The lineup rolled out for this week’s AEW Dark: Elevation.
The first episode of Dark: Elevation of 2022 is premiering on January 3rd. Eight matches have been announced thus far and the show is going to feature Jake Atlas’ return to pro wrestling. Atlas opted to step away from in-ring competition in September 2021 due to mental health-related reasons.
Scorpio Sky, Jay Lethal and Riho are included on this week’s show and below is the card:
- Megan Bayne vs. Leila Grey
- Mike Orlando & Shayne Stetson vs. John Silver & Alex Reynolds (w/ Brodie Jr.)
- Riho vs. Valentina Rossi
- Scorpio Sky (w/ Dan Lambert) vs. Ray Jaz
- Angelina Risk vs. Skye Blue
- Jake Atlas vs. Serpentico
- Jay Lethal vs. Troy Hollywood
- JP Harlow vs. Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose the Assistant)
A NEW EPISODE of #AEWDarkElevation drops
TOMORROW at 7/6c featuring:・@ScorpioSky v @thereal_RayJaz
・@riho_gtmv v @MafiosaRossi
・#DarkOrder's @SilverNumber1/@YTAlexReynolds v @thebigorlando/#ShayneStetson
・@themeganbayne v @Miss_LeilaGrey
https://t.co/lBSV4sbfpB pic.twitter.com/DD57PF7uu2
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 2, 2022
A NEW EPISODE of #AEWDarkElevation drops TOMORROW at 7/6c featuring:
・@AndradeElIdolo v @JPHARLOW_2
・@TheLethalJay v @MR_THollywood
・#JakeAtlas (@kennymarquez) v @KingSerpentico
・@Skyebyee v @angelica_risk
https://t.co/lBSV4rTE11 pic.twitter.com/7HNlO0RE10
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 2, 2022
POST Wrestling covers Dark and Dark: Elevation via the ‘Shot In The Dark’ audio show that is hosted by John Siino.