SW3RVE The Realest vs. Alex Zayne added to ROH Supercard of Honor

SW3RVE to meet Alex Zayne at ROH Supercard of Honor. This is the second match confirmed for the show

Photo Courtesy: Ring of Honor

Second match confirmed for Supercard of Honor.

Ring of Honor’s first show since Final Battle 2021 is inching closer and the second match for Supercard of Honor has been confirmed. The company made the announcement that Alex Zayne is set to go one-on-one with SW3RVE The Realest.

In addition to this match, both Ninja Mack and Joe Hendry are going to be in action at Supercard of Honor. Denise Salcedo was announced as a special guest host.

Over the weekend, Zayne suffered a fractured globe injury on top of having to get glass removed from his eye and a gash in his right arm stitched up. He competed in a death match at GCW’s ‘The Coldest Winter’ show.

Here’s the updated show lineup:

  • ROH Undisputed World Championship: Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Bandido (c)
  • Alex Zayne vs. SW3RVE The Realest
About Andrew Thompson 10298 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.