SPOILER: Title change at AEW Battle of the Belts II taping

A new champion was crowned at AEW Battle of the Belts II in Garland, Texas

Photo Courtesy: All Elite Wrestling

A new champion crowned coming out of Battle of the Belts II.

After the live episode of AEW Rampage went off the air on TNT, AEW taped content for Dark and the Battle of the Belts II special that is airing on April 16th.

A new champion was crowned at the taping and it was Sammy Guevara. Guevara went one-on-one with Scorpio Sky and defeated Sky to become champion.

Guevara is now a three-time holder the TNT Title and he held the interim title earlier this year.

Guevara was defeated by Sky on the March 9th Dynamite and one month later, he is TNT Champion once again. Sammy ranks fourth for most days as TNT Champion as he sits behinds Miro, Cody Rhodes and Darby Allin.

About Andrew Thompson 10211 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.