Von Erichs no longer competing at MLW Blood & Thunder.
Major League Wrestling is scheduled to host their ‘Blood & Thunder’ event from Dallas, Texas. The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross Von Erich) were going to be challenging 5150 (Danny Limelight & Slice Boogie) for the MLW World Tag Team Titles.
Marshall and Ross are no longer competing on the show due them testing positive for COVID. Both Marshall and Ross grew up in Denton County, Texas which is nearly an hour away from the city of Dallas. Both talents commented on the situation:
Completely devastated. Found out I won’t be able to wrestle tomorrow night because we tested positive for Covid. Never been so prepared for a match in my life. This one hurts, I feel gutted. I was so excited to see everybody it’s been to long but I can’t now. I love you Texas
— Marshall Von Erich (@MarshallVonEric) January 20, 2022
Announcement🚨 My brother and I are covid positive and unfortunately won’t be able to make the Dallas show Jan 22. Ruled medically unable to perform by @MLW medical staff. I’m sincerely sorry to all the fans who bought a ticket to see us. Please enjoy the show, see y’all in March
— Shogun RVE (@RossVonErich) January 20, 2022
At the Blood & Thunder event, Tajiri is defending the World Middleweight Title in a three-way against Myron Reed and a mystery opponent. The current National Openweight Champion Alex Kane is defending his title as well as he takes on Calvin Tankman.