Harada’s MRI results to be shared after NOAH’s September 3rd event.
16-year veteran and 4-time GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion Daisuke Harada has been pulled from Pro Wrestling NOAH events through September 3rd.
The organization shared that Harada is dealing with a neck injury. The decision to pull him from in-ring action was made after he underwent an MRI scan, conducted by NOAH’s medical staff, who consulted with Shunji Asamoto, Director of the Spine and Spinal Center, Department of Neurosurgery at Makita General Hospital.
Results of Harada’s examination will be shared after NOAH’s event in Osaka on September 3rd.
これはプロレスリング・ノアが定期的に実施している MRI検査の結果から、社会医療法人財団仁医会牧田総合病院 脳神経外科 脊椎脊髄センター部長 朝本俊司先生を中心とした医療チームの診断を 受け協議し、決定したものです。
— プロレスリング・ノア |PROWRESTLING NOAH (@noah_ghc) August 25, 2022
なお、9・3 大阪大会以降につきましては、医療チームの診察・診断の後、あらためてお知らせいたします。
ファンの皆様、関係各位の皆様には大変ご迷惑・ご心配をおかけいたしますが、何卒ご理解ご了承のほどよろしくお願いいたします。— プロレスリング・ノア |PROWRESTLING NOAH (@noah_ghc) August 25, 2022
The 35-year-old Harada last wrestled on August 17th as a part of a six-man tag.
This coming weekend, NOAH is going to be wrapping up their N-1 Victory tournament. There is a tie for first place in both blocks. GHC Heavyweight Champion Kenoh and Hideki Suzuki are tied in the A block and Takashi Sugiura and Satoshi Kojima are tied in the B Block.