MLW Fusion #133
February 17th, 2022
Gilley’s in Dallas, TX
Commentary: Rich Bocchini & Joe Dombrowski
Put My Hands on Him
The show starts with Rich Bocchini & Joe Dombrowski ringside with Calvin Tankman who says has some big news. Tankman says that in two weeks’ time he will go against Alex Kane for the MLW National Openweight Championship and ‘put his hands on him’. Kane and Mr. Thomas quickly make their way ringside and try to get in Tankman’s face, but officials hold them back. As Kane gets close, Tankman delivers a right hook.
ACH vs. Davey Richards
They start the match with each putting on wrist locks, until Richards brings down, only for ACH to come back with a headlock takedown. Richards comes back with a gut wrench suplex for a one-count, into body scissors. Richards twists up ACH’s arms and legs into a pin attempt before trying a suplex. They trade forearms, chops, and kicks until ACH kicks Richards down with an Enziguri. ACH comes back with a German Suplex for a two count. ACH heads to the top rope, but Richards dodges and rolls up into an ankle lock attempt, only for ACH to turn into a pin attempt followed by a Texas Cloverleaf. Richards grabs the rope to break it, as they start fighting on the apron. ACH runs through the entrance ramp and dives into the ring with a cutter, followed by a Frog Splash for a two count as they go to commercials.
When we come back, ACH heads to the top again but Richards stops him and hits a superplex for a two, and right into an ankle lock. ACH escapes, but Richards hits a kick and a suplex followed by an ankle lock with stomps to the back of the head, as ACH taps out.
Winner: Davey Richards by submission at 8:58
The Hunt is On
Rich Bocchini gets a word ringside with Richards and asks him where the Opera Cup is and if he’s looking forward to his title match at Superfight. Richards tells Bocchini he’s got it and heads in the ring and thanks ACH and says only Texas could produce someone as good as him as the crowd chants ACH. Richards says you earn, not steal, the Opera Cup and he hopes whoever stole it is wearing a cup themselves because he’s going to tear them into two when he finds them. With that being said, this hunt has only one final destination, and that’s Alex Hammerstone. They are destiny and since he got here, Hammerstone has been in his crosshairs and Richards isn’t worried about fame or money but being the best wrestler in the world. Richards says he can’t think of a bigger ‘Superfight’ than the American Wolf vs. the World Champion Alex Hammerstone and tells him to get ready as this hunt is on.
Rivers of Blood
Mads Krugger interrupts the feed and says that for two years, Jacob Fatu ruled MLW like a God and they said he was invincible, unstoppable, and immortal and that he feared no man. Krugger says he is not a man he is the monster that Fatu could never be. He asks Fatu if he’s ever seen his own blood, rivers of blood pouring from torn flesh. Fatu will come to know fear as Krugger will make him look upon his reflection in a pool of his own blood and then he will drown him in it.
Cesar Claus
Mister Saint Laurent is in Cesar Duran’s office and tells Duran about his new guy being the best pound-for-pound fighter and won’t disappoint. Duran says he loves it, and he thinks Laurent’s discovery should debut next week in a multi-man match and suggests a mixed trios match. Laurent loves it and says all these compliments to Duran until Myron Reed interrupts. Reed says since Duran is looking like Santa Claus right now, Reed wants his gift, a rematch against Tajiri for the World Middleweight Championship. Duran likes it agrees to the match but says that since Reed lost his title in a multi-man it’s only fair that he tries to win it, the same way as he makes a triple threat between Reed, Tajiri, and a mystery opponent.
Lio Rush Returns Soon
We get a video of Lio Rush narrating saying we are looking at an authentic athlete, an authentic star, and an authentic Man of the Hour. He’s the real deal and you’re going to find that out, real soon.
Upcoming Fight Schedule
· February 24th: Mads Krugger vs. Jacob Fatu
· February 26th: MLW Superfight in Charlotte, NC
· March 31st: MLW Intimidation Games in Dallas, TX
· April 1st: MLW Azteca Underground in Dallas, TX
· May 13th: MLW Kings of Colosseum in Philadelphia, PA
Saito Bros (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) vs. Gnarls Garvin & Budd Heavy
We saw a video before the match of Gnarls Gavin who says he’s been fighting people all his life including homeless people and his dad, before finding Budd Heavy sleeping on the ground outside and says since he fought him, they can now drink beer. The Saito Bros are announced as representing All Japan Pro Wrestling and are American-Japanese twins who were born in Japan but raised in Nebraska. Jun and Garvin start the match, with Jun delivering palm strikes, before Garvin tags in Heavy as they double team Jun in the corner. Jun comes back with a choke in the corner before tagging in Rei. Rei keeps Heavy in their corner with a boot choke and stomps, before hitting a back elbow and elbow drop for a two count. Jun comes in and hits more palm strikes and a running elbow in the corner for a two. Heavy is able to fight off and tag out to Garvin who comes in with two double clotheslines and crossbody off the middle rope on both brothers. Heavy tags in as they try to attack the Saitos but get whipped into each other. The Saito Brothers hit a double chokeslam on Heavy, followed by Rei hitting splash off the top rope for the pin.
Winners: Saito Bros (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) by pinfall at 5:10
Gnarls Garvin attacks the Saito Bros after the match, knocking them to the outside.
Valentine’s Day Truth & Tryst
We go to Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout who are sitting on a couch with champagne, roses, and chocolate. Atout says everybody is talking about them as Holliday says they have good reason to, as he has finally shed himself of an overweight, juiced-up burden in a loser named Hammerstone. Holliday’s favorite part in all this is making everybody believe that he and Hammerstone were best friends, even made himself believe it, but best friends don’t leave each other behind and ask where Hammerstone was in his match with King Muertes, and he lost his Caribbean Championship. Holliday though was there when Hammerstone fought Pagano, to save him and put on the Azteca mask and went through Mexico to save him. Hammerstone is not on the same intellectual level as him, as Atout says he’s so naïve. Holliday says Hammerstone being the leader of the Dynasty was a joke, but a harsh reality will be that if anybody will beat him for that championship it’ll be Holliday as he knows his injuries, weaknesses, and how to beat him as he’s already living inside his head rent-free. Atout tells him to relax as it’s Valentine’s Day as they toast to new beginnings and happy endings before Atout tells the cameraman to get out.
Superfight Control Center
· MLW World Heavyweight Championship: Alex Hammerstone (c) vs. Davey Richards
· Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat arrives in MLW as special guest matchmaker
· Killer Kross returns
· nZo vs. KC Navarro in a Grudge Match
Superfight Contract Signing
We go back to Cesar Duran’s office where he is with Alex Hammerstone and Davey Richards and gets Hammerstone upset asking if The Dynasty is still a thing. Hammerstone says Holliday will get his eventually, but he doesn’t know what’s stopping him from wringing Duran’s neck right now. Duran tells him to go for it, but Richards stops Hammerstone and says Duran is trying to get in his head and says that he is his problem now and deal with it if he gets past him, as he wants to face him at his very best. Duran asks Richards if this attitude will help him find who stole his Opera Cup and Richards says how does he not know it’s Duran and says he’ll take him out right now. Hammerstone stops Richards and says they should just sign the contract, which they do. Duran says they are both distracted before the biggest fight of the year. Hammerstone and Richards shake hands, before Hammerstone pulls him in and says he hopes he’s ready.
MLW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: 5150 (Rivera & Slice Boogie) (c) (w/ Julius Smokes) vs. Los Parks (El Hijo de LA Park & LA Park Jr.)
5150 comes out with two ladies who are carrying the IWA Puerto Rico Tag Team Championships for them, as the MLW World Tag Team Championship is already hung above. El Hijo de LA Park is wearing some sweet Skeletor-inspired gear as all four men start the match by brawling in the ring. 5150 start double-teaming Jr. in the corner before knocking Hijo off the apron. Hijo drags Rivera to the outside, as Boogie and Jr. brawl inside exchanging forearms. All four men end up on the outside where Jr. hits a top rope moonsault onto the rest. Jr. grabs a ladder and places it between the apron and the barricade and tries to suplex Boogie on it, but Boogie gets out and gets speared onto the ladder by Hijo, but it doesn’t break. Rivera runs across the ladder, jumps on the pillar next to it and does a corkscrew dive onto Los Parks as they go to commercials.
When we come back, Boogie powerslams Hijo onto a ladder which was leaned against a corner in the ring. Boogie starts climbing the ring but gets whipped hard on his back by Junior with a leather belt. Junior starts climbing the ladder, but Rivera jumps off the ropes and stops Junior. Los Parks start double-teaming Rivera, hitting a Canadian Destroyer knocking River to the outside where Junior hits a suicide dive followed by an Asai Moonsault from Hijo. Homicide makes his way to the ring and starts brawling with Hijo, but LA Park comes in and spears Homicide, through the ropes onto everybody else on the outside. LA Park starts strutting in the ring, before brawling with Homicide, who moves out of the way and LA Park spears his son Hijo by accident. LA Park delivers a low blow to Homicide, but Boogie takes him out with a chair shot to the back. Junior comes in and takes Boogie out with a ladder, before setting it up and starts climbing. Rivera quickly meets him up there but gets knocked down. Junior is about to reach for the titles, but Boogie throws a chair to him, puts him on his shoulders as Rivera hits a double stomp from off the top of another ladder that was set up on the outside. Rivera and Boogie climb the ladder and retrieve the titles.
Winners: 5150 (Rivera & Slice Boogie) at 10:18, to retain
Next Week’s Preview
They end the show with the announcement of Lucha trios action for next week with Gino Medina, Mini Abismo Negro & Arez vs. Aramis, El Dragon, and a mystery partner as well as a hype video for Mads Krugger vs. Jacob Fatu for their match next week.