AEW Dynamite: 3-Year Anniversary Show, Jericho & Guevara vs. Danielson & Garcia

John Siino's coverage of AEW Dynamite's three-year anniversary show with Jericho & Guevara vs. Danielson & Garcia, TNT title defense & more.

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite – “Anniversary”

October 5th, 2022

By: John Siino

Entertainment & Sports Arena in Washington, DC

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

MJF vs. Wheeler Yuta

It has been 129 days since MJF’s last match which was at Double or Nothing, as William Regal is on commentary for this match. Wheeler Yuta goes right after MJF, taking him down with a couple of arm drags before MJF retreats to the corner. Yuta keeps attacking, but as he’s about to jump off the top rope, MJF rolls out into the corner again where he tricks Yuta into it face first. MJF stays in control, choking out Yuta as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Yuta hits three German Suplexes as the crowd gets behind him. As they start trading slaps, the crowd starts chanting for both of them until MJF puts a thumb in Yuta’s eye before getting knocked down with an Enziguri. They start rolling back and forth with pin attempts. Yuta goes to the top rope, but MJF knocks him down and tries an avalanche Tombstone Piledriver, but Yuta gets out and rakes MJF’s eyes and hits a top rope hurricanrana. MJF gets knocked to the outside, where Yuta meets him with a tope. Back inside, Yuta tries to jump off the rope but MJF rolls out of the way once again, but Yuta hits a splash anyway with the distance, for a two count. MJF puts on the Salt of the Earth, with Yuta trying to escape, only for MJF to pull him back in and Yuta submits.

Winner: MJF by submission at 15:06

After the match, Wheeler Yuta puts his hand out to shake MJF’s hand as it looks like MJF is about to shake it, Lee Moriarty comes out and attacks Yuta from behind. MJF starts yelling at Moriarty for doing that saying he didn’t tell him to do it as Stokely Hathaway hands MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring. As it looks like MJF is about to hit Yuta with it, William Regal comes to the ring with his brass knuckles on. Regal and MJF have a staredown before MJF leaves the ring.

Making the Right Choices

They go backstage to the Jericho Appreciation Society which includes Sammy Guevara. They talk about Daniel Garcia (who’s not there) to make the right choice tonight as Chris Jericho says he will remain The Ocho.

Jay Lethal vs. Darby Allin

They start the match running the ropes a bit before having a stalemate with Darby Allin putting his hand out for Jay Lethal to just kick him instead. Lethal starts working on the left knee of Darby, and starts stomping it while using the ropes for leverage. As Lethal goes to whip Darby, he just falls down only to trap Lethal in a headlock that turns into a Scorpion Death Drop as they go picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are both on the top rope, just for Lethal to hit an Avalanche Dragon Screw and put on a Figure Four. Allin keeps showing his left knee being injured but is able to duck the Lethal Injection and hit a Code Red for a two count. Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh show up on the stage, despite being told by Lethal to stay in the back. Lethal notices them and tells them to go back, before Darby and Lethal go back and forth with multiple pin attempts, until Darby traps in the Last Supper for the pin.

Winner: Darby Allin by pinfall at 10:17

Darby Allin puts his hand out to shake Jay Lethal’s while telling him he doesn’t need Sonjay and Satnam, as Lethal shakes it back. Sonjay and Satnam scream at Lethal as they head to the back together.

The Embassy

We see a video from The Embassy as Prince Nana talks about The Gates of Agony going after all the titles and Brian Cage getting the TNT Championship. Cage says Wardlow has had a hell of a year, but that all changes tonight as he will become champion and nobody is still better than Brian Cage. Prince Nana starts singing ‘We’re in the Money’.

AEW TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana)

This is Brian Cage’s first match on Dynamite since September 1st, 2021 when he lost to Powerhouse Hobbs. Right away Cage and Wardlow try to clothesline each other down, but neither falls as they go into punches. Cage sets up Wardlow for the 619, but Wardlow catches him and slams him down. As Wardlow tries to powerbomb Cage, Prince Nana gets on the apron distracting him as Cage reverses it as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Wardlow hits Cage with a wild-looking Whisper in the Wind, followed by a pair of release German suplexes and a belly-to-belly suplex. Cage comes back with a suplex off the apron into the ring for a two count. Wardlow comes right back with a spinebuster for a two. Nana tells Cage to end it, as Cage teases a powerbomb, but Wardlow gets out and hits two headbutts and a lariat, knocking Cage down. Wardlow comes right back, hitting four back-to-back powerbombs for the pin.

Winner: Wardlow by pinfall at 10:05, to retain

The Gates of Agony comes out after the match and attacks Wardlow as Brian Cage joins in. Samoa Joe runs out to help Wardlow, but they are outnumbered and not able to get the advantage as The Embassy takes control. FTR comes out to a big reaction, as The Embassy retreats.

Not Medically Cleared

We see a video from earlier today where Dr. Britt Baker DMD had an announcement. Baker said she feels morally obligated to answer the question of Saraya not being medically cleared to compete in AEW and that officially makes it her house now.

Penelope Ford, Serena Deeb & Jamie Hayter (w/ Kip Sabian, Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Rebel) vs. Willow Nightingale, Athena & Toni Storm (w/ Saraya)

Willow Nightingale and Jamie Hayter start the match, but Hayter right away tags out to Penelope Ford as Willow tags out to Athena. Ford and Athena run the ropes a bit, before Athena catches a flying Ford trying a crossbody, for a power slam and a two count. Toni Storm and Serena Deeb tag in, before Athena and Willow all join in with hip attacks to Deeb in the corner, but Hayter stops Storm from trying a Storm Zero as Deeb takes Storm down with a chop block as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, all six women are in the ring mixing it up before Deeb tags out to Ford, but Storm kicks her off and goes right back into Deeb tagging her in. Storm kicks her off as well and tags in Willow. Willow hits a spinebuster on Hayter, but Deeb breaks up the pin attempt. Rebel grabs a crutch from under the ring, but Saraya takes it away from her. Willow comes back and hits the pounce on Deeb, but Ford tags in and kicks Willow down. Athena comes in and takes out Ford but gets speared by Deeb. Storm and Hayter join in this fight, which ends with Ford hitting Willow with a cutter for a two. Willow stops Ford trying to springboard off the ropes with a kick, followed by the Doctor Bomb for the pin.

Winners: Willow Nightingale, Toni Storm & Athena by pinfall at 9:29

Dr. Britt Baker DMD gets in the ring and in Saraya’s face, but Saraya punches her and starts brawling as all the women jump in and join in on the brawl. Rebel starts begging off Saraya, but Saraya kicks her down.

Contract Tampering

We go from earlier today where Rush is with Jose the Assistant and Private Party as Jose shows clips of Private Party not showing up to help out Rush. Jose told them to do the right thing or they will take them to court as they know Matt Hardy has been doing some contract tampering.

National Scissoring Day

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out to a huge reaction as Max Caster freestyles about being homegrown, talks about Senators and Joe Biden talking about scissoring and not stuttering. The crowd wakes up and is fully behind The Acclaimed as Anthony Bowens welcomes everybody to National Scissoring Day and says they are the best homegrown tag team in AEW history and the Scissor Me Daddy Ass t-shirt is now the number one selling t-shirt in 2022. Bowens says AEW now stands for Acclaimed Every Wednesday and it’s cause for celebrating and they celebrate by scissoring as he knows a thing or two about scissoring and calls himself The Sultan of Scissor. Bowens starts explaining what scissoring means before talking about Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee not being a real team and just thrown together. Bowens keeps going on about Swerve and it not being his house, before Billy Gunn interjects and says ‘this is Daddy Ass’s house’ and presents The Acclaimed with a giant pair of golden scissors. Bowens starts running with them as Billy tells him not to run with scissors.

Max Caster tells everybody to turn to their right and their left and scissor the person next to them. Caster says as they are about to come to a close he wants to talk about greatness, and talks about when the Washington Redskins won Super Bowl XVII and his dad was on that team. He talks about this city also representing the ugly side of this country, but everybody loves The Acclaimed. Today there is no red or blue, only pink, and they look good in pink and will do the first ever bi-partisan scissor to unite this country, but before all three can do it, Swerve Strickland’s music hits.

Swerve calls this the most idiotic thing he’s ever seen and congratulates Billy for having more kids getting suspended in school for doing what he tells them to. Swerve says next week in Toronto it’ll be him one-on-one against Billy Gunn and shows a rock saying rock beats scissors any day. Mark Sterling comes out and tells Swerve that paper beats rock and tells The Acclaimed that they need him and wants to represent them for their fight against Swerve and asks for them three to scissor him. Instead, The Acclaimed attack Sterling as Billy accepts Swerve’s challenge before Caster, Bowens, and Billy scissor.

For Brodie

We see a video for the Dark Order where they say this Friday is the second anniversary of Brodie Lee’s last match and they will become Trios Champions, as Death Triangle calls themselves the best Trios team.

Sports Entertainment Coach

Madison Rayne is backstage with Skye Blue and calls her a rising star, but they get interrupted by Tay Conti and Anna Jay who say Blue needs a ‘sports entertainment coach’ to get more personality. Blue said she can work on her charisma, and they can work on their wrestling and challenge them to a tag match for Rampage on Friday, as Jay and Tay accept.

Rush (w/ Jose the Assistant) vs. Adam Page

They go at each other right away exchanging forearms and chops, but as Adam Page teases the Buckshot Lariat, Jose the Assistant grabs his leg. Rush takes Page to the outside and starts attacking him against the barricade and chairs. Rush grabs the cables ringside and starts whipping and choking Page with them. Rush continues tossing Page into the barricade before they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Page hits a fall-away slam on Rush as we see MJF and his poker chip watching from backstage. Page and Rush go spilling back to the outside, before going back in and hitting Rush with a Death Valley Driver for a two count. They start trading more forearms, before Rush starts stomping Page in the corner, but Page powers up and is able to slam Rush down into a jackknife pin for a two. Page goes for another Buckshot Lariat, as Jose grabs his leg again which causes Rush to stop the attempt with a jumping knee, headbutt and a piledriver for a two as Rush’s nose is busted. Rush goes for the Bull’s Horns but gets stopped by a clothesline followed by the Buckshot Lariat for the pin.

Winner: Adam Page by pinfall at 9:05

Three Years

Private Party comes out and starts cornering Page, but Jon Moxley makes his way through the crowd as Private Party backs off. Moxley gets in the ring and in Page’s face before saying he’s been waiting for this for three years. Three years of studying him and circling each other, and between the two of them they’ve beaten just about everybody in AEW except each other. On October 18th, in his home arena where he used to smoke and drink under the bridge outside there will be one last man standing here in AEW. And in thirteen days, he’s going to leave his house and show up at Heritage Bank Center and break Page’s face and will choke him until he turns blue. Moxley admires him as a person but when the bell rings he doesn’t have any respect for anything. As Moxley starts to leave, Page tells him since he’s been waiting for so long where the hell is he going right now as Moxley re-enters the ring. Moxley calls Page a sweet kid before saying something that was censored and says he will let Page off the hook just once and tells him to watch his mouth as MJF is smiling from backstage.

Number 39

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Willow Nightingale and says her career is on the upswing. Willow says she’s on a roll so at Battle of the Belts she wants to challenge for the TBS Championship. The Baddies walk in as Jade pushes Kiera Hogan off. Jade Cargill says she beat her already but seems she wants to be number 39. Willow says nobody wins tomorrow and what if she’s the one in 38 and 1.

Luchasaurus (w/ Christian Cage) vs. Fuego Del Sol

Right away, Luchasaurus catches Fuego Del Sol and chokeslams him before hitting a torture rack into a cutthroat driver for the quick pin.

Winner: Luchasaurus by pinfall at 26 seconds

Luchasaurus continues to try and attack Fuego, but Jungle Boy runs out with a chair and knocks Luchasaurus outside of the ring with it, as Christian holds him back. Jungle Boy grabs a mic and says he used to be his best friend in the entire world but he chose Christian Cage and broke his heart. Now he is going to break his fingers, nose, arm and piece by piece until he breaks him. Jungle Boy tells Luchasaurus to pick the time and place and he’ll be ready. Christian says he told Jungle Boy not to come back this week but he got him thinking about doing the match next week in Toronto on Dynamite, his hometown.

Rampage Line-Up

  • AEW World Trios Championship: Death Triangle (c) vs. Dark Order (10, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
  • Varsity Blonds vs. Tony Nese & Josh Woods
  • Tay Melo & Anna Jay AS vs. Madison Rayne & Skye Blue
  • Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta vs. Rush & Private Party

Battle of the Belts IV Line-Up

  • TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Gates of Agony
  • AEW All-Atlantic Championship: PAC (c) vs. Trent Beretta

Dynamite in Toronto Line-Up

  • Jungle Boy vs. Luchasaurus
  • Billy Gunn vs. Swerve Strickland
  • ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson & Daniel Garcia

Ian Riccaboni joined commentary for this match. Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia start the match with a handshake, before Garcia takes Jericho down. Sammy Guevara tags in and gets showered with boos, as he attacks Garcia, before Garcia dropkicks him down tagging in Bryan Danielson. Danielson hits Jericho with a tope, but stops Guevara from doing one of his own as they go to the final picture-in-picture for the night.

When we come back, Guevara hits a Spanish Fly to Danielson off the top rope for a two count. Garcia and Jericho go face to face, as Garcia takes out a flying Guevara and he and Jericho start brawling it out before Garcia puts on the Dragon Tamer. Garcia is able to catch Guevara into a LeBell Lock, as Danielson puts one on Jericho himself that they follow into elbows. Danielson and Garcia put Guevara on the top rope, but Guevara flips out and lands on his feet, kicking Garcia down, hitting a standing Spanish Fly on Danielson and a kick to the back of Garcia for a two count. Garcia is able to block the GTH from Guevara and hits a piledriver for a pin attempt, which Jericho breaks up before getting a knee strike from Danielson. Garcia and Guevara go back and forth as Jericho slams Danielson into the table followed by a suplex into it. Guevara is able to connect with the GTH, but instead of pinning Garcia he mounts him with punches. Guevara heads to the top rope as the crowd chants ‘Idolo’. Garcia puts his knees up for the Shooting Star by Guevara and puts on the Dragon Slayer, but Jericho is able to smack Garcia in the head with the ROH Championship. Guevara covers Garcia and gets the pin.

Winners: Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara by pinfall at 14:25

The Jericho Appreciation Society comes out to celebrate as Jericho stares down Garcia.

About John Siino 429 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.