AEW Dynamite Report: Toni Storm debuts, CM Punk wants title, Andrade pins Darby

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

March 30th, 2022

By: John Siino

Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, SC

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

CM Punk vs. Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens)

Max Caster’s freestyle mentioned Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, CM Punk’s messed up teeth and his bad movies and Z-Paks. They start the match slow with Caster keeping Punk in the corner, until Punk comes back dropping knee drops on Caster’s arm, but Caster escapes an Anaconda Vice attempt. Punk stops Caster with a shoulder tackle for a one count then continues to work on Caster’s shoulder, until Caster catches Punk into a rib breaker. Caster whips Punk hard into the corner before gesturing for a title around his waist. While Caster is distracted talking to Bowens, Punk hits him off the top rope, followed by a snap suplex but shows pain to his lower back. Punk lifts up Caster for the GTS but looks like his knee gives up, so Caster turns it into a Fisherman Buster for a two count. Caster goes up for the Mic Drop, but Punk joins him and stops him, taking him down with a Hurricanrana, followed by a knee strike and a bulldog for a two. Bowens attacks Punk while the referee is distracted, as Caster hits him with a missile dropkick while Punk is on the ropes for a two. Commentary brings up there are ‘Wardlow is Banned’ posters throughout the barricades, as Caster misses the Mic Drop, so Punk follows with a Piledriver, and the Anaconda Vice as Caster taps out.

Winner: CM Punk by submission at 7:08

Tony Schiavone joins CM Punk in the ring after and asks him about Punk’s gesture last week with the title belt, as Punk asks the crowd what does that gesture mean. Punk says he doesn’t know who the champion will be in a couple of weeks’ time, with either Adam Cole or Adam Page. Punk mentions having grey hairs and scars, but before his time in AEW is over there will be more of both. And before his time is over, he will be World Champion.

When You’re In The Pinnacle…

We go to Alex Marvez backstage with MJF and FTR, as Mark Sterling is putting up more Wardlow posters in the background. MJF says we don’t mention his name anymore, but now The Pinnacle will be getting some wins starting with FTR over Gunn Club this week, and Shawn Spears over Shawn Dean next week. Dax Harwood mentions not wanting to get in the middle of what’s going on, as they are friends with both MJF and Wardlow. MJF mentions FTR being family and how Wardlow used to talk shit about them all the time as he puts his hands out and says when you’re in The Pinnacle, you’re always on top, as FTR reluctantly joins in.

Jay Lethal vs. Jon Moxley

Jon Moxley comes out by himself wearing a slick new Blackpool Combat Club hoodie, as he smacks Lethal’s hand when Lethal extends for a shake. Right away Moxley sends Lethal to the outside and goes to join him as Lethal runs back in and the crowd goes back and forth for both men. They stay on the mat with a headlock and head scissors attempts, until Moxley sends Lethal right back outside, but again, Lethal quickly goes back inside. Moxley gets in his face and challenges Lethal to smack him as it turns into a forearm exchange. They head to the top rope, but Lethal punches his way out and pushes Moxley down onto the ropes and to the outside, where Lethal meets him with a tope suicida as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are exchanging kicks and strikes and take each other with a double crossbody. They slowly get up and go back to exchanging strikes, until Moxley knocks Lethal out with a hard clothesline, followed by a piledriver attempt, but Lethal reverses it and gets a two count. Lethal goes to the top rope, but Moxley gets up, they go into an exchange and Moxley tries twice for the Paradigm Shift, followed by a Lethal Injection that Moxley turns into a Bulldog Choke, as Lethal reverses back into a pin attempt for a two count. Lethal hits a brainbuster and goes to the top rope and hits a flying elbow drop but Moxley kicks out at the last second. Lethal gets in the referee’s face and shows frustration, before going for the Figure Four but Moxley turns it into a two count. They get up, and Moxley finally hits the Paradigm Shift for the pin.

Winner: Jon Moxley by pinfall at 11:02

After Moxley extends his hand out to Lethal, Lethal shows hesitation but does indeed shake the hand.

We see a quick video of Marina Shafir that says she will be a problem for the women’s division in AEW.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Gunn Club (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Billy Gunn)

FTR come out in their Scott Hall nWo inspired gear, but as the match is about to start MJF makes his way out and joins commentary and asks everybody ‘Where’s Wardlow?’ and highly talks up The Pinnacle. Dax Harwood and Colten Gunn start the match as the crowd starts the ‘Ass Boys’ chant. Colten gets the upper hand, before Austin tags in and stays in control, throwing taunts in Harwood’s face. Wheeler tags in and takes out Austin a couple arm drags and a dropkick before Harwood comes in and takes him down with an elbow drop for a two. Colten holds Wheeler by the foot on the outside, as Billy Gunn knocks out Wheeler as Aubrey Edwards is distracted. MJF starts yelling that Aubrey is the worst referee as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Austin and Wheeler are both on the mat, as Colten tags in and stops Wheeler from tagging out. Gunn Club keeps Wheeler in their corner, but he’s able to escape and make the hot tag to Harwood and takes down Austin and Colten with punches. Harwood and Austin go at it, with Harwood hitting a lariat for a two count. Austin goes to suplex Harwood to the outside, but Harwood reverses, only for Colten to trip up Harwood as Austin gets a two count. We cut to the back where we see Wardlow making his way through security and powerbombs one of them on top of a table that doesn’t break. Wardlow makes his way down the crowd, as MJF is screaming for security to get him. Wardlow breaks through them until a whole group of security is able to drag Wardlow out of there. We cut back to the match in the ring, as Billy Gunn gets on the apron to distract Harwood and help Austin, just for Wheeler to leapfrog to knock him off as FTR hits the Big Rig on Austin and Harwood gets the pin for the win.

Winners: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) by pinfall at 11:27

MJF runs in the ring to try and hug FTR, but they push him off and start yelling at him for what just happened with Wardlow. MJF calms them down and raises their hands to show unity.

We get a promo for Keith Lee and Powerhouse Hobbs for this Friday’s Rampage.

The Mad King, The Proud & The Powerful

We go to Chris Jericho and the Jericho Appreciation Society backstage as Jericho says for the last three weeks, they have been running sports entertainment and he has had people from all around the world wanting to be a part of the JAS, but it’s not going to happen as it’s just the five of them and tells them all to GFY. Daniel Garcia says they future endeavored John Silver & Alex Reynolds last week and took them out for good, as Matt Menard goes to take a peek behind the curtain and says there is nothing as Eddie Kingston, Santana and Ortiz are still missing. Jake Hager goes to take a peek behind the other curtain, and this time Kingston, Santana and Ortiz appear and start brawling with the JAS as they take it to the ring. Kingston and Jericho end up in the ring as Kingston takes Jericho down with his spinning back fist. Santana takes out Garcia on the outside with a running boot, as Ortiz takes out Matt Menard. They continue the beat down, as Santana and Ortiz try the Street Sweeper on Jericho, but Hager stops them and then takes down Kingston. JAS takes control and starts attacking Kingston, Santana and Ortiz including Garcia putting Kingston in the sharpshooter as Jericho attacks him with the bat. They take Kingston’s sweater off as Jericho starts whipping him in the back with his leather belt before taking him out with the Judas Effect.

Jade’s 30th Opponent

We cut to Tony Schiavone who is backstage with Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling as they say they have figured out Jade’s 30th opponent and announce it as Leva Bates, but Jade screams at Sterling that this isn’t a joke and asks for option two, who Sterling announces as Marina Shafir. Jade doesn’t seem too impressed and acts like she doesn’t know who that is, before telling Tony to ‘cut the shit’.

Bryan Danielson vs. Wheeler Yuta

William Regal joins commentary for this match and says that he is very interested in Yuta. Danielson and Yuta spend the first couple of minutes working in the middle of the ring with submissions as the crowd seems behind both of them. Danielson slaps Yuta and knocks him down with a shoulder tackle before keeping him in the corner with kicks but gets stopped with a dropkick from Yuta. Danielson grounds Yuta with a knee as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are exchanging chops as Yuta hits a backslide for a two count, before coming back with a German Suplex for a two. Danielson comes back with a Dragon Suplex for a two of his own, as Regal is heavily complimenting Yuta saying how impressed he is of him. Danielson tries the Cattle Mutilation, but reverses into elbows before putting on the Seatbelt pin for a close two. Danielson comes back and hits the Busaiku Knee and tells the referee to check on him, which he does and says he is fine. Danielson grabs Yuta’s arms, as Yuta spits in Danielson’s face, which prompts Danielson to stomp his face in, hit a Gotch-style piledriver and puts on the crossface for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson by submission at 10:10

We get a promo for tonight’s main event between Darby Allin and Andrade El Idolo where they both ask for the best of each other tonight.

Undisputed Elite Championship Celebration

Adam Cole and reDRagon come out with the AEW World Championship and AEW World Tag Team Championships that they stole and shows that they have tape on the nameplates with their names on them. We see a box in the ring that says ‘party supplies’ that they open, and balloons fly out. Cole welcomes everybody to the Undisputed Elite’s celebration as the crowd boos when they say Adam Page and the Jurassic Express aren’t here tonight, being embarrassed for getting their championships taken away. Cole says they took, not stole, as you can’t steal something that belongs to them. Cole states that AEW needs a new era and a new crew to run the show and now have the best three pro wrestlers on the planet. Kyle O’Reilly says the haters say that reDRagon aren’t ranked high enough before forgetting what he had to say and says he doesn’t feel good and sits down. Bobby Fish says what you are looking at are the three baddest dudes that this company has to offer, bar no one. Cole says that’s exactly why this celebration will go all week long before Adam Page’s music hits. Page arrives in a Tesla with longhorns on the hood before making his way to the ring and starts attacking all three, knocking reDRagon to the outside before going for the Buckshot Lariat on Cole, but they save him and start heading to the back. Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus and Christian Cage run out and toss Undisputed Elite back inside and continue attacking them as Cole dodges another Buckshot Lariat and ends up getting tossed onto reDRagon on the outside.

Foundations Remain Standing

Tony Schiavone introduces the AEW Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa as commentary states she won’t be interrupted this week. Rosa says it was a shame that her celebration got cut short and is proud to be the first Mexican women’s champion in AEW. She says she fought and clawed her way to the top but doesn’t just want to be the face of AEW women’s wrestling, but all of women’s wrestling. Every time she gets to the top there are bullies who want to bring her down, pillars get knocked down but foundations remain standing so whoever wants to get at her, she is ready. Rosa starts talking about Nyla Rose and says it doesn’t matter where she has to wrestle Rose, she will beat her.

FTR Issues Challenge

We go backstage to FTR, where Cash Wheeler talks about taking all this seriously as they are making history and this Friday will become the ROH Tag Team Champions and soon will be two-time AEW World Tag Team Champions. Dax Harwood issues the challenge to the Young Bucks to see who is the greatest tag team of all time.

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifier: The Bunny vs. Toni Storm

Toni Storm comes out as the surprise new signing to AEW and gets a loud reaction. They also show Jade Cargill’s ‘Baddie’ section ringside. The Bunny gets right in Storm’s face but gets knocked down easily. Storm comes back with a snap suplex and keeps Bunny in the corner and ropes with forearms until Bunny stops her with a thumb in the eye. Storm knocks Bunny to the apron, but Bunny hits her with a knee knocking Storm to the outside where Bunny knocks her down with a lariat as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are trading forearms in the middle of the ring before Storm knocks Bunny down with a lariat followed by a headbutt knocking Bunny in the corner where she hits a hip attack and a boot. Storm follows with a Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count. Bunny comes back with a Death Valley Driver and gets a two count followed by two superkicks for another two. Bunny starts showing frustration and goes for Down the Rabbit Hole, but Storm reverses it and hits Storm Zero for the pin and the win.

Winner: Toni Storm by pinfall at 8:40, to advance

Abracadabra, Bitch

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero, where Vickie says Rosa is scared of Nyla and Nyla says she is the real foundation here and Rosa has a death wish, and she will be her genie and says ‘Abracadabra, bitch’

Dynamite Line-Up

  • The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament continues, and the Men’s Tournament begins
  • Tables Match: The Butcher & The Blade vs. The Hardys

Rampage Line-Up

  • Young Bucks vs. Top Flight
  • House of Black vs. Fuego Del Sol, Evil Uno & Stu Grayson
  • We hear from Scorpio Sky, Dan Lambert & Paige VanZant
  • The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifier: Jamie Hayter vs. Skye Blue
  • We hear from Kris Statlander
  • Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Keith Lee

Andrade El Idolo vs. Darby Allin

Sting brings Darby to the ring, but then heads to the back, as Andrade dives onto Darby and attacks him ringside dropping him face-first onto a table before dropping him onto the apron as the referee is trying to get them in the ring to start the match. Darby dodges a running Andrade who goes right into the steel steps, as Darby follows that by diving onto his back with the skateboard. Andrade catches Darby in a suplex position and drops him into the crowd. Andrade goes and grabs him again and tosses him onto the steel steps. Darby slowly makes his way into the ring and tells Bryce Remsburg to ring the bell, as Andrade right away starts tossing Darby around. Andrade continues and drops Darby right onto his face with a back body drop as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Darby is able to reverse Andrade into a Code Red. They start exchanging hard smacks with the crowd really getting into it before Andrade knocks Darby down with a real hard right hand. Andrade takes his belt off and tries to use it, but the referee takes it away just for Darby to use his belt and trip Andrade down and hit a stunner for a two count. Andrade stops a running Darby and hits a backbreaker for a two. They head to the top rope where Andrade puts Darby on his shoulders just for Darby to hit an avalanche crucifix bomb and into an armbar, as Jose the Assistant comes to the ring just for Sting to follow and take him out. The Butcher and the Blade run out to take out Sting, but Darby dives onto them with a coffin drop. Darby goes after Andrade inside, but Andrade stops and reverses and hits El Idolo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo by pinfall at 10:32

After the match, Sting is trying to help Darby, but the AFO attacks Sting, including Private Party who run down to join in. The Hardy’s music hits as they run out with a chair and run off AFO, but are able to take out Marq Quen with a Twist of Fate and the Swanton Bomb.

About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.