NWA Hard Times 3: Tyrus wins NWA Championship, Kerry Morton wins Jr. Heavyweight title

Photo Courtesy: NWA

NWA Hard Times in New Orleans

November 12th, 2022

By: John Siino

Frederick J Sigur Civic Center in Chalmette, LA

Commentary: Joe Galli, Velvet Sky & Tim Storm


  • NWA World Television Championship #1 Contender Match: Mims def. Anthony Andrews by pinfall at 5:38
  • Mims will get his title shot tomorrow at NWA Revolution Rumble.
  • Wildkat Sports Tag Team Championship: Slime SZN (J. Spade & Bu Ku Dao) (c) def. The Miserably Faithful (Gaagz the Gymp & Sal the Pal) by pinfall at 7:02, to retain
  • Gaagz and Sal’s troubles continue, as they bickered at the end causing the loss.
  • Hardcore Team War: Anthony Mayweather, JTG & The Pope def. Jax Dane, Mercurio & Alex Taylor (w/ Chris Silvio, Danny Dealz, Magic Jake Dumas & CJ) by pinfall at 10:36
  • Alex Taylor replaced an injured Magic Jake Dumas, and Mayweather pinned Dane, as they were the last two survivors
  • NWA World Television Championship: Jordan Clearwater def. AJ Cazana by pinfall at 10:43, to become NEW NWA World Television Champion
  • This was the finals for the vacant championship and had a 20-minute time limit due to their last match ending in a draw.
  • They announce the first ever live episode of NWA Powerrr will take place Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 from the Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, TN.

Voodoo Queen Casket Match: Natalia Markova vs. Max the Impaler (w/ Father James Mitchell)

Velvet Sky joined the commentary team for the main show. Natalia Markova starts the match prancing around with her crown, but Max the Impaler quickly takes it and destroys it. Markova tries a spinning heel kick in the corner, but Max catches her and throws her down. Father James Mitchell goes and trips Markova who was running the ropes, which is perfectly legal in this match. Markova tries to punch her way back but Max is able to outpower her easily and starts licking her in the corner. Markova goes to the top ropes and knocks Max down with a missile dropkick, but Max comes right back with a big clothesline, followed by a gutbuster. They take it to the outside, where Markova tries to chop her way back, but Max grabs her and presses her against the post, but Markova is able to push Max into it as well. Markova gets on Max’s back, but Max is able to toss Markova off her and almost lands right on Joe Galli ringside. They head up the stage, where Max body slams on the floor, and tries to put Markova in the casket but she kicks her way out and starts slamming Max face first into the casket. Markova comes back and hits a Tornado DDT off the casket to the floor to a good reaction from the crowd. Markova goes to open the casket again, but this time Sal the Pal hops out as Mitchell sprays the ‘voodoo dust’ into Markova’s face. Max slams Markova onto the casket, before dropping her into it and closing the lid to win the match. There was no reference to the Sarah Logan controversy in the commentary.

Winner: Max the Impaler at 8:15

MLW National Openweight Championship: Davey Richards (c) vs. Colby Corino

Joe Galli says they are ‘kicking down the Forbidden Door’ and thanks MLW for allowing their champion to defend the title on the show. Galli also mentions Colby Corino coming from a wrestling family as his father is Stevie Richards, funny slip-up. They go back and forth with good offense to start before Corino is able to reverse a suplex from Davey Richards and hit a double stomp to the stomach before shots in the corner. Corino follows this with a flying forearm from the top rope for a two-count. Corino bounces right up from a German Suplex and hits a high knee as both men get knocked down from that exchange. They start exchanging slaps and kicks until Corino hits a Saito Suplex and a clothesline for a two-count. Corino tries the Sun Setter, but Richards reverses it and puts an ankle lock transitioning into a kick. Richards goes to the top rope and hits a double stomp but Corino somehow kicks out at two. Richards follows with a brainbuster, for another two. Richards goes right back into the ankle lock, as Corino tries to fight out but is in the middle of the ring and has no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Davey Richards by submission at 6:43, to retain

Richards goes to shake Corino’s hand after the match, but Corino refuses and rolls out of the ring.

Mask vs. Mask Match: Question Mark (w/ Aron Stevens) vs. Question Mark II

Question Mark (One) is clearly Rodney Mack, so I will refer to him as such in this recap. Not too sure who Question Mark II is, but he’s accompanied initially by Kratos. Before the match begins, Aron Stevens gets on the mic but is scared of Kratos but mentions how Kratos does not have a manager’s license and says he needs to go, which the referee adheres to. Right away Mack goes after Mark II in the corner with chops and chokes. Mark II is able to fight out and hits a hip toss and knocks Mack to the outside. Stevens distracts Mark II, as Mack takes advantage and tosses Mark II into the turnbuckle. Mack stays in control and tries multiple pin attempts on Mark II, as he kicks and clubs away while putting on sleeper holds. Mark II is able to fight out and hits a bunch of chops before hitting a big splash but is unable to make the cover. Stevens gets on the apron, but Kratos comes back out and chases Stevens to the back. Mark II ducks Mack and hits the Mongrovian Spike for the pin and the win.

Winner: Question Mark II by pinfall at 6:01

Aron Stevens runs back out and says that Question Mark won’t take his mask off. The referee says he has to, as it’s the rules. After much resistance, they take the mask off, but before you can see his face, Stevens puts a towel over his face as commentary plays dumb on who it could be. Who knows, maybe it’s Steve Lombardi.

NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship: Homicide (c) vs. Kerry Morton (w/ Ricky Morton)

Commentary mentions how Kerry Morton is 21 years old, and Homicide has been wrestling 8 years more than Kerry has been alive. Homicide starts in control, in the corner hitting a couple of boots to the face and a scoop slam for two-count. Morton comes back with a dropkick as the crowd starts to get behind him. Homicide takes back control, hitting a suplex and mocking the crowd for their ‘Rock N Roll’ chants before flipping them off with the double bird. Homicide starts choking Morton on the middle rope, raking his back, but Morton comes back with a couple of roll-ups that Homicide kicks out of. Morton comes right back with a DDT, and Homicide kicks out at one. Homicide ends up on the outside and catches Morton who tries to dive on him, slamming him against the apron, before wrapping him in the apron and punching him as Ricky Morton tries to break it up, but Homicide knocks him out and starts attacking him. Shout out to Ricky’s ‘Rick & Morty’ style shirt that has himself as Rick. They head back inside, where Homicide hits a superplex on Kerry. They head back to the top, where Kerry bites Homicide and hits a top-rope bulldog. Kerry comes right back with a knee strike and a steamroller heads to the top rope and hits a top rope splash for a two-count. Kerry calls for the high knee and drops the knee pad, but Homicide ducks it and hits the Koji Cutter, as Kerry kicks out. Homicide goes for the Cop Killer, but Kerry escapes and gets an elbow to the head as a result. Kerry ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline and his own Koji Cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kerry Morton by pinfall at 10:03, to become NEW NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion.

Cool moment here as Ricky joins him in celebrating, having won the title himself back in 2014.

Kyle Davis brings out Odinson, who was originally supposed to wrestle Nick Aldis on this show. They don’t mention Aldis, but do mention there was ‘change in plans’. Davis says ‘your opponent is not here tonight’ and asks how Odinson feels not having an opponent. Odinson says the entire locker room fears him and his Odin blood flowing in his veins as we hear music play and Thrillbilly Silas comes out with a referee.

Odinson vs. Thrillbilly Silas

Joe Galli mentions that Pollo Del Mar is not here with Thrillbilly Silas, as she is coming back from a photoshoot in Dubai. Right away Odinson goes after Silas, clotheslining him in the corner, but Silas comes right back with clothesline of his own. Odinson ducks the Thrill Ride and dropkicks Silas into the ropes, getting him tied up in them, and starts hitting him with uppercuts. Odinson comes back with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two-count. Silas hits the snake eyes and a big boot to the face for a two count. Odinson takes control hitting a bunch of Asgardian uppercuts and a neckbreaker for a two-count. Silas comes back with a powerbomb for two. Silas takes Odinson’s special spray (‘The Purpose’) and sprays himself with it, but it doesn’t seem to work as Odinson ducks him and hits a back suplex followed by a Pounce attempt, but Silas catches him and hits the Thrill Ride for the pin. I guess it did work.

Winner: Thrillbilly Silas by pinfall at 4:45

NWA United States Tag Team Championship: The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky) (c) vs. The Spectaculars (Rush Freeman & Brady Pierce) (w/ Rolando Freeman)

The Fixers attack The Spectaculars before the bell rings, as commentary mentions how they refused the newly designed United States title belts that Billy Corgan tried to hand them recently, as they didn’t say ‘Fixers’ on them. The match officially begins with Jay Bradley and Rush Freeman starting. Commentary mentions how The Spectaculars are a modern-day version of The Fantastics, and Bobby Fulton is in the building and will speak later on in the show. Wrecking Ball Legursky goes after Brady Pierce and attacks him with elbows for a two-count, before tagging in Bradley and dropping him on top of Pierce for another two. Pierce is able to dodge Bradley in the corner and tags in Rush who gets hit with snake eyes in Bradley’s corner. As the referee’s back is turned, Rolando Freeman hits Bradley with a top rope axe handle to the back but it does nothing, so instead, he kicks him down low as Pierce goes for the pin and gets a two. The Spectaculars hit a double leg sweep on Bradley as Pierce gets a two-count. Crowd gets behind The Fixers with a USA chant. Legursky tags in and splashes Pierce in the corner but he’s able to tag out to Rush. Legursky tosses The Spectaculars into each other as Rolando tries to fly off the top rope again just to be caught and splashed down, rolling to the outside. Bradley tags in Legursky as they double chokeslam Rush as Legursky gets the pin for the win.

Winners: The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky) by pinfall at 8:47, to retain

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: Cyon (c) (w/ Austin Idol) vs. Dak Draper

They start the match running the ropes, with leapfrogs before Dak Draper hits an impressive handstand into an elbow drop. Cyon comes right back and knocks Draper off the top rope. Cyon stays in control and works on the left arm of Draper. As Cyon is distracting the referee, Austin Idol attacks Draper on the outside and rams him into the ring post. Cyon stays in control, attacking Draper in the corner. Draper is able to come back with a back elbow and a dropkick off the ropes before taking Cyon down with a clothesline, a boot, and a leaping axe handle. Draper hits a power slam, but his injured left arm prevents him from going for the cover. Draper fails to lift up Cyon, who instead hits the Death Valley Driver himself for the pin.

Winner: Cyon by pinfall at 6:00, to retain

NWA World Women’s Tag Team Championship: Pretty Empowered (Kenzie Paige & Ella Envy) (c) vs. Missa Kate & Madi

The story here is that Pretty Empowered hasn’t been on the same page lately, and it shows as they aren’t even wearing matching gear today, while their opponents who don’t regularly team are. All four women start the match together, as Pretty Empowered gets dumped to the outside, and Madi whips Miss Kate into them with a baseball dropkick to the outside, before Kate tosses Ella Envy inside for a two-count. Madi tags in, but Envy is able to fight her off. Madi and Kate stay in control, keeping Envy in their corner and going for pins. Envy is able to escape and tags in Kenzie Paige. Pretty Empowered is now in control, choking out Madi in their corner, double-teaming her. Pretty Empowered hits Madi with a double-team chokeslam, as Paige gets a two-count. Madi is able to finally escape and make the hot tag to Kate who knocks Paige down with a superkick, but Envy runs in and breaks up the count. Kate pushes Paige off but she goes right into Madi, as Kate and Madi have some words as a result. Pretty Empowered tries to take control, but Kate fights them off taking them down with a double clothesline and goes to tag in Madi, but Madi jumps off the apron. Kate turns right into a 3D from Pretty Empowered as Paige gets the pin on Kate.

Winners: Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy & Kenzie Paige) by pinfall at 8:13, to retain

EC3 vs. Thom Latimer

This match starts a bit slow, until Thom Latimer hits a side slam and tries to get the crowd behind him. EC3 gets on the mic and tells Latimer to not conform to them because he has potential and says this is not about move sets, this is about him. EC3 says this is personal and you don’t talk about it online, but you take it straight to somebody’s face. EC3 tells Latimer to hit him and says ‘I know you want to punch me’, then proceeds to say the only time Latimer hits somebody is when he’s drunk. Disgusting. EC3 says maybe they will take it to the streets and get the cops involved and the only time he’s good at fighting is when he’s resisting arrest. EC3 says maybe Latimer can’t hit him because he has a limp fist to match his limp dick. EC3 says maybe he found happiness because he found ‘her’ and is in love with another woman but the problem is everything that you touch burns and he will self-destruct and will go down. EC3 says he knows how this ends and ‘she will never love you’. Latimer finally has enough and starts attacking EC3. Latimer snaps and puts a crossface on him, but the referee tries to break him up only for Latimer to attack the referee and get disqualified. Latimer puts the move right back on and eventually lets go. This was disgusting.

Winner: EC3 by disqualification at 8:32

NWA World Tag Team Championship: La Rebelion (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf) (c) (w/ Damian 666) vs. Hawx Aerie (Luke Hawx & PJ Hawx)

Bestia 666 and PJ Hawx start the match, but Luke Hawx and Mecha Wolf quickly tag in as Luke hits a back body drop for a two count before tagging PJ back in. Bestia is able to distract PJ, as La Rebelion starts stomping away at him. La Rebelion gets double-teaming PJ, hitting him with double knees before showboating to the crowd. As the referee is distracted, Damian 666 takes a couple of cheap shots on PJ. PJ is able to escape and make the hot tag to his father, who comes in and goes to town on La Rebelion in the corners. PJ comes in and hits a spinning heel kick on Bestia, but Mecha breaks it up. Bestia pushes PJ into a forearm and knee strike from Mecha Wolf, as they knock him down with a clothesline and a double team neckbreaker/splash combo, but Luke breaks up the pin attempt from Mecha. Luke heads to the top rope, as Mecha Wolf is on at the same time and they both hit 450 Splashes before taking each other down with a double clothesline. PJ Hawx goes for the pin but Damian breaks it up, before the referee tries to eject him. Bestia sprays the mist into PJ’s face, but he still kicks out at two. Luke puts water into PJ’s eyes to help him, who escapes from a powerbomb attempt and hits a German Suplex to Mecha. PJ makes the hot tag to Luke, who hits a stunner to Bestia on the ropes, followed by a springboard moonsault from the outside of the ring back inside, but before he can make the three count, Mecha sprays mist into Luke’s face, as Bestia rolls up Luke for the pin and the win.

Winners: La Rebelion (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf) by pinfall at 10:49

The crowd chants ‘ref, you suck’, as the theme of tonight has been the referee prematurely stopping counts to tend to the late outside interference. The lateness is evident and pretty embarrassing.

NWA World Women’s Championship: Kamille (c) vs. KiLynn King vs. Chelsea Green

Not sure if this is the ‘home’ Chelsea Green was referring to when she left IMPACT this week. Kamille gets dumped to the outside as soon as the match starts and Chelsea goes after KiLynn King’s arm and goes for the pin, getting a two. As Kamille comes back in, her and King double team Chelsea, but she’s able to take them both down with double headscissors before curb stomping Kamille into the bottom turnbuckle for a two count. Chelsea and King trade pin attempts back and forth until Kamille takes them both down with a double German Suplex. Kamille tries to suplex King off the apron, but she’s able to block it and take Kamille down and puts her into a crossface. As Kamille is tapping out, Chelsea is distracting the referee on the outside. The terrible referee jobs continue. All three women start trading offense, as Chelsea hits a stunner, but King breaks it up hitting a frog splash on both of them. King blocks the Unprettier and hits the Excalibuster, but Kamille is able to break up the pin. Chelsea is able to come back and hit the Unprettier on King, but as she turns around Kamille hits her with the spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kamille by pinfall at 9:04, to retain

Bobby Fulton is Fantastic

Before the match, Kyle Davis introduces one half of the legendary tag team The Fantastics in Bobby Fulton who comes out in his Fantastic vest and bowtie. Fulton says that he has fought and battled throat cancer and is a throat cancer survivor. Fulton says he’s excited about being here tonight and it’s been a fantastic pay-per-view and asks who will walk out as champion tonight. Pretty cool moment with Fulton dressing the part.

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship: Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Matt Cardona vs. Tyrus (w/ BLK Jeez)

As soon as the bell rings, Trevor Murdoch asks Tyrus for sixty seconds with Matt Cardona and Tyrus grants it, but Cardona escapes to the outside. Cardona tries to plead on the outside, but BLK Jeez tosses him back inside as Murdoch goes after him with punches in the corner. Tyrus comes in and locks up with Murdoch, but Murdoch is able to fight back and hit a bulldog, but Cardona puts Tyrus’ foot on the ropes to break it up. Cardona dodges a running Murdoch who falls to the outside and starts attacking Tyrus. Cardona takes off his wrist tape and starts choking Tyrus with it. Murdoch comes back in and hits a spinebuster on Cardona and Tyrus breaks up. Murdoch gets tossed shoulder first into the post and falls to the outside, as Tyrus slams Cardona down and says ‘call my mama’ before hitting a splash on Cardona for a two count. Chelsea Green runs out and distracts the referee, as Cardona hits a low blow on Tyrus. I think Chelsea just missed her cue, and the low blow wouldn’t really matter as this is a triple threat. Cardona hits the Radio Silence on Tyrus, but he kicks out at two. Cardona goes and grabs the NWA Worlds title and tries to use it on Tyrus, but Murdoch rolls up Cardona for a two. Murdoch hits Cardona with a Full Nelson slam and a sit-out powerbomb for a two. Tyrus hits exploder suplexes to both Cardona and Murdoch, followed by splashes to them in the corners. Tyrus tries a double Tongan death grip (taken from his father-in-law Haku/Meng), but Murdoch and Cardona work together and hit Tyrus with a double suplex. Cardona hits a Reboot on Tyrus, but Murdoch catches Cardona right after into a DDT. Murdoch takes Cardona to the outside and hits a DDT on the floor. Murdoch tosses Cardona back inside but Tyrus puts the Tongan Death Grip on Murdoch with a chokeslam as he gets the pin on Murdoch.

Winner: Tyrus by pinfall at 10:03, to become NEW NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion

Idolmania Sports Management (Austin Idol, Jordan Clearwater, Cyon, Marshe Rockett, BLK Jeez) come out as they hold three titles now (Worlds, National, Television) and spray Tyrus with champagne.

About John Siino 427 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.