‘Wild Boar’ Mike Hitchman details what he learned from NXT UK coaches, talks idea of returning for NXT Europe

As NXT UK was coming to a close, Mike Hitchman was one of the talents released from the company. He gave his thoughts about NXT Europe

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Wild Boar feels the consensus amongst former NXT UK talents is that they could return for NXT Europe.

In mid-August, WWE pushed out the announcement that they are going to be launching their ‘NXT Europe’ brand. With that came the hiatus of the NXT UK brand and that brand’s championships were merged with the belts on the NXT U.S. product.

One of the NXT UK talents who wrapped up with the company as a result of the hiatus is ‘Wild Boar’ Mike Hitchman. He guest appeared on Ringsiders Wrestling and touched on what he was able to learn from coaches that he worked with in WWE. Hitchman said his confidence grew in the ring and with promos.

Two things I really feel like I’ve developed: Confidence [during my time working with NXT UK coaches]. Confidence in being in-ring. I was confident before, but now it’s a different type of confidence. It’s really hard for me to explain to even myself to be honest. I can’t put a finger on why I’m more confident but I just am. Maybe it’s a pressure thing. I feel like if you’re put in a certain situation which is high pressure, unless the next situation is higher than that, probably gonna be — the pressure isn’t gonna be that much on you therefore you’re more confident if that makes sense and then the other point is that I found my voice to an extent, right? Before going in, I really shied away from talking of any kind and then when you’re there and obviously, you’re working with people like William Regal who’s giving you advice on talking in front of a camera and you work with other certain people who were there and they give you certain tips… Like working with some of the other talent who were already pretty good at speaking, coming out of there, I’m so much more confident with being able to speak and I feel like me as a wrestler is so much more well-rounded these days and that increases my passion to wanna be able to get out there on the independents and so… I look at me now, that’s my feeling on it.

On the topic of NXT Europe, Hitchman feels the consensus amongst some former fellow NXT UK talents is that they could return to WWE when the brand launches.

He is not sure where he’ll be at in life when that happens so he does not have a definitive answer as to whether he’s optimistic about the possibility or not.

It [NXT Europe] was kind of briefly mentioned towards the end when the call came [WWE release]. But we didn’t know too much about it to be honest with you. Still don’t.

I think that’s the feeling to be honest [that former NXT UK talents could return for NXT Europe]. If you’re gonna be sensible with it, if you’re gonna look at it from a real life circumstance, you don’t know what point in your life you’re gonna be in if an offer comes along. So I can’t say ‘yes’, I can’t say ‘no’. All I’m saying is, regardless if I’m involved or not, I feel like NXT Europe could be a pretty cool thing. Looking at the Clash at the Castle thing, there’s obviously an investment in doing more in this country… Just thinking about how Triple H has been handling WWE and stuff lately. He’s just gone in, isn’t he? He’s gone right for [it], let’s go.

The likes of Tyler Bate, J.D. McDonagh, Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) and Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) have migrated over to the NXT U.S. program and have been regularly featured.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Ringsiders Wrestling with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 9052 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.