Wai Ting & Kate from MTL review AEW Rampage featuring the debut of HOOK and WWE SmackDown featuring more from Sami Zayn & Brock Lesnar as well as the debut of Xia Li.
[00:02:20] WWE SmackDown featured more from “Canadian alpha males” Sami Zayn and Brock Lesnar, Xia Li debuting with a reality-altering entrance, RKBro crossing over from Raw in the main event, an appearance from a middle-aged MTV Jackass cast, Charlotte vs. Toni Storm, more delays for Naomi vs. Sonya, and Drew McIntyre stabbing a desk.
[00:44:02] AEW Rampage featured the heavily-anticipated debut of HOOK. Plus: FTR vs. Lucha Bros. for the AEW Tag Team titles, Adam Cole vs. Wheeler Yuta, and a six-woman tag match building to Nyla Rose vs. Ruby Soho.
[01:08:47] Plus, your Zoom calls and POST Wrestling Forum feedback.
Photos Courtesy: WWE / AEW
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