The biggest news following Friday Night SmackDown was WWE opting to address the situation involving Sasha Banks & Naomi with Michael Cole tasked with the requirement of delivering the message.
Karen Peterson talks about cosplaying as Jeff Hardy, her time as a flight attendant, dealing with isolation in Japan, and taking the Japanese wrestling world by storm.
Karen Peterson is back with Dream Slam Weekly with an analysis of the NOMADS’ Freelance Summit, the announcements for Stardom’s Five Star Grand Prix, and an all-encompassing look at the Joshi scene.
Nate, Kris and Andrew Thompson reconvene to discuss Andrew’s trip to Dallas for WrestleMania, Bianca Belair’s big night, the return of Cody Devante Rhodes to The Fed, and more.
John Pollock & Wai Ting review AEW Rampage and WWE SmackDown as WWE addresses the Sasha Banks-Naomi situation on-air, and AEW releases footage of Bryan Danielson getting his foot stuck.
Jordan Goodman & Wai Ting are joined by psychotherapist Sarah Kalny and “comedy analyst” Eli for a special discussion about the role of comedy in our lives.