Frankie Kazarian says Mike Bailey is “the f**king man” after IMPACT Bound for Glory match

The new X-Division Champion wants everyone to know five things.

Photo Courtesy: IMPACT Wrestling

Frankie Kazarian wants everyone to know five things after IMPACT’s Bound for Glory pay-per-view.

The newly crowned X-Division Champion took to Twitter in the wake of his victory, with a numbered list of short messages, first to pay a blunt tribute to his opponent, stating that Mike Bailey is “the f**king man.”

Number two on his list was the simple statement that Bound for Glory “was awesome”.

His third message was a reminder of his longevity, simply writing, “4,159 days between title reigns”.

Fourthly, he wanted to tout the fact that he is the 100th X-Division Champion.

His fifth message was to let everyone know, “I am not defined by the initials of wrestling companies.”

In a bonus statement beyond his numbered list, Kazarian wanted to treat everyone who does not like the fact that he is the new champion with a middle-finger emoji.

The 45-year-old, who describes himself in his Twitter bio as a “severely underutilized 24-year veteran of professional wrestling”, became a five-time X-Division Champion after his win last night.

Read a full report of IMPACT Bound for Glory 2022 by John Siino here.

POST Wrestling Café members can access a review show of Bound for Glory 2022 hosted by John Pollock and John Siino.

About Neal Flanagan 1178 Articles
Based in Northern Ireland, Neal Flanagan is a former newspaper journalist and copy editor. In addition to reporting for POST Wrestling, he co-hosts The Wellness Policy podcast with Wai Ting and Jordan Goodman.