YouTube Members: https://youtu.be/4pOB7wrSLmc
This week, Rich Fann and WH Park are joined by PWTCast’s Scrump to discuss the final Black Panther II: Wakanda Forever trailer (which the triad will review here on POST!), Episode 8’s payoff to the tease of the season, another fun court case, idiots studying abroad, and what happens when Jen finally lets her inner rage manifest.
The Triad also discusses the casting and direction leanings of Marvel’s Phase 4.
Episode 8 Synopsis:
She-Hulk represents Leap-Frog who was injured due to a malfunction in his custom-made super suit.
MCU L8R Recommendations:
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Watch She-Hulk on Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/she-hulk-attorney-at-law/gPwaYusKqRQh
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