If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.
** This Monday on Raw, Johnny Gargano is making his in-ring return in what will be his first match since December 2021. On the After The Bell podcast, Gargano joked that he hopes he still knows what to do in a match. Days before his return in Toronto, Gargano was snuck into the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida so he could roll around in the ring but he said doing that versus competing in a match on TV in an arena are two different things.
Hopefully, I remember how to do this [Gargano laughed]. To be fair, and I — when I was gone, I hadn’t stepped in a ring at all. I made it a point to not get in a ring, just because I wanted a complete mental break of all of this. I didn’t wanna think about wrestling, I didn’t wanna do wrestling, I didn’t wanna do any of that. I knew it’d be better for me in the long run to kind of step away that way. So, up until a few days before I came back in Toronto, I hadn’t been in a ring. When we found out — again, I’m using the word ‘snuck’. They snuck me into the Performance Center a few days before I came back in Toronto and I was able to get in the ring and roll around and move around a bit and I’ve been doing that here and there, every other week, every other day. But I will say, it is amazing how quickly it comes back. It is very much like riding a bike. The minute I got in the ring and hit the ropes and rolled and things like that, I was like, okay, that’s how you do this, I remember. But, to say I’m doing it in a Performance Center compared to an arena on Monday Night Raw which is a fun little thing in itself. We’ve had happy accidents along the way to where my return was in Toronto where me and Tommaso [Ciampa] won the tag team titles at TakeOver: Toronto and my first match back is going to be in Portland which is the site of TakeOver: Portland which was the last arena show, the last TakeOver arena show that I was a part of before the pandemic. So that was the last arena I wrestled in, literally was in Portland and my first match back is going to be in Portland.
He was asked if there was ever a point during his free agency when he considered being done with wrestling for good. Gargano gave himself a full year to not physically be involved in wrestling. He admitted that it did cross his mind a few times as he was enjoying being around his family and maneuvering how he wanted to.
Yes and no [did I ever think about stepping away from wrestling permanently]. I gave myself kind of a year. When I left in December, I kind of said, okay, I am content being gone December — I think December 7th might have been my last NXT show — December 7th to December whatever, December-January. I was okay taking off a full year, letting my body rest, letting my body recover but also letting my mind recover and also reenergizing myself. I’ve done this for almost 18 years at this point and I’ve been very lucky, I haven’t had any major injuries, I haven’t had any major time off, knock on wood somewhere. So, I haven’t had any downtime so for me and as you guys know, there is no off-season in what we do so we’re just going consistently, especially when before I even got here, on the indies, I was going pretty hard every single week at multiple shows, double shots, wrestling multiple times a weekend, staying in shape, doing all that stuff like that. It mentally wears on you and especially in this current day and age with social media and things like that-that get in your head and the mental health problems we all have to kind of go through. I was just totally fine taking this year, spending it with my baby and being a stay-at-home dad, working on my dad bod which I did, working on my dad bod, getting ready to go and just being happy. I was totally fine with that, with wrestling not being in my life. I don’t know if there was any point where I decided maybe I won’t come back. Obviously, it crossed my mind a few times when I’m staying at home and I’m able to do whatever I want and I don’t have anyone to answer to, anywhere to go, I wake up in my own bed every single day, I work out in my own gym, I hang out with my kid, it’s a great life.
** To close out the 9/9 Friday Night SmackDown, Karrion Kross choked out Drew McIntyre. While on El Brunch de WWE, Kross talked about his on-screen interactions with McIntyre and feels he is the perfect person to destroy on television.
I have a lot of respect for Drew McIntyre. I respect what he has been through and what he has accomplished and I think that he is the perfect person to destroy on television to set the tone for what I’m about to do in the immediate future. It’s nothing personal at all and he is just in the way and not for long. He won’t be for very long and that’s the politest way I can put that.
Looking back on his second NXT Championship reign, Kross said he’ll never forget it. He added that he viewed that opportunity as a “dress rehearsal” for one day becoming WWE Champion.
It was very good [Kross said of his second NXT Title reign]. That’s the type of title reign that some people will never, ever see in their entire careers and for me to be able to achieve that so early in my arrival in WWE, I’ll never forget it. It was one of the best times of my career and it prepared me mentally for everything that had happened in the future. I felt very, very prepared moving forward with what sort of expectation was gonna be needed of me and the accountability of being a champion. I kind of thought of being champion in NXT as every single day you show up to work, this is going to be a dress rehearsal for one day becoming WWE Champion. That’s the way I always looked at it.
** Joining Busted Open Radio was Madcap Moss. He said he would like to see former IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Tenille Dashwood return to WWE. Moss and Dashwood are in a relationship.
I may be accused of being a bit bias, as we are dating but I would love to see Tenille Dashwood back in WWE — Emma, formerly known as Emma and I would love to see — I think she’s got a lot to offer and I think she was one of the originals that helped put the women’s division on the map… I think she’s great in the ring too and I would love to see her come back.
He recounted Paul Heyman once telling him that he has not seen anyone hit the ring ropes like Moss since Stone Cold Steve Austin.
He [Paul Heyman] said that to me. When he was running Raw, he said, ‘I’ve never seen anyone hit the ropes like that since Steve Austin’ and again, yeah, he did. He hit ‘em with reckless abandon and that’s who I try to emulate doing that.
** As Bobby Fish was being interviewed by Joey G. of Wrestling Headlines, he further spoke about CM Punk and talked about their singles match from 2021. Fish commented on his late kickout of the G.T.S. and explained why he did that. He then shared his thoughts about AEW President Tony Khan not verbally reacting to Punk’s remarks at the post-All Out media scrum.
The match that I had with Punk where things got wonky at the end of that match with the kickout on the GTS, which isn’t even his move. You know, and I, that’s me [giving] into my desire to be a little bit petty in that regard. It’s KENTA’s move and you didn’t even have the decency to change the name. But regarding the confusion, at the end of our match, was the fact that he did what’s called the office or an iggy. This is some inside baseball stuff here. But he did that before the three count was over. And so now having been in the business for a long time, I recognize what that is, and having done it myself to somebody to say, in our own way, whatever, you know, good match. He did it before the three count was over. So that’s also a way to alert your opponent that, hey, let’s change something. In that moment, I can liken it to what Tony Khan might have been feeling when he’s going off on the EVPs, etcetera, etcetera. You don’t know what to do. And in that moment, I know for myself, like I had to make a split-second decision. I couldn’t weigh out, you know, this or that. I had to either kick out or not kick out or lose the moment forever. So I kicked out and it was whatever it was. The only reason I bring it up is just because we’re talking about it… I do want to extend some grace to Tony, in that regard. Just because I’ve been there. To be caught in that position… he definitely should have reacted differently. And Hunter or Vince McMahon would have potentially folded Phil like a wet [napkin] in that moment, which is probably the right reaction, but in Tony’s defense, like, you know, that might just not be his personality, really. So here he is in this moment, and he’s just hitched the car of his company to the back of this guy, given him not only a lot of money, but a lot of trust, etc., etc. And you’re like, you’re kind of sh*tting all over that right next to me. Just a sucky position for everyone.
** In 2018, D-Von Dudley and Bully Ray were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as The Dudley Boyz. D-Von told the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast that he was surprised they got in so early. D-Von thought they’d be waiting to this day to receive the honor.
The only thing I was surprised about was we [Dudley Boyz] got in so early [into the WWE Hall of Fame]. I didn’t think we were gonna get in early. I was surprised that we were going into the Hall of Fame? No. I knew eventually that would come but I just didn’t think it would be so early. If you asked me, I would have thought we, even to this day, we’d still be waiting to get in.
He went on to speak about the ‘overdramatic selling’ he would do in the ring. Dudley said he got that from ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper.
No, it wasn’t [Hulk] Hogan at all. It was [Roddy] Piper [who I got the idea of dramatically selling moves from]. It was Piper. Piper used to shake his leg and do all of that so I just took what Piper did and made it my own. So the way I sold in the ring, people call it the ‘hokey’ selling, the overdramatic selling, that was all from Roddy Piper.
Hogan did it every once in a while but Piper did it just about every match, especially the shaking of the leg, and Hogan did it too when he would sell his neck and the leg would shake, this and that but Piper was the jumping around and doing all of that.
** On an episode of The Universal Wrestling Podcast, longtime WWE ring announcer and production manager Tony Chimel along with former WWE writer Chris Dunn looked back at their involvement with Beth Phoenix bringing Chimel to the stage to announce Edge at the 2017 Hall of Fame ceremony. There was not a production meeting that day, so Vince McMahon was not clued in until later. He was frustrated with Chris for not informing him. Chimel chimed in and recounted McMahon jokingly telling him to dive off the stage after he announced Edge.
Dunn: When you were talking about announcing Edge at the [2017] Hall of Fame, it made me think of the first time I really got to know you when I was producing my first Hall of Fame segment with Beth Phoenix and she asked that during her speech when she shouted out Edge, you came out and did your Edge introduction, and we got to rehearsal and unlike a Raw or a SmackDown, you don’t really have time to prep Vince [McMahon] and it was one of those moments where he’s trying to run through it and I spoke to Kevin Dunn in the truck and everyone knew and when we got to it and I was about to tell Vince, he wanted to move on and I explained to him what you were gonna do and he was about to yell at me because he doesn’t like surprises… He was very perturbed. But, it was great because we were on stage, he had a headset on that went to everyone so they could hear him and there were about 100 people in the arena watching the rehearsal so, he calmed himself down and was like, ‘Don’t you think you should have told me Chimel was gonna come out?’ As I saw burning anger because he couldn’t yell at me in the moment.
Chimel: Well it’s funny, a lot of times, he’s the last guy to know. Everybody else knows but him and we all know who’s gonna make the decision on everything there. It’s him.
Dunn: That show doesn’t have a production meeting so you can’t run him through creative for it until you’re actually doing the thing. But yeah, I remember going into it, you were like, ‘Is Vince gonna be okay with this?’ And I was like, ‘I guess we’ll see’ [Dunn laughed]. He was not at first.
Chimel: Thinking of that thing with Vince at the Hall of Fame, after we did that rehearsal, he was like, ‘Chimel.’ He said, ‘After you’re done announcing Edge, what I want you to do is start at the back of the stage and run all the way to the front of the stage and dive off.’ I’m like, ‘I’m not doing that Vince.’ Like come on. So, like I said earlier, he’s always treated me nice. I never had an issue with Vince and you know, he gave me 38 great years so, you know, no complaints.
** While reflecting on WrestleMania 38, Austin Theory heaped praise onto his opponent at the event, Pat McAfee. Theory told the ‘Under The Ring’ podcast that he does not know what McAfee can’t do and is glad he got to share that stage with him.
Somebody like Pat McAfee that literally, I don’t know what he can’t do, you know? As an entertainer and as entertaining as he is and he was and just being able to be in the ring with him [at WrestleMania 38] and how physically gifted he is in the ring, it all came together so well and honestly, that moment was great and I’m glad I got to share it with him.
Theory is currently in possession of the Money in the Bank briefcase and has had several failed cash-in attempts so far. He dove into what it means to him to be Mr. Money in the Bank and is not doubting that he’ll one day be champion by way of that briefcase.
For me, that moment [winning Money in the Bank], just dreaming about that, I mean, I remember back when I was nine years old, sitting in a friend’s living room watching WrestleMania and it was when they still did the big Money in the Bank matches at WrestleMania and everybody just knows how much your career changes when you have the Money in the Bank and the potential of successfully cashing in changes your entire career. It puts you in the same category as world champions and everybody knows that list, it just can’t be touched and for me to know on my path and this Money in the Bank contract that that’s a huge possibility and for me, I’ve never doubted myself so I’m not doubting myself that-that won’t happen so man, it speaks for itself.
** Former WWE talent Kristal Marshall guest appeared on Busted Open Radio with Mickie James and Tommy Dreamer. She shared that when she was with WWE, she was intimidated by the likes of Mickie, Lita, Trish Stratus and other established wrestlers in the women’s division because she was new to the business and was thrown into that environment.
You [Mickie James] touched on your bit of insecurity. I know for me at that time, I was so terrified of you, of Amy [Lita], of Trish [Stratus], of all the women that were there that were legitimate wrestlers and legends, you know? That was very terrifying because there’s only one spot on the show for a woman and here I am and to be very frank with you, I had no business being there, not from a wrestling standpoint and I could understand if they’re like, okay, this is what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna valet but no, actually, ‘We want you to wrestle’ and you gotta do your best and you also have to be respectful backstage and you don’t wanna ruffle feathers of women that you knew really broke their back to get there in a different way. So you have somebody who is 20 years old getting thrust into this environment, you know, yeah, massive insecurities, massive anxiety in general so it was hard. It was very, very hard. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You talk about toughness and life and endurance and I feel like coming into that business and the time that I did it, the experience that I did, it really strengthened me in ways that I never could have imagined for sure.
** Dave LaGreca and Tommy Dreamer welcomed Prince Nana onto Busted Open Radio. He spoke about being part of Tony Khan’s Ring of Honor and described it as a ‘beautiful thing’. Nana said those who have worked for ROH believed in the company and Khan has that same passion for it.
Oh man… it was rough but everything happens for a reason [Nana said about his first go-around with ROH] … I think my experience from Ring of Honor, it’s crafted me into who I am today and I’ve learned to let people run their business and if they want help or advice, they can come to me because I do have that experience and it’s not only in pro wrestling, it’s in other parts of entertainment. So, that’s why I’m so proud of [‘Fightt Pro Wrestling’ — Nana’s promotion]. This is my thing. I’m actually able to put my creative energy, my marketing energy, my P.R. energy and everything into it without being chastised… It’s a beautiful thing to have been with Ring of Honor all those years because everyone that ever worked there, again, they had heart and they believed in the company and that’s why it’s in the position it is today and the person that owns it today, he has heart and soul for that company as well so, it’s a beautiful thing. It’s a beautiful thing that’s in [the] right hands and I’m just blessed to be a part of it. The next chapter my friend… [Nana laughed].
** The next episode of Swerve Strickland’s Swerve City Podcast was supposed feature Kenny Omega as a guest. That has been postponed. Omega, Matt and Nick Jackson were stripped of the AEW World Trios Titles for their involvement in the physical altercation with CM Punk and Ace Steel following the post-All Out media scrum.
Due to unfortunate circumstances the interview with Kenny Omega, has been postponed to a later date. Stay tuned for a rescheduled appearance in the future.
Our next guest will be announced Monday 12pm. https://t.co/JKp9cL6TqL pic.twitter.com/cpt70S4Bpb
— The Realest Swerve Strickland (@swerveconfident) September 10, 2022
** Jun Kasai and El Desperado are having a death match on September 12th for TAKA Michinoku’s ‘JUST TAP OUT’ promotion. The last time they had a death match was in 2019 and Desperado suffered a broken jaw in the match. NJPW removed Desperado from their schedule once the 9/12 match was made official so he would not have to return to the ‘Burning Spirit’ tour. He finished up the tour on September 6th.
** In episode four of ‘God of Work’, Xavier Woods appeared as himself.
** NJPW documentary about Hiromu Takahashi:
** Hiroshi Tanahashi is scheduled to go one-on-one with Tatsumi Fujnami on December 1st for Fujinami’s Dradition Pro-Wrestling promotion.
** Three matches were added to the Japan Pro-Wrestling Hall of Fame show lineup and those are listed as followed:
- Jake Lee vs. Kengo Mashimo
- Koji Kanemoto & Tatsuhito Takaiwa vs. Ultimo Dragon & The Great Sasuka
- Hideki Suzuki, Yuma Aoyagi & Madoka Kikuta vs. Shiro Koshinaka, Kota Minoura & Kento Miyahara
** For the first time since June, Ice Ribbon’s Yuuki Mashiro is returning to in-ring action. She is scheduled for the promotion’s September 17th event.
** Mission Pro Wrestling posted the full version of their ‘Hell Hath No Fury’ show from September 2020:
** Keiji Muto is going to be present for Pro Wrestling NOAH’s 10/16 event in Fukuoka as a guest commentator. He’ll be signing autographs on the day of the show.
** The following video is from the UpUpDownDown YouTube channel:
** The latest episode of GAW TV featured Kristal Marshall.
** NJPW ‘Burning Spirit’ Results (9/10/22) Gunma Convention Center in Takasaki, Japan
– Akio Fujita def. Ryohei Oiwa
– Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI, YOH & Tomoaki Honma def. HOUSE OF TORTURE (Dick Togo, EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi & SHO)
– Master Wato, Jado & Ryusuke Taguchi def. Gideon Gray, Francesco Akira & TJP
– United Empire (Aaron Henare, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb) def. Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale & Gedo
– Hikuleo, KENTA & Taiji Ishimori def. The DKC, Toru Yano & KUSHIDA
– Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi, SANADA & BUSHI) def. Zack Sabre Jr., TAKA Michinoku, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi
– Togi Makabe, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kazuchika Okada def. TMDK (Bad Dude Tito, JONAH & Shane Haste)
** All Japan Pro Wrestling Results (9/10/22) Udatsu Arena in Mima, Japan
– Yoshitatsu def. Ryo Inoue
– Handicap Match: Cyrus def. Izanagi & Black Menso-re
– TAJIRI vs. Hikaru Sato – 10-minute Time Limit Draw
– Takao Omori, Shuji Ishikawa & Yuma Aoyagi def. Ryuki Honda, Seigo Tachibana & Shotaro Ashino
– Suwama def. Dan Tamura
– Kento Miyahara, Tiger Mask & Rising HAYATO def. Jake Lee, Ryosei Aoyagi & Hokuto Omori
** Ice Ribbon Results (9/10/22) Yokohama Radiant Hall in Yokohama, Japan
– Asahi & Yuko Sakurai def. Hikari Shimizu & Kaho Matsushita
– Maya Yukihi def. Misa Kagura
– Maika Ozaki & Ram Kaicho def. Saran & Sumika Yanagawa
– Rina Yamashita & Tae Honma def. Dalys & Totoro Satsuki
– Hamuko Hoshi & Makoto def. Amin & Cherry
– Nao Ishikawa & Stephanie Vaquer def. SAKI & Saori Anou
** Dragongate Japan Pro-Wrestling ‘Storm Gate’ Results (9/10/22) Mercure Hotel Yokosuka in Kanagawa, Japan
– Madoka Kikuta, Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka def. Eita, Ishin Iihashi & Kaito Nagano
– Big Boss Shimizu def. Minorita
– H.Y.O., Diamante & KAI def. Genki Horiguchi, Ho Ho Lun & Yosuke Santa Maria
– Ben-K def & Kota Minoura def. Kagetora & Dragon Kid
– Susumi Mochizuki, Yasushi Kana, Mochizuki Junior & Masaaki Mochizuki def. Jacky ‘Funky’ Kamei, Strong Machine J, Jason Lee & U-T
** September 10th birthdays: Trevor Murdoch.
If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.