AEW Dynamite Report: Undisputed Elite breaks up, Team Taz is done, Jericho vs. Yuta

John Siino's coverage of AEW Dynamite from Columbus including the return of the Undisputed Elite, Chris Jericho vs. Wheeler Yuta & more.

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

August 3rd, 2022

By: John Siino

Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH

Commentary: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Taz

Orange Cassidy vs. Jay Lethal

As Jay Lethal was coming out with Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh, he told them to go to the back. Right away, Orange Cassidy goes for the roll-up pin for a two. They trade arm-drags before Cassidy fakes him out and puts his hands in his pocket. Cassidy dodges the Lethal Injection, then as Lethal tries it again, Cassidy dropkicks Lethal to the outside and meets him with a tope suicida. Cassidy does his kicks to Lethal up the ramp, but Lethal crawls all the way to the top as Satnam Singh comes out to go face to face with Cassidy. We then see the Best Friends come out, but Trent Beretta is on Chuck Taylor’s shoulders to be as tall as Singh, but Sonjay Dutt comes out to bring Singh to the back. Back inside, Lethal knocks Cassidy back outside with a dragon screw. Lethal traps Cassidy’s foot between the ring and the steel steps and hits a dropkick to the steps as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Lethal is continuing working on Cassidy’s left leg in the ring, but Cassidy escapes and goes to the top rope. Lethal meets him and hits an avalanche dragon screw then puts on the Figure Four, but Cassidy reverses it and grabs a hold of the rope. Cassidy reverses a suplex and hits the Stundog Millionaire, but Lethal stops him and hits the Lethal Combination. Lethal heads to the top rope for the elbow drop, but Cassidy rolls all the way to the other side. Cassidy goes to the top rope, punches Lethal off and hits a diving DDT followed by another DDT for a two count. Cassidy teases the Orange Punch, but his leg gives out and he falls down. Lethal picks him up but Cassidy quickly reverses into the Beach Break for a two count. Lethal blocks another Orange Punch attempt and tries a Figure Four that Cassidy blocks into a two-count roll-up. Lethal comes right back and hits the Lethal Injection for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jay Lethal by pinfall at 12:18

Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh make their way to the ring as Dutt has a microphone and says that Lethal was amazing and starts talking trash to Cassidy who’s laid out in the ring. Dutt asks Lethal about this ‘big man’ from Rampage called Wardlow and for his thoughts on him. Lethal says Wardlow stuck his nose in their business because he wanted to protect his new friend Orange Cassidy. Lethal says Wardlow might want to come out right now because he’s going to put the Figure Four on Cassidy and break his leg. Lethal goes to put it on, but the Best Friends run to the ring followed by Wardlow. Wardlow scares off Lethal, Dutt, and Singh who start backing away but Dutt says it isn’t fair or the time to do this match so Dutt suggests at Battle of the Belts III for Wardlow to defend the TNT Championship against Jay Lethal. Wardlow welcomes Columbus to Wardlow’s World and says if Lethal doesn’t have the balls to do it tonight, he doesn’t care where or what city Wardlow will whoop his ass.

The Undisputed Elite Returns

Adam Cole makes his way out with reDRagon and the Young Bucks. Cole says it feels good to be back in this ring with his friends, but unfortunately he’s still not medically cleared but he’s taken this time to process things. Cole speaks on things they can work on and figure out what they could fix. Cole says the five of them have chemistry, talent and loyalty and fight alongside your brothers no matter what. Cole then brings up the Trios Tournament and says if he’s not medically cleared, Kyle O’Reilly isn’t cleared and they don’t want to choose Bobby Fish, the Young Bucks can’t be in the tournament. Then Cole says they won’t be physically capable as Cole and reDRagon attack the Bucks. Brandon Cutler joins in and they attack him as well. They place Matt Jackson’s head in a chair, but before Cole can continue, Adam Page runs out with a lead pipe and drives off Cole, O’Reilly and Fish. Page helps Matt up and leaves the ring as Excalibur wonders if The Elite is back.

No Stock Answer

We go backstage to Jon Moxley who says tonight the last foundation of the Hart Foundation faces the first survivor of the Blackpool Combat Club for a chance to face him. Moxley says he doesn’t care who wins and it’s not a stock answer, he doesn’t care. When the bell rings, he has no respect for anybody and he doesn’t care if it’s Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. When he gets in the ring he’s trying to hurt his opponent and split their head open with blood and won’t stop until somebody goes to the hospital. That’s why he’s the best at this, and when the BCC is all said and done they will make the Hart Dungeon look like a daycare. Maybe Wheeler Yuta wins, maybe Chris Jericho wins, but they know when they show up next week they better be ready. This is his life and when you step into the ring with him, this is not a game.

Arrest Him

We go to footage from earlier today where Tony Schiavone was speaking to Christian Cage. Cage talks about how he would never drag to the level that Jungle Boy did. We cut to Jungle Boy driving in, but security quickly holds him back, as Cage tells them to arrest him. Excalibur talks about how Jungle Boy wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter (w/ Rebel) vs. ThunderStorm (Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm)

Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker start the match, but Toni Storm and Jamie Hayter get in right away as all four women start fighting. Baker puts on the Lockjaw right away, but Rosa keeps countering it. Hayter tags in, as Rosa tags out to Storm. Storm and Rosa continue to double team Hayter in their corner and tag in and out. Baker takes control and starts choking Rosa on the ropes as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Rosa fights off Baker, but Baker tags out to Hayter who stops Rosa from tagging out. Rosa hits a stunner and makes the hot tag to Storm who goes to the top rope and hits a diving crossbody for a two count. Storm takes out Baker on the outside with a DDT, then takes out Rebel before hitting another diving crossbody to Hayter. Rosa comes in and her and Storm hit Hayter with a double suplex, before Baker tags in. Rosa hits a Death Valley Driver to Baker and tags out to Storm. As Storm gets on the top rope, Rebel gets on the apron and distracts her. Baker rakes Rosa’s eyes and takes her out, goes to the top rope and hits an avalanche Air Raid Crash on Storm. Baker tags out to Hayter who hits a sliding lariat, followed by a stomp from Baker but Rosa breaks up the count with a vicious looking diving dropkick. Rosa and Baker get in each other’s faces and start trading forearms before Baker hits an Air Raid Crash. Storm hits Baker with a DDT, but Hayter stops Storm with a back breaker as all four women are laid out. Storm and Rosa hit in stereo German Suplexes followed by attacks in the corner. Storm hits a bunch of hip attacks, but accidentally hits Rosa with one. Hayter takes advantage and hits the lariat on Storm for the pin and the win.

Winners: Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter by pinfall at 12:02

Sign the Contract

We go to Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti in Paris, France where they say they are getting married. A narrator says they won’t be here this week because they are getting married. Eddie Kingston interrupts the video and wonders why that video is playing and says nobody cares. Kingston says when Guevara is done with his marriage, to check his mail and sign the contract and he’ll see him at the pay per view.

Team Taz is Done

Taz comments on what happened last week and says as of this moment Team Taz is finished and he wishes nothing but the best to Hook, Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks, but he’s done with them.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ren Jones

Right away, Powerhouse Hobbs crushes Ren Jones in the corner with a splash and follows with a stampede into the corner and the Oklahoma Stampede. Hobbs says ‘watch this, Ricky’ and clotheslines Jones down, puts his knee on top and makes the quick pin.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs by pinfall in 53 seconds

Ricky Starks runs his way to the ring and attacks Powerhouse Hobbs, knocking the referee down in the process, but this distraction causes Hobbs to grab him and take him out with a spinebuster.

Evil Doesn’t Need a Mask

We go to a video from Miro who asks his god what he can trust and if he sent a visitor that’s been talking to him and she’s been telling him things. He says evil doesn’t need a mask, just time, because in the end everyone reveals themselves and you know the redeemer will do.

The Coffin Drops on Brody King

We see a black and white video from Darby Allin who says he’s the one who told Tony Khan to hire Brody King. The fact that he’s here eats him alive and King needs everything from him that’s why he’s trying to build his name off of him. We see Darby is tattooing himself on his hand and he says King asked for this match and this hand will be the last thing he sees and his tattoo says ‘The Coffin Drops on Brody King’. The match is next week at Quake by the Lake in a Coffin Match.

Jim Ross comes out for the second hour.

Christian Cage vs. Matt Hardy

Right when the bell rings they start attacking each other. Matt Hardy knocks Christian Cage off the top rope to the outside and tosses him against the barricades. Back inside, Hardy attacks Cage in the corner with punches. Hardy stays in control and attacks Cage on the outside again, but Cage drives Hardy into the steel steps. Cage continues on the attack as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Hardy hits Cage with a superplex and gets a two count. Hardy stays in control with ten punches in the corner and a diving elbow to the back of Cage’s neck. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Cage escapes, kicks Hardy, goes to the top rope, but Hardy meets him up there and hits a back body drop off the top and a diving elbow drop for a two count. Hardy counters the Killswitch, but Cage comes right back snapping Hardy on the ropes and hits a diving headbutt for a two. Hardy comes right back with the Side Effect for a two followed by another one on the apron. Hardy grabs a table and sets it up and slams Cage into it, before laying him on it. Hardy goes on the apron and tries a diving elbow drop, but Cage gets out of the way. Cage sends Hardy back inside and hits the Killswitch for the pin.

Winner: Christian Cage by pinfall at 11:06

Cage grabs a couple chairs from under the ring and sets up for the Conchairto on Matt Hardy, but Luchasaurus’ music hits and he makes his way to the ring. As Cage is waiting for him, Jungle Boy comes in from the crowd with a chair and chases Cage away while wearing a shirt that says ‘Christian is a pussy’.

The Dragon Slayer

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Daniel Garcia who says he got his biggest win ever by making Bryan Danielson submit and calls himself The Dragon Slayer, and whenever Danielson’s head feels better he will have his number and slay the dragon again.

We see highlights of PAC vs. Connor Mills from RevPro and PAC getting in Kip Sapian’s face who’s ringside with the box on his head.

Ethan Page Deserves Better

Ethan Page is in the ring with a microphone and says he came out there to ask why and says why the hell is Ethan Page not on TV every week, not on the bus, and doesn’t have an action figure. Stokely Hathaway gets in the ring as Page says ‘Ethan Page deserves better’ and asks why they would cheer. When his shirt goes on sale, they aren’t standing on line and making him a top ten seller. Those nitwits are first in line for an Orange Cassidy or CM Punk shirt and believe whatever BS Eddie Kingston spits out. You don’t have his back and every week he’s not on TV, this company and fans are leaving money on the table. Stokely whispers something in Page’s ear and gives him his card. Page puts the card in his pocket and walks to the back with Stokely.

I’ll Choke You Out

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Matt Menard, Angelo Parker & Anna Jay and asks them about tonight’s main event. Menard says that one week from tonight Chris Jericho will become champion for the second time. Parker asks Schiavone if he’s getting smart by saying ‘if Jericho wins’. Parker says the Jericho Appreciation Society keeps getting better by adding someone like Jay. Jay yells about choking everybody out including Schiavone, the cameraman, and a stagehand who she goes over to and chokes out.

Dumpster Match: The Gunn Club (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Billy Gunn) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens)

As The Gunn Club is coming out, The Acclaimed attack Billy Gunn from the back with trash cans and then take out Austin & Colten as Max Caster asks for his music to hit so he could spit his freestyle. Caster talks about making the Gunn Club retire like Vince McMahon and he’s more positive than Joe Biden’s COVID test. The Gunns attack them as they are finishing up and try to suplex Bowens on trash cans, but he reserves them. Austin throws Bowens in as the match officially begins. Bowens ends up with his head in the dumpster as Austin repeatedly slams the lid on his head. The Gunns then powerbomb Bowens into the dumpster and go to attack Caster. Caster gets back body dropped into the dumpster, but as they try to close it, The Acclaimed pop out and use cookie sheets on the Gunns as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Austin and Bowens are fighting on top of the dumpster as Austin tosses Bowens off and onto the trash cans. The Gunn Club sets up a table, as Colten suplexes Caster on the steel grating. Colten hits the Colt 45 to Bowens on the top of the ramp. Colten sets up Boweons on the table, as Austin is on top of the entrance tunnel but Bowens gets off. Caster shows up behind Austin and tosses him into the Dumpster. Caster hits the Mic Drop to Colten on top of the table as Bowens tosses Colten into the dumpster, closes the lid, and wins the match.

Winners: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) at 8:06

The Acclaimed zip ties the dumpster and pushes it over the ledge of the stage and it lands upside down.

Rampage Line-Up

  • AEW Interim World Championship Eliminator Match: Jon Moxley vs. Mance Warner
  • The debut of Madison Rayne
  • Friday Night Street Fight: Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland vs. Tony Nese & Josh Woods

Battle of the Belts III Line-Up

  • ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Jamie Hayter
  • AEW TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Jay Lethal

Quake by the Lake Line-Up

  • Coffin Match: Brody King vs. Darby Allin
  • Tornado Tag: Lucha Brothers vs. Andrade El Idolo & Rush
  • Jade Cargill open challenge for the TBT Championship
  • AEW Interim World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Chris Jericho or Wheeler Yuta

Wheeler Yuta (w/ Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Chris Jericho (w/ Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)

Claudio Castagnoli came out right before the match started as he realized had Matt Menard & Angelo Parker ringside, as William Regal joined commentary. The winner of this match will face Jon Moxley next week for the AEW Interim World Championship. Right away, Wheeler Yuta flicks Chris Jericho’s broken nose and takes control. Jericho tries to regroup on the outside with the Jericho Appreciation Society, but Yuta follows him and tosses him against the barricades. Parker & Menard go to grab the boot of Yuta, and Aubrey Edwards ejects them. They go back and forth with Jericho laying Yuta on the ropes as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Yuta fights Jericho off with punches and kicks, a Manhattan Drop, enziguri before splashing him in the corner. They both go to hit a crossbody and knock each other out. They start smacking each other while on their knees until they stand up and Yuta hits German Suplexes. They counter pin attempts, until Jericho puts on the Walls of Jericho, but Yuta crawls over and grabs the rope. Jericho gets in Aubrey’s face, but she pushes him off as Yuta knocks Jericho to the outside and dives onto him, followed by a second and third one. Back inside, hits a diving crossbody for a two count, but Jericho comes right back into a backbreaker and a short clothesline. Yuta blocks the Lionsault with his knees up, goes to the top rope but gets caught with a Codebreaker by Jericho for a two count. Yuta reverses Jericho and puts on a stretch submission that Regal says he’s been teaching Yuta for the last two months. Jericho grabs the bat, but Aubrey takes it away in which with the distraction Jericho low blows Yuta, misses the Judas Effect, as Yuta tries the Seat Belt pin, but Jericho turns it into the Walls of Jericho as Yuta submits.

Winner: Chris Jericho by submission at 12:31

Stretch the Shit Out of You

Jericho keeps the submission on, as Jon Moxley makes his way to the ring and chases off Jericho. Jericho grabs the mic and says that Moxley has unleashed the demon and opened Pandora’s box, and next week he will get the last survivor of the Hart Dungeon and the Lionheart and he will stretch the shit out of Jon Moxley next week.

About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.