AEW Dynamite: Owen Hart Cup, Eddie Kingston returns, MJF’s homecoming

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

May 11th, 2022

By: John Siino

UBS Arena at Belmont Park in Elmont, NY

Commentary: Jim Ross, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Adam Cole vs. Dax Harwood

Dr. Martha Hart is seen in the crowd before this match starts. They start the match with Cole taking Harwood into the corner and doing his catchphrase before shoving Harwood. Harwood takes Cole down with a headlock, but Cole corners him to break it up. Cole tries his catchphrase again but gets knocked down with a chop. The crowd seems divided between these two, as Harwood tries a Sharpshooter but it gets reversed into a couple of roll-up pin attempts. Cole comes back with a kick and sends Harwood rib first into the ring post, knocking him to the outside. Cole sends Harwood right into steel steps a couple of times. Cole continues to stay in control tossing Harwood around on the outside as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Cole whips Harwood hard into the corner. Cole keeps Harwood in the ropes, but Harwood comes back with two German Suplexes, but Cole stops his third attempt and hits one. Harwood comes right back and hits his third German Suplex. Cole and Harwood head to the top rope, but Cole gets headbutted off as Harwood tries a diving headbutt but lands on his feet and hits a slingshot powerbomb on Cole for two. Cole comes back with a brainbuster on his knee for two. Cole sets up the Sweet Chin Music to some boos before they go back and forth and Harwood hits a crossbody for a two. Harwood tries another one, but Cole stops him with a superkick and gets a two. Harwood tries a pin himself for a two. Cole tries the Panama Sunrise, but Harwood catches him and tries a Sharpshooter, but Cole kicks his way out. Harwood reverses another Panama Sunrise attempt and hits a piledriver for a two. Harwood puts on the Sharpshooter to a huge reaction but is unable to hold on due to his ribs being injured. Cole pushes Harwood off the apron onto the floor. Harwood trips up trying to go back in but is able to slide in at the nine count. Cole puts on the Sharpshooter now to a chorus of boos. Harwood tries to fight it but eventually taps out.

Winner: Adam Cole by submission at 15:31, to advance

Waive the Rules

We see a segment for tonight’s main event between Darby Allin and Jeff Hardy, where Allin says nobody wants to see headlocks, they want to see them do crazy stuff and he wants to go to the hospital and he told Tony Khan to waive the rules and let them be psychotic. Jeff Hardy says he’s been studying Allin’s matches.

Casey Jost and Brian “Q” Quinn from Impractical Jokers are seen in the crowd.

CM Punk vs. John Silver

Adam Page joins commentary for this following match. CM Punk comes out in a New York Islanders John Tavares jersey (who’s now on the Toronto Maple Leafs) to a chorus of boos and instructs his music to stop. Silver greets Quinn ringside before the match starts. Punk is in total heel mode here and runs away from Silver on the outside before they take it back inside and fight in the corner. Silver tries a top rope DDT, but gets thrown off and hit with a clothesline as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Silver dodges Punk who goes face-first into the corner. Silver comes back with kicks and a brainbuster for a two-count. Silver hits a Tornado DDT, for another two. Silver goes for the Spin Doctor, but Punk escapes and hits a roundhouse kick. Punk hits a rising knee strike, a short-arm clothesline, and a leg lariat before staring at Page on commentary. Punk does the Buckshot Lariat on Silver and gets the pin.

Winner: CM Punk by pinfall at 8:11

This causes Adam Page to rush the ring and get right in Punk’s face. Punk asks if Page is mad and last week it sounded like he was taking it personally. Punk doesn’t know why these people don’t like him when it comes to them and Page and that title, it’s not personal to him, it’s just business. Punk says he used to wake up every morning and ask himself if he’s a good guy and this morning he woke up and asked if he’s the champ and his answer was yes. Last week Page said he wouldn’t shake Punk’s hand and destroy him, well he just destroyed Silver and at Double or Nothing, he will shake his hand whether he’s conscious or unconscious. Punk puts his hand out and Page gives him the middle finger and leaves.

Storms Will Pass

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Jamie Hayter and Dr. Britt Baker, who said they don’t know who Baker’s opponent ‘joker’ will be. Baker says it only makes sense that she doesn’t get to prepare for her opponent because she’s going to win anyway. Just like Hayter is and starts talking about when storms come in they are exciting but eventually, they pass. Schiavone mentions how if they both win they will have to face each other and they aren’t too worried about that yet and say the best woman will win.

Danhausen vs. Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling)

Danhausen gets a nice reaction for his entrance as Nese is already in the ring. Right away Danhausen tries a curse, but Sterling gets on the apron and distracts Danhausen. Nese right away attacks Danhausen and hits the Running Nese for the quick pin and win.

Winner: Tony Nese by pinfall at 37 seconds


Sterling gets on the mic and says nobody should be surprised by that outcome and mentions how Danhausen got an entrance and Nese didn’t which prompts Nese to hit another Running Nese. Sterling tells him to do it again, but as Nese pulls down his knee pad, Hook makes his way to the ring and chases away Nese and Sterling. Danhausen extends the hand to Hook who finally shakes his hand as the crowd gives that a great reaction.

AEW Dark Side of the Ring

As Wardlow is making his way to the ring we get a mockery of an episode of Dark Side of the Ring narrated by Chris Jericho that’s going through the history of MJF and Wardlow with clips from Taz (MJF’s consigliere), Jake Roberts, and Barry Horowitz.

The Most Magical Place in the World

MJF comes out to a huge reaction, wearing an Islanders jersey and greeting the crowd. Wardlow is in the ring with about a dozen or so security guards, Mark Sterling and Shawn Spears. MJF tells Wardlow that this crowd is a ‘real symphony, bitch’ and tells the crowd he loves them but now unfortunately we have to talk to Wardlow. MJF compares this to David vs. Goliath, but calls himself a better person than David and from the holy land of Long Island. MJF says we are here to talk about the conditions for Double or Nothing and if Wardlow wins he gets out of his contract, but before he does he will give Wardlow an opportunity to talk to the crowd here as the fans boo that. MJF says under no circumstances (while winking) would he want the crowd to get up from their seats and boo Wardlow whenever he talks, even the poor people in the cheap seats. He gives the floor to Wardlow, as the fans are already booing. They don’t even let him speak so MJF says screw it, he tried before talking about the conditions. MJF says Wardlow is the worst and karma will punish Wardlow for what he did to his friend Cody Rhodes and asks the crowd if they want him to talk about 2024. He says the person in the back doesn’t want to anyway, so he changes the subject and then talks about whipping Wardlow with his belt ten times as he points to Spears who does his old ‘10’ catchphrase and says if Wardlow survives that he will have to face Shawn Spears in a cage match and MJF will be the special referee in it before bringing up Wardlow is 0 and 2 in cage matches and if he can get past that he will have a match with MJF. MJF says if Wardlow loses at Double or Nothing he will never be allowed to sign a contract with AEW forever. He gives the contract to Wardlow who says he is having trouble signing with the handcuffs one. Spears tries to stop MJF for saying to let his handcuffs off, but they do anyway. Wardlow signs the contract, and they try to put the handcuffs back on him but he attacks the security guards and pushes them over the table. Wardlow takes out Spears and now it’s just him and MJF in the ring. Wardlow grabs MJF and tries to powerbomb him, but Sterling saves him. MJF and Spears start leaving as Wardlow puts Sterling through the table with a powerbomb.

Big Stomach, Small Brain

We get a promo from Samoa Joe who says next week he will face the joker and all he’s been facing is jokers since he came here, as Sonjay Dutt says the joker won’t be Jay Lethal or Satnam Singh and says ‘your stomach is big, but your brain is small’. Joe says after he wins the Owen Hart Tournament he will come for them and settle things his way.

FTW Championship: Ricky Starks (c) vs. Jungle Boy

Taz joins commentary for this match. Starks starts in control and smacks Jungle Boy around, before they take it to the mat. They hit snap mares back and forth followed by leg sweeps and headlock takeover. Jungle Boy flips off the ropes and takes Starks to the outside with a dropkick as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Jungle Boy takes control and takes Starks down with a couple of back elbows and a lariat. Jungle tries a Tornado DDT but Starks stops him and tries a suplex. Jungle Boy gets out and does connect with the Tornado DDT for a two count. Starks tries the Rochambeau a couple of times but Jungle counters and hits a superkick for a two count. Starks comes back with a spear and gets a two-count. Jungle Boy puts on the Snare Trap but Starks is able to put his fingertip on the ropes and break it up. Starks snaps Jungle’s head on the ropes before heading over and grabbing his title and teases leaving. Swerve Strickland runs out and throws Starks back inside, but as Jungle Boy has the pin, the referee is too distracted with Swerve. Starks hits Rochambeau and gets the win as Swerve looks upset.

Winner: Ricky Starks by pinfall at 10:00, to retain

Christian Cage and Luchasaurus come out to check on Jungle Boy and get into a shouting match with Swerve Strickland. Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks get in Swerve’s face which prompts Keith Lee to come out. All three teams stare each other down as Jungle Boy looks very distraught. As Luchasaurus leaves, Christian goes to check on Jungle Boy and gives him a hug. It definitely looked like Christian could have been turning on Jungle Boy with the slow walk to him.

J.A.S. Victory Speech

They have a podium as Angelo Parker welcomes the AEW Galaxy to their victory speech. Matt Menard tells the crowd that standing here with the Jericho Appreciation Society really turns him on. Chris Jericho talks about hometown heroes and him being one of them as he was born down the road in Manhasset but he moved away quickly because this place is a dump. He tells a ‘nerd’ in the crowd that he will throw a fireball in his face because he’s a wizard. Jericho talks about how they got rid of Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz and tells them to stay home because ‘Jericho 2:16 says I just burned your face’. Jericho tells Kingston to stay home and take care of his wife and if she doesn’t feel better to give Jericho a call. Daniel Garcia talks about the sports entertainer winning over the wrestler every time.

Jon Moxley’s music hits as he makes his way through the crowd and ringside. Jericho tells Moxley to take another sabbatical as there are 5 of them and only one of him as this prompts Bryan Danielson to come out with Wheeler Yuta and William Regal. Jericho still says it’s 5 on 4 as Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz creep up from behind them. Everybody starts brawling, including Regal hitting Jericho with a right hook.

We get a video package for Thunder Rosa and Serena Deeb with commentary from Jim Ross, Dustin Rhodes, and Tony Schiavone.

The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm

Commentary mentions how Hikaru Shida’s injury could take her out of the tournament, but we will find out more about that soon. Storm holds Hayter down on the mat with a front face lock and throws her over for a one-count. Storm comes back with a low dropkick as they take it to the outside. Storm tries to come back inside but gets kicked right off the apron by Hayter as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are exchanging forearms and both fall down. Storm hits a splash in the corner and a DDT that knocks Hayter to the outside, where Storm hits another DDT off the apron. Storm hits a cross body, but Hayter comes back with a backbreaker for a two-count. Storm hits a German Suplex before they start brawling on the apron where Hayter drops Storm back first onto the apron with a Rock Bottom. They head to the top rope where Hayter hits a superplex, holds on, and tries another suplex, but Storm turns it into a pin attempt. Storm comes back with a spike piledriver for the pin.

Winner: Toni Storm by pinfall at 8:35, to advance

Rampage Line-Up

  • Owen Hart Tournament: Riho vs. Ruby Soho
  • We hear from Jade Cargill & The Baddies
  • TNT Championship: Scorpio Sky (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian
  • Death Triangle vs. AFO
  • Shawn spears vs. Bear Boulder

We get a promo from Scorpio Sky where he says he will ‘SCU’ Kazarian there. Lexy Nair tries to get a word with Kazarian backstage but Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti interrupt and Sammy says Kaz can’t trust Sky. Kaz says he knows who he can trust and it’s himself. Sammy says he will ‘SCU Later’.

Dynamite Wild Card Wednesday Line-Up

  • Chris Jericho & William Regal go face-to-face
  • Owen Hart Tournament: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Rey Fenix
  • Owen Hart Tournament: Dr. Britt Baker vs. joker
  • Owen Hart Tournament: Samoa Joe vs. joker
  • Adam Page vs. Konosuke Takeshita w/ CM Punk on commentary
  • Wardlow takes 10 lashes
  • Owen Hart Tournament: Adam Cole vs. winner of Darby Allin & Jeff Hardy

They also announce that Hook & Danhausen will face Tony Nese & Mark Sterling on the Double or Nothing Buy-In.

The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Anything Goes Match: Jeff Hardy (w/ Matt Hardy) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Sting)

Right away Allin dropkicks Jeff to the outside and hits him with a tope suicida before grabbings a whole bunch of chairs. Allin starts placing all the chairs up, but Jeff drops him face-first into the steel steps. Jeff sends Darby over the stairs and hits him with a flying clothesline. Jeff tries to DDT Allin off the stairs, but Allin sends him into the ring post before they take it back to the ring where Jeff hits a Twist of Fate on the ropes and goes and grabs a ladder as they go to picture-in-picture.

As we come back, Jeff Hardy got knocked off the ladder and placed on the chairs as Allin hits a Swanton Bomb off the ladder from inside the ring to Jeff on the outside and takes an ugly-looking spill. Allin tosses Jeff back inside and teases a Coffin Drop, but Jeff moves out of the way and onto the apron where Allin hits the Coffin Drop and it’s all apron for Allin. Jeff places Allin on the steel steps and smashes his head before heading to the top rope and hitting a Swanton Bomb on the steel steps as Allin gets out of the way. Allin tosses Jeff back inside and hits the Coffin Drop from the top rope, but Jeff kicks out and rolls up Darby against the ladder and gets the pin.

Winner: Jeff Hardy by pinfall at 10:17, to advance

Jeff Hardy will face Adam Cole next Wednesday on Wild Card Wednesday. The Undisputed Elite walks out and stare down The Hardys.

About John Siino 392 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.