MLW Azteca #4
January 27th, 2022
Espada Underground Fight Club – Tijuana, Mexico
Commentary: Rich Bocchini & Joe Dombrowski
Arez vs. Extreme Tiger
Arez comes out with a briefcase full of money that he recently won. They start the match with a couple roll-up attempts into more regular pin attempts as they feel each other out and try and get the crowd into it. Arez puts his hand out but pulls Tiger in, as Tiger knocks Arez out with a head scissors, but Arez comes right in and hits a backbreaker followed by a suplex for a 2 count. They go for a couple more pin attempts until Tiger traps Arez into a submission, but Arez breaks the rope with his foot. Tiger meets Arez on the top but drops him down, knocks him off the apron where he hits him with a plancha. They brawl a bit more on the outside, until Arez throws Tiger back in, jumps off the top, but Tiger gets out of the way and takes him down with a single leg dropkick for a two. Arez hits a springboard moonsault for a two count, followed by a couple kicks, but Tiger stops him and hits a piledriver for a two as the commentators question the slow count from the referee here in Mexico. Tiger goes to the top, but Arez stops him with a superkick, knocks him outside where he hits a moonsault off the apron, sending him back in and hits a double stomp off the top rope followed by a Northern Lights suplex for the pin and the win.
Winner: Arez by pinfall at 7:37
Head Crack
We go to 5150 who’s rolling dice in an empty hall, as Rivera rolls a ‘head crack’ which he says that’s the same thing they do to every tag team in MLW. Slice Boogie can’t believe Aerostar and Drago thought they had a chance, and there is no way they can lose in Mexico. We see a mystery hand drop some money for the game and it’s revealed to be Cesar Duran who congratulates them for their win, but now wants to talk to them about their future. Rivera questions if there’s money involved, and Duran says it depends if they are ready for Blood & Thunder. Rivera tells Duran’s ‘God’ to bless these dice, so he can take Boogie’s money. Duran tells them to stop talking so much and to face the Von Erichs at Dallas and make him happy. Rivera says Von Erichs have been busy with their cows and pigs, and Duran tells them less talking and now to play some dice.
Kross in 60 Seconds
We see a video of a black car driving really fast on the street that ends with the hourglass graphic from last week.
AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Aramis
This match is announced as for the AAA Mega Championship, but Vikingo comes out with The Crash Heavyweight Championship, of which he is also the title holder. Aramis starts the match with a running dropkick, but Vikingo comes back with a kick in the corner, they flip to the other corner where they go to the top and Aramis hits a hurricanrana to Vikingo, but Vikingo lands on his feet, catches Aramis’s legs, but gets taken down with a hurricanrana. Vikingo hits one back trying to knock Aramis to the outside, but he catches himself on the ropes and bounces back. Vikingo hits Aramis with a head scissors, knocking him to the outside, before Vikingo goes on the top rope, jumps over to a support column, and jumps from up there onto Aramis on the outside. Back inside, Vikingo goes to the top and tries a shooting star press, but Aramis puts his knees up sending Vikingo to the outside, where he powerbombs Vikingo into another support column, followed by a moonsault off the top rope to the outside. Back inside, Aramis picks Vikingo up on his shoulders, but Vikingo counters into a pin for a two. Vikingo hits a shotgun dropkick, followed by a facebuster for a two. Aramis comes back with a couple kicks and a suplex for a two-count. They end up on their knees and trading punches, before getting back up their feet and switching to chops. They move over to kicks before Vikingo catches Aramis off the ropes, just to try and slam him and get countered as Aramis hits a buckle bomb on Vikingo. Vikingo jumps off the top rope for a crucifix driver before Aramis hits one himself knocking them both down on the mat. Aramis goes to the top rope, but Arez comes ringside and throws his briefcase into the ring. As the referee is going to take it out, Arez comes in and hits Aramis with a spinning Lungblower. Vikingo capitalizes and hits a double knee to Aramis in the corner, followed by a 630 senton for the pin.
Winner: El Hijo del Vikingo by pinfall at 8:49, to retain
After the match, Vikingo helps Aramis up as they stare down Arez.
Only Built 4 Golden Titles…
We go to another installment of their in-depth look at EJ Nduka. Nduka says in 2017 he was able to marry his best friend, the woman of his dreams, his beautiful wife Bethany Nduka and last year during the pandemic, God blessed him with a beautiful perfect young man; Exodus Nduka. Nduka says he’s a father first and everything else second. In 2019, he was signed to the WWE Performance Center in what some people might call the Harvard of wrestling schools, and he learned from the greats like Steve Corino, Scott Garland, Norman Smiley, Robbie Brookside & Matt Bloom. Those amazing minds and amazing talents cultivated what you see right now. He ends by saying 2022, he is coming to take over as he doesn’t just want the gold on his chest and wrist, but around his waist because the Judge is built for this, and we are just getting started.
They announce that EJ Nduka will be in action next week
Upcoming Schedule
· Next Week: Alex Kane, Rey Horus & Villano III Jr. vs. El Hijo del Vikingo, Octagon Jr. & Laredo Kid
· February 10th – MLW Fusion returns
· February 26th – MLW Superfight in Charlotte, NC
Sponsored by Crybaby Calvin
They go to a segment that is sponsored by the new Crybaby Calvin t-shirt that was designed by Alex Kane, who tells commentary to say to ‘not be a hoe like Crybaby Calvin’.
The Black Hand Hunts
We go to a propaganda video from Mads Krugger who says he wants Jacob Fatu, and the demon runs through him, and his debt has been paid. Now is the time for him to collect his true fee, Jacob Fatu.
Where is the Opera Cup?
We got an update about the Opera Cup that was stolen two weeks ago in Mexico when someone jumped Davey Richards from behind. Officials have been working night and day to try and track down the culprit and recover the Cup, and MLW.com will continue to cover this situation as it develops.
Flippy Style is Absolute Trash
We go backstage where Cesar Duran is on the phone, but he quickly gets interrupted by Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas. Kane says with Calvin Tankman tied up in jail he’s going to need some new challengers and Duran is the man to talk to. Duran says his policy is open doors to new talent and he thinks he has the perfect match for Kane and asks him if he can handle Lucha Libre and says that next week he will fight with Extreme Tiger and Villano III Jr. vs. El Hijo del Vikingo, Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr. in a trios match in Mexico (even though the graphic earlier showed Rey Horus instead of Extreme Tiger). Kane says he doesn’t care about Lucha libre and doesn’t respect luchadores, as that flippy style is absolute trash. Kane says with him helping Duran out with this pinch, he’s going to call in a favor and one of these days he will cash in, and Duran will have to say yes, which Duran seems to agree to.
They also announce that next week we will see part two of Jacob Fatu breaking his silence segments.
MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Alex Hammerstone (c) vs. Octagon Jr.
Cesar Duran makes his way ringside for this match before it starts. Commentary mentions that Duran has used crooked referees to get his way in recent weeks and one of those officials is assigned to this match tonight. Octagon goes and gives Duran a pound ringside before the bell rings. They lock up, and Octagon goes right after the injured left arm of Hammerstone, bringing him down to the mat, before wrapping it around the ropes. Octagon keeps Hammerstone in the ropes and hits chops and kicks, before placing him on the top rope, into a tree of woe to hit a sliding kick. Hammerstone comes with a back body drop before clotheslining Octagon to the outside as they go to commercials.
When we come back, they are fighting on the outside where Hammerstone drops Octagon face-first onto the apron. As they go back inside, Duran summons about a dozen or so masked henchmen who all come out and stand on the stage. Hammerstone keeps attacking Octagon until he notices all the henchmen standing there and asks Duran if they are here because of him. Octagon takes advantage and hits running knees to the corner, before going to the top and hitting a headstand into a springboard moonsault for a two. Hammerstone ends up on the outside where Octagon meets him with an Asai Moonsault. Octagon sends Hammerstone back in and jumps off the top rope, but Hammerstone catches him and drops him, followed by a couple of clotheslines and an over-the-head suplex for a two count. Octagon comes back with a superkick, goes to the top, and hits a 450 Splash for a two count. Hammerstone comes back and hits a spinning facebuster for the pin.
Winner: Alex Hammerstone by pinfall at 7:43, to retain
All the henchmen run into the ring, as Hammerstone starts clotheslining them, but the numbers are too much as they start surrounding him. Richard Holliday runs in to help Hammerstone, but the henchmen jump Holliday & Hammerstone to end the show.