AEW Dynamite
August 31st, 2022
NOW Arena in Hoffman Estates, IL
Jim Ross, Excalibur & Taz
Who Will Sign the Open Contract?
Jon Moxley came to the ring and got a pretty mixed reaction, as they chanted for both CM Punk and Moxley. Moxley says he knows they love their boy, but he thinks they are still mopping his blood in Cleveland. Moxley talks about how he used to hear Punk described as the modern 60-minute man, but what a load of crap that is. When guys get in the ring with Moxley, we find out what they are really made up of as he tests and pushes them. Last week we learned what CM Punk is made of and Punk started to look for a way out right away and he folded and curled up into a little ball to die. The crowd starts turning a bit on Moxley, but Moxley said Punk didn’t turn out like we wanted him to, and when we gave him a second chance it just didn’t work out. Moxley knows the crowd loves him, but he has zero sympathy for CM Punk because Punk has a fragile ego, fragile body, weak mind, and weak spirit. Moxley talks about having an open contract for a title match at All Out, and already signs it and leaves it in the ring for anyone to face him. He mentions it could be anybody from anywhere, including NJPW, and asks Rocky Romero if he has anybody for him. He says whoever it is, he can out fight and out wrestle them and he’s the living embodiment of the sport of professional wrestling. Wrestling Jon Moxley may be hazardous to your health and whoever you are, you’ve been warned. Ace Steel gets in the ring and takes the contract, puts it in his back pocket, and heads to the back.
Watch Your Back
Tony Schiavone is backstage with Chris Jericho who talks about this match with Bryan Danielson being a dream match for most but a nightmare for Danielson. Jericho talks about who Stu Hart would have picked between him and Danielson, and says they would have appreciated Jericho much more. Daniel Garcia steps in and says he wanted to pledge his loyalty to the Jericho Appreciation Society and he knows the Lionheart will win on Sunday. Jericho appreciates it, but tells Danielson to watch his back.
Bryan Danielson vs. Jake Hager
They come out with William Regal and Chris Jericho, who both then join commentary. They start the match with Bryan Danielson landing some kicks, but Jake Hager comes back with a couple tosses until Danielson puts on a front choke and sends Hager to the outside where he hits him with a tope suicida. Hager catches a diving Danielson off the apron and crashes him through the timekeeper’s table. Hager stays in control and sends Danielson back inside where he lands elbows before slamming him back down as we go to picture-in-picture.
When we come back, Danielson takes Hager out with a missile dropkick. Danielson comes back with his kicks knocking Hager out for a two count. Danielson follows by dropping elbows, but Hager gets out and hammers his fists down until Danielson traps him in a triangle choke but Hager powers out and hits a powerbomb to break it up. Danielson fights back and tries the LeBell Lock but Hager puts on the ankle lock instead. Danielson escapes and puts on the LeBell Lock but Hager is able to reach and grab the rope. They go back and forth until Danielson hits the Busaiku Knee for the pin and the win.
Winner: Bryan Danielson by pinfall at 10:46
Matt Menard and Angelo Parker run out and attack Danielson, but Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta then come out for the save. They start brawling outside the ring and up the ramp, as Chris Jericho runs to the ring with a chair. As Jericho is about to hit Danielson with it, Daniel Garcia runs out and takes the chair away from him. This distracts Jericho, as he gets hit with a Busaiku Knee from Danielson. Garcia was wearing a sweet Benny the Butcher shirt.
W. Morrissey Is Here
When we come back from the commercial, we see The Wingmen in the ring with signs who are protesting for more TV time. This prompts W. Morrissey to come out and take Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi, Peter Avalon and JD Drake all out. Stokely Hathaway comes out and watches Morrissey. Morrissey takes Avalon out with a giant chokeslam as Hathaway is now in the ring. Tony Schiavone tries to ask Stokely what’s going on with all these business cards as Stokely says it’s none of his business and they have a little bit of a shoving match.
Don Is Impressed
Alex Marvez is backstage with the United Empire, but Don Callis comes in and shakes Will Ospreay’s hand and says he’s been very impressed with him lately. Ospreay doesn’t want to hear it from Callis and tells him it’s time for him to go.
Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter (w/ Rebel) vs. Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida
Jamie Hayter and Hikaru Shida start the match with shoulder blocks until Shida hits a wild looking hurricanrana before her and Toni Storm trade tags in back and forth. Hayter escapes and tags in Britt Baker who takes control with her and Hayter double teaming on Storm before they go to picture-in-picture.
When we come back, Storm is able to escape and makes the hot tag to Shida who hits the ten punches to Hayter in the corner before hitting a meteora off the ropes for a two count. Hayter comes back with a double suplex to Storm and Shida, before tagging Baker back in who hits a corkscrew neckbreaker on Shida for a two. As Baker puts on her glove, she gets taken out with a dropkick by Shida. Storm takes out Baker on the outside, as Shida hits Baker with the Katana for the pin.
Winners: Hikaru Shida & Toni Storm by pinfall at 7:40
Simplest of Ruses
We get a video from Kip Sapian who talks about having a master plan and waiting for the perfect opportunity. He talks about PAC falling for the simplest of ruses and he can read him like a book. PAC chimes in and says Sapian pestered and badgered him as Sapian talked about challenging PAC for the All-Atlantic Championship on Sunday.
The Enemy of Our Enemy…
We get a video from Miro who talks about his God making a deal with a devil to take him out but asks God how it’s working out. Darby Allin steps into the picture and talks about House of Black and how Malakai Black needed Brody King and Buddy Matthews, and them not needing him. Sting comes in and says the enemy of our enemy is our friend, as Miro talks about this Sunday facing the House of Black.
We Are Chicago
CM Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk talks about how he broke his foot on June 1st and then wrestled an entire match after and pulverized a bone on his foot, then got surgery on it. He got three plates and sixteen screws which he says is sixteen more times than some ‘fat guy’ in the crowd. Punk says how he probably shouldn’t have said that just like he probably shouldn’t have come back early from his injury. He says it’s ok, and not the first time he got beat up in Cleveland, but something about this time didn’t sit well with him. He said he was cleared and is 100% but he doesn’t know if that 100% is good enough. He came back to wrestling a year ago because he loves this business and the fans and they love him back and that’s why it hurts to let them down. Punk said he couldn’t walk Larry (his dog) for 2 months and he let him down, he mentions his sister sitting in the front row and letting her down as well. Punk talks about maybe this not being enough anymore as Ace Steel makes his way down to the ring and says this is not what they discussed talking about in the back and this isn’t Punk. Steel apologies for interrupting but says he trained Punk and has been his coach since day one. Steel says they aren’t just friends, but family and you don’t let family down. Steel gets real animated, smacks Punk in the face and screams at Punk that he’s going to sign this contract and fight Jon Moxley at All Out. Steel tells the whole crowd to chant for Punk and screams at Punk to sign it. Punk gets into it and talks about how he almost died at birth because they’ve been trying to kill him since day one, then says Moxley ain’t the one to do that. Punk gets in the crowd and goes up the crowd while getting the crowd all amped up. Punk then says at All Out, Moxley can’t break his bones or drink his blood because ‘We are Chicago’.
Exit Jungle Boy, Enter Jack Perry
We go to a sit-down interview taped earlier with Jim Ross, Jungle Boy, and Christian Cage where they agreed to no physicality. Cage brings up how Ross signed his first contract, and knows he’s a professional but says that Jungle Boy has to step into the ring with him and realize he’s not in his league and will be a has-been at 25 years old. Jungle Boy says this is complicated as cared about Cage and his relationship felt familiar to him, and he did love him and he made it feel like Cage loved him back. Jungle Boy says this was probably the real him all along, and Cage says he’s right. Cage says he’s not here to be a father figure but to make money. Jungle Boy says his dad taught him how to be a man, and this Sunday he won’t wrestle Jungle Boy but fight Jack Perry.
Wardlow & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Silas Young, Ren Jones & Vic Capri
Wardlow takes Ren Jones down right away, before Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood trade tags in and work on Jones. FTR takes Vic Capri out with the Big Rig, before Wardlow comes in and hits the Powerbomb Symphony before getting the pin. Sonjay Dutt was backstage taking notes on this match.
Winners: Wardlow & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) by pinfall at 2:02
One More Miracle
When we come back, Jon Moxley enters the ring and says if CM Punk wants this match, then he agrees to it, one more time this Sunday for the AEW World Championship. And if Punk thinks he has one more miracle left in him, he better find it fast because the second the bell rings, he’ll be in danger and he’ll try to take his head off. Moxley is going to put on a show of display of brutality and glorious wrestling violence that Punk has never experienced and show the world the difference between a fake messiah and a real legend in front of your eyes.
Dark Order Forever
Tony Schiavone is backstage with Ten and Evil Uno where they show Ten is injured and Uno will take his spot this Friday on Rampage. Andrade El Idolo comes into the picture and gives Uno money and says he used to have power and asks what happened. Andrade talks about being impressed with Ten and maybe he should take off his mask and join him. Uno gets offended and says it’s ‘Dark Order forever’ but Andrade and Jose attack him with Ten’s crutch and use a stun gun.
Dante Martin vs. Rush (w/ Jose the Assistant) vs. Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Wheeler Yuta
William Regal joins the commentary table. This match starts fast and wild right away until Rush and Wheeler Yuta go at it. Dante Martin joins in with a cross body as Rey Fenix comes in but gets countered by Martin as they go back and forth with pin attempts. Fenix quickly takes out Rush on the outside with a dive followed by Fenix and Martin as they go to picture-in-picture.
When we return, it’s steady insanity as Rush hits a piledriver on Yuta for a two count. Martin takes out Fenix and gets a two count as commentary discusses who could possibly be the joker for the Casino Ladder Match on Sunday. Martin takes Fenix out with a Poison Rana and tries the Nose Dive but gets taken out by Yuta. Yuta jumps off the top rope, but Martin dodges it as they go back and forth until Yuta traps him with the Seatbelt pin for the win.
Winner: Wheeler Yuta by pinfall at 8:07
Hangman Makes Three
Tony Schiavone is backstage with John Silver and Alex Reynolds and asks what they are going to do against the Best Friends now that both Evil Uno and Ten are taken out. They say if they have to fight 2 on 3 they will, but Adam Page walks in and says if they need a partner he will take the spot.
Rampage Line-Up
- AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Rampage Final: Adam Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends
- We’ll hear from Swerve in Our Glory & The Acclaimed
- QT Marshall vs. Ricky Starks
- Mark Henry sit down with Jade Cargill & Athena
- Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo vs. Ortiz & Ruby Soho
Dynamite Line-Up
- ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
All Out Line-Up
- Tomohiro Ishii vs. Eddie Kingston (Zero Hour)
- AEW All-Atlantic Championship: PAC (c) vs. Kip Sapian (Zero Hour)
- FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Angelo Parker (Zero Hour)
- Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho
- AEW Interim Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida
- House of Black vs. Darby Allin, Sting & Miro
- TBS Championship: Jade Cargill vs. Athena
- Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage
- FTR & Wardlow vs. Jay Lethal & Motor City Machine Guns
- Casino Ladder Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Wheeler Yuta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Rey Fenix vs. Rush vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Dante Martin vs. the joker
- AEW World Tag Team Championship: Swerve in Our Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed
- Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
- AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Finals
- AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. CM Punk
AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Dynamite Finals: United Empire (Will Ospreay, Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Brandon Cutler)
Justin Roberts had an amazing intro for Kenny Omega where he pointed out all the things Kenny does better than Will Ospreay. Don Callis joined commentary for this match as Omega is still wearing his compression shirt. Omega and Ospreay start the match and right away go after each other. Everybody else gets in the ring as all six start brawling with Aussie Open being taken to the outside as the Young Bucks try to dive on them but get caught. Ospreay does an amazing sky twisting dive to them. All six keep brawling until they go to picture-in-picture.
When we come back Aussie Open is double teaming Matt Jackson, hitting a cutter but Omega breaks up the count. Matt makes the hot tag to Omega who goes after Mark Davis taking him out with a dropkick to the knee and a leapfrog bulldog for a two count. Omega sets up for the V-Trigger, but Ospreay breaks it up as Omega blocks his Os Cutter. Ospreay takes Omega to the outside where he tries to dive on him but Omega catches him and takes him out on the outside with a snap dragon suplex. Aussie Open takes Omega back inside and hits him with a superplex but Nick Jackson breaks up the pin attempt from Davis. Ospreay rips off Omega’s compression shirt and starts attacking at all his targeted injuries and stays in control as they go to commercial.
Ospreay and Omega go at it with Ospreay hitting a Liger Bomb as Aussie Open joins in and they try to take out Nick Jackson but he counters and hits a cutter on Ospreay. Young Bucks come back and try to attack Fletcher but Ospreay breaks it up with an Os Cutter and hits a shooting star press/headbutt/tombstone, something combination that was just pure insanity. All six men go at it with super kicks before Omega catches Ospreay as they hit the Indy Tacker on him. Omega follows with a V Trigger and the One Winged Angel on Fletcher for the pin.
Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) by pinfall at 18:54, to advance