Killer Kross was told he was going to win Mega Title during his first AAA run

When Kross started in AAA, he was told that he would become Mega Champion. He also spoke about the hopes for a Mania match with Finn Balor

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Killer Kross speaks about his time in AAA and working with Finn Balor in NXT.

As of this month, Killer Kross is a free agent after spending the last several years of his career with WWE. Kross returned to the ring for Future Stars of Wrestling and defeated Jacob Fatu for the FSW Mecca Title.

Prior to joining WWE, from 2017 to 2019, Kross competed in over 30 matches for AAA in Mexico. He spoke about his time in AAA while doing a signing alongside Scarlett Bordeaux for Signed By Superstars. Kross was discussing his friendship with Vampiro and their time together in AAA.

He then mentioned that he was told he would become Mega Champion during his first run there, but that never came to fruition.

Kross: I have too many Vampiro stories. I love him, but — and he knows this, he drove me a little bit crazy like he drives everybody crazy. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about him. Not because I won’t, but because I just — I won’t — there’s nothing bad to say. You know, he has — he’s always looked out for me I feel and he’s always been in my corner and he’s always been cool with me and any advice he’s ever given me has been with the intention to help me and yeah, I wish while I was there and this obviously is not completely in his control; I wish that I had won the AAA Mega Championship. Obviously that has to go through a massive chain of command and that was something I was told was gonna happen on my first run there. I was disappointed it didn’t happen but, it’s okay, I’m not a belt mark. I still had an amazing experience working in Mexico and learning the culture there and stuff like that.

Continuing on the topic of his friendship with Vampiro, Kross recalled being on the road in Mexico with Vampiro and Martin Casaus. They were stopped by black SUVs and the individuals inside those vehicles came out with machine guns. Once it was clarified that Kross and those inside the car with him were wrestlers, they were allowed to continue driving.

Kross: One time, Vampiro and I were in a car with Martin Casaus and I think Perro Aguayo Sr.’s nephew? I’m not sure if they’re related, but it was a guy named Abraham. We were in a car driving from city to city in the middle of nowhere and we got pulled over by like these black SUVs and these guys came out with machine guns and pointed the guns at the car and that was a crazy experience. Vamp was there for that and I guess the guy driving, he translated that we were wrestlers and they let us go so, that was pretty terrifying.

Winning the AAA Mega Title was an accolade that Kross was hoping to achieve and while talking about his NXT run, he and Finn Balor were both hoping to have a singles match with one another at WrestleMania.

After Kross and Balor’s first singles match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, when they got the back, the first words that Balor told Kross was that he hopes they get to do it again at Mania.

Kross: At NXT, definitely Finn Balor without a doubt [is who I liked working with the most]. Him and I were always on the same page with putting together the match, where it was, what was going on in the conflict, what people needed to see. He played a perfect ‘David’ in the David and Goliath and I like to think I did a — I did my part in terms of getting people to believe that he was somebody who could win in that sort of situation. That was something that chain of command was concerned about. They were wondering if they just — people were so invested that nobody was gonna beat Kross. It was like, ‘How do we get people to buy into that?’ And he’s just so over and so good, it was the perfect person. Perfect dance partner for all that stuff so, him and I, after the first match, we were hoping the next time it was gonna happen was gonna be at Mania and it was the first thing he said to me through the curtain. I was like, ‘Holy sh*t, wow’ and then I felt, ‘Yeah, he’s actually — he’s f*cking right.’ That would be, Demon at Mania or something like that. That would’ve been awesome, to be able to pay that off to people.

Scarlett Bordeaux and Kross were released from WWE in November. Scarlett shared that they were scanned for WWE 2K22, but had not heard anything about their involvement in the game since the scanning happened.

Scarlett: We were scanned [for WWE 2K22]. We haven’t heard anything about it since so they could’ve removed us. They may have not. We’ll see next month.

On 2/5, Bordeaux made her in-ring return for WrestlePro. She had not competed in a match since the summer of 2021 and prior to that, her last match was in 2019.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Signed By Superstars with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 10326 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.