Ninja Mack making his Pro Wrestling NOAH debut on 4/29

Ninja Mack, Alpha Wolf and Dragon Bane are competing in a three-way for Pro Wrestling NOAH in April

Three-way match featuring Ninja Mack announced for April.

It has been promoted for several months that Ninja Mack would be making his Pro Wrestling NOAH debut and the promotion announced that on April 29th, Mack will be competing in a three-way against Alpha Wolf and Dragon Bane.

Both Bane and Alpha Wolf competed for NOAH in 2019 and 2020 and they shared the ring with one another multiple times throughout those tours.

The 4/29 event is also going to feature Dragon Gate’s Z-Brats (Shun Skywalker H.Y.O & SB KENTo) taking on Daisuke Harada, Alejandro & Junta Miyawaki. Skywalker, H.Y.O and KENTo appeared at NOAH’s 3/23 event and ambushed their 4/29 opponents.

About Andrew Thompson 10382 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.