Andrew Thompson 10319 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.