AEW Dynamite Report: Chris Jericho retains, The Elite work CM Punk spots into match

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite – ‘Thanksgiving Eve’

November 23rd, 2022

By: John Siino

Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

We’ve All Done Bad Things

As the show starts, we have William Regal in the middle of the ring who asks the crowd if they want to hear from MJF. When they said yes, he said they will but next week as he doesn’t have time for places such as Chicago and he’s on the set of a major motion picture. The crowd starts chanting ‘Fuck you, Regal’ as Regal says a number of weeks ago he sent an e-mail to MJF (who he calls Mr. Friedman) but we won’t know what it said until next week when MJF explains everything. Jon Moxley’s music hits as he slowly makes his way to the ring from the crowd.

Before Moxley can get in Regal’s face, Bryan Danielson runs in and stops Moxley. Danielson gets on the mic and says Regal did a bad thing, but we all have done bad things and lists the injuries Regal has and pleads to Moxley not to hurt him. Moxley gets angry, as Danielson smacks him and says ‘I’m sorry’ multiple times before pleading on his knees for Moxley to listen. Danielson brings up the struggles Moxley dealt with and how Danielson’s father struggled with the same issues and when it happened, he didn’t understand. There was only one person who could teach him, and it was Regal as the crowd is booing them all, which Danielson tells Moxley to block them out. Danielson continues because of Regal he was able to understand his dad’s struggle and he was able to love his dad because of that. Danielson brings up Moxley’s daughter and says how he loves Regal. Moxley tells Regal he only wants one thing from him, and he wants Regal to run as far away as he can and he never, ever comes back. Regal slowly leaves the ring as the crowd sings the ‘goodbye’ song.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Keith Lee who has his back turned to the camera. Renee asks where Lee’s head is at and where he and Swerve Strickland stand. Before Lee can say a word, Swerve steps in and Renee excuses herself. Lee tells Swerve to choose his words wisely and takes off his jacket. Swerve blocks the camera with his hand as they say they have to talk.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Jake Hager (w/ Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)

Jake Hager starts the match with his hat on, as he takes Orange Cassidy’s sunglasses and puts them on. Orange teases trying to take them back but just does his kicks instead with a dropkick, but Hager quickly takes it to Orange in the corner. Orange drops Hager to the outside and puts his hat on, as Daniel Garcia on the outside tries to take it off before Rocky Romero knocks him off the apron. Hager takes Orange to the outside as Angelo Parker puts the purple hat back on Hager as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, all the players on the outside are getting involved before Orange dives onto them, goes back inside, and dives onto Hager who catches him, but Orange reverses it into the Stundog Millionaire followed by a DDT for a two count. Hager comes back and puts the ankle lock on Orange, but he takes off the purple hat to break the hold. Orange hits the Orange Punch, into a roll-up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy by pinfall at 8:36, to retain

The House of Black Returns

As Orange and his pals are celebrating, they get interrupted by The Factory who surround them before the lights go out. When they come back on Julia Hart is on the ramp, as the House of Black is in the ring and takes out Cassidy, Romero, and the Best Friends. The Factory gets on the apron as Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews take them out as well. Security and AEW Dark’s finest come out to try and stop them but are unsuccessful. Matthews takes a security guard and passes him into Brody who hits Dante’s Inferno on the top of the ramp. Malakai gets on the mic and tells representatives of the House of Black to please rise as the lights go out again.

We got a quick video recap of Luchasaurus vs. Jack Perry as Perry said he kicked Luchasaurus’ ass.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament Final: Ethan Page (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Ricky Starks

As Ethan Page is making his way to the ring, Stokely Hathaway introduces him. Ethan Page tells the crowd that Ricky Starks will cry after he loses his match and the crowd can join in. Starks come to the ring all taped up as the match starts. Page starts targeting the bandaged-up area by keeping Starks in the corner with shoulder blocks. Starks tries to rally a comeback, but Page stops him with knees to the gut. They take it to the outside, with Page ramming Starks into the guard rail as they head to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, they are fighting on the apron before Starks knocks Page down and tries a suicide dive, but Stokely is able to move Page out of the way as Starks comes crashing down. The referee ejects Stokely to the back. Page goes to the top rope, but Starks joins him up there and slowly punches away at Page before hitting a superplex. They go back and forth before Starks hits a swinging neckbreaker and a tornado DDT off the ropes for a two count. Starks tries the Rochambeau, but Page stops it and hits a power slam for a two. Page goes for the Ego’s Edge, but Starks reverses for a roll-up for a two and comes back and hits a spear. Starks hits another spear for the pin and the win and will go on to challenge for the AEW World Championship at Winter is Coming, presumably against MJF.

Winner: Ricky Starks at pinfall at 12:58, to win the World Title Eliminator Tournament

Who’s World?

We see a video of Wardlow saying he was angry when he woke up Sunday morning no longer as TNT Champion. He watched the video back and saw that Samoa Joe hit him in the back of the head with the title and said Wardlow isn’t the TNT Champion, he is and this is his world.

Wack Town of Chicago, Kiera No Longer A Baddie

Excalibur cuts to footage of Jade Cargill confronting Bow Wow at his concert in Miami before going to Renee who’s with Jade along with The Baddies (including a returning Red Velvet). Jade talks about how she’s happy to get her championship back and next week they will celebrate. Velvet asks why not tonight, and Jade says ‘this is a wack town’. Mark Sterling says Bow Wow representatives say no comment before serving Kiera Hogan papers that say her services are no longer needed for not keeping up to her side of the bargain.

AEW World Trios Championship Best of 7 Series (Match 2): The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (w/ Don Callis, Brandon Cutler & MT Nakazawa) vs. Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) (w/ Alex Abrahentes)

The Elite comes out to ‘Carry on Wayward Son’, to boos and CM Punk chants as Don Callis joins commentary. As Death Triangle comes out they show footage from the San Francisco 49ers game at Mexico City where George Kittle was given a mask by Penta El Zero Miedo. PAC is wearing a face mask due to an injury he received at Full Gear. Rey Fenix and Kenny Omega start the match with a handshake but Omega quickly knocks him out as all six men come in and start brawling. Omega hits the Sky High for a two count on Fenix, as the Young Bucks, Penta and PAC are brawling on the outside. Fenix joins them by hitting a wild-looking Tornillo to them. The Young Bucks continue to stay in control including a moonsault to the outside by Matt Jackson. The crowd continues with ‘CM Punk’ and ‘Fuck CM Punk’ chants as they go to picture-in-picture. Chicago has turned on CM Punk.

During commercials, there were ‘Colt Cabana’ chants as well as Matt Jackson doing the botched CM Punk Buckshot Lariat spot (credit to Eric Marcotte who was able to catch that on his feed). When we come back, The Elite are in control and they take off PAC’s mask exposing his broken nose. The Elite starts taunting the crowd in full heel mode as they hit a superkick on PAC and the Lucha Brothers break up the count. Omega hits the V-Trigger on PAC and tries the One Winged Angel, but PAC gets out. Omega catches PAC and hits the Go to Sleep, but PAC kicks out at two. Fenix knocks Omega to the outside and dives onto Nick Jackson and Omega. Inside, Matt Jackson hits PAC with a low blow as the referee is distracted. Brandon Cutler tosses Matt a hammer, but Penta hits Matt with his own hammer and gets the pin.

Winners: Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) by pinfall at 14:49, to lead the series 2-0

No More Interim; The Killer & The Pillar

Renee Paquette is on stage and says due to the injuries of Thunder Rosa, AEW management has asked Rosa to relinquish the championship and introduces Jamie Hayter as the new AEW Women’s Champion. Dr. Britt Baker DMD talks on behalf of Hayter and says they never considered her an ‘interim’.

Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter (w/ Rebel) vs. Tay Melo & Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale & Sky Blue

They keep referring to Baker and Hayter as ‘The Killer & The Pillar’ which is code for; they will have a new t-shirt made for them before they break up. Jamie Hayter and Tay Melo start the match as the crowd is behind Hayter. Anna Jay and Melo double team on Baker as she tags out to Willow Nightingale who takes control over Anna. Willow catches Skye Blue and splashes her on Anna for a two-count. Melo sends Willow to the barricade on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Blue gets a two-count on Jay that Hayter breaks up. All six women get in and start attacking each other before Baker comes in and hits the stomp on Blue for the pin.

Winners: Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter by pinfall at 8:05

Toni Storm’s Reign Counts

Excalibur says that Tony Khan retroactively will make Toni Storm’s interim championship reign count as an official championship reign.

FTR & Top Flight on Rampage

Renee is backstage with FTR and Top Flight who make a match for this Friday’s Rampage.

Full Gear Recap Rap

The Acclaimed come out as Max Caster does a Full Gear recap rap going over the results and moments. The Acclaimed start talking about what they’re thankful for as Billy Gunn takes off his bandage and is about to scissor them but they get interrupted by Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh before Jeff Jarrett joins them. The crowd chants ‘TNA sucks’ as Billy Gunn tells them to get his ‘old ass’ off the screen, speaking on Jarrett, as he has some pull around here before all three finally scissor.

Rampage Black Friday Line-Up

  • Special start time of 4 pm EST/3 pm CST
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: FTR (c) vs. Top Flight
  • Anthony Henry vs. Darby Allin (w/ Sting)
  • We hear from ROH World Champion Chris Jericho (if he wins this match)
  • Hikaru Shida in action
  • Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & 10) vs. Rush, The Butcher & The Blade

Dynamite Line-Up

  • AEW World Trios Championship Best of 7 Series (Match 3): Death Triangle vs. The Elite
  • We’ll hear from AEW World Champion MJF
  • More matches for next week’s Dynamite will be announced at Rampage Black Friday

ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii

As the match starts, Tomohiro Ishii smacks Chris Jericho, who smacks back as they go into a slap exchange. Jericho heads to the outside for a breather before going back in as they now trade elbows. They continue with offense until doing a chop exchange before heading to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Jericho is a bloody mess from the chops to the chest. Ishii hits a powerbomb on Jericho for a two-count. They head to the apron, and Jericho hits Ishii with a DDT, as both men spill to the outside. They head back inside and continue trading forearms before Ishii hit’s a German Suplex, but Jericho comes back with two German Suplexes himself followed by the Lionsault for a one-count. Jericho comes back with the Codebreaker, but Ishii kicks out at two. Jericho goes for the Judas Effect, but Ishii blocks it and hits a headbutt. Ishii follows that with a sliding lariat for a two-count and calls for the Brainbuster. Jericho blocks it and tries the Walls of Jericho, but Ishii bridges out of it and hits a Codebreaker himself and a lariat for a two count. Jericho blocks another Brainbuster and puts on the Walls of Jericho. Ishii tries to crawl to the ropes, puts a middle finger up, and eventually taps out.

Winner: Chris Jericho by submission at 15:29, to retain

Jericho heads over to the commentary table and teases going after Ian Riccaboni, but Claudio Castagnoli shows up from behind and knocks Jericho out with a punch as the show comes to an end.

About John Siino 427 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.