Jeff Jarrett is All Elite.
After appearing on Wednesday’s episode of Dynamite, Jarrett has been named AEW’s new Director of Business Development.
Jarrett, 55, recently served as WWE’s SVP of Live Events, a post he held until last summer when he left the company.
Welcome to #AEWDynamite to the new AEW Director of Business Development @RealJeffJarrett.
I look forward to expanding the @AEW live events calendar in 2023 + in future years with JJ, @rmorfnyc, @mookieghana and our entire great AEW team.
Jeff Jarrett is All Elite! pic.twitter.com/CSncHam8U0
— Tony Khan (@TonyKhan) November 3, 2022
Jarrett appeared in the ring after a match between Jay Lethal and Darby Allin with Jarrett striking Allin with a guitar.
Tony Khan announced Jarrett’s role after Wednesday’s episode and will be part of the live events team that includes Rafael Morffi and Chris Harrington.