The General Manager of DDT to depart the promotion.
At a press conference held on August 22nd, Hisaya Imabayashi, General Manager of DDT Pro-Wrestling announced that he is leaving the promotion at the end of 2022.
He is stepping away from his duties to be there for his parents who are elderly. He’ll be taking care of them and it’ll be difficult to continue his duties with DDT and do that.
\今林久弥GMが家庭の事情により年内での退社を発表。今後の詳細は後日発表。本日21時~DDT公式YouTubeにて『まっする』に関する重大発表を配信。ひらがなまっする #ddtpro
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) August 22, 2022
In February 2021, Imabayashi was promoted from Assistant Producer to GM. He has been involved in the pro wrestling business for close to two decades. He stated that he’ll always be part of DDT.