AEW Dynamite Report: Acclaimed retain, Briscoes at Final Battle, Ricky Starks wins battle royale,

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

December 7th, 2022

By: John Siino

H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, TX

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal

As the show starts, the roster is surrounding the ring for the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal as Ricky Starks, Jack Perry & Dustin Rhodes make their way to the ring. Other participants include The Butcher, Orange Cassidy, Shawn Dean, Brian Cage, Lee Moriarty, Kip Sabian, Ethan Page, Matt Hardy, Dalton Castle with Stokely Hathaway, W. Morrissey, Prince Nana, Penelope Ford, The Blade & The Boys on the outside. Sabian tries to eliminate Cassidy by biting his hands, but it’s The Blade on the outside that eventually attacks Cassidy eliminating him from the match. Rhodes hits a Destroyer on Sabian before eliminating him. Matt Hardy tries to eliminate Starks, but he hangs on before The Butcher eliminates Rhodes with a lariat to the back of the head. Cage tries to eliminate Castle, but The Boys are there to catch him and throw him back in where Cage body slams Castle to the outside, finally eliminating him. Cage and Perry fight on the apron, where Perry hits a top rope flying knee drop to eliminate Cage as they go to picture-in-picture.

During the break, we can see Hardy helping Page as he promised on AEW Dark: Elevation. As we come back, The Butcher is fighting off Starks before Starks eliminates Butcher with a spear. Perry hits a head scissors to eliminate Moriarty, but then quickly gets eliminated himself by Morrissey. Morrissey follows this by chokeslamming Perry onto the apron. Page is telling Hardy to raise his hand as Dean and Starks are both laid out. All four start fighting, until Dean tries to eliminate Page, just for Hardy to take Dean out with a Twist of Fate (incoming fine) and then tells Hardy to eliminate Dean, which he doesn’t, so Page eliminates Dean himself as it’s now down to the last three men with Page, Hardy & Starks. Hardy starts ‘breaking’ and does the ‘delete’ stuff before attacking Starks before Page joins in. As Page’s back is turned, Starks eliminates Hardy. Starks hits Page with a tornado DDT followed by a spear attempt, but Page dodges it and hits a roundhouse kick on Starks. Page goes to eliminate Starks, but he reverses and tosses Page out to win.

Winner: Ricky Starks at 13:08, to win the Dynamite Diamond Ring

The Pebble & Maxi Pad

As soon as Starks wins, MJF’s music hits as he heads down to the ring with a mic. MJF tells Starks that he’ll be with him in one second before saying a little birdie told him that Bryan Danielson isn’t showing up tonight and the reason is that Danielson is terrified of him, especially after what he did to William Regal because he’s a ‘bad, bad, man’ and next week will be a four-time Dynamite Diamond Ring Champion and holder of the grandest prize of them all in ‘The Triple B’. MJF says the people around here seem to like Starks and talk about him as an underutilized but says the truth is in comparison to him, he’s the absolute drizzling shits or should he say a ‘rudy poo, candy ass’. Considering the fact he’s stolen everything else from ‘that guy’, because he isn’t anything more than a ‘Dollar Store Dwayne’ and will start calling him ‘The Pebble’ and next week on Dynamite he’ll put him in his pocket, drive his expensive car and drive Starks into the nearest body of water and skip his scrawny ass all the way back to Billy Corgan’s NWA so he can wrestle on YouTube where he belongs. MJF doesn’t care if Starks is ‘absolute’ because he’s a generational talent and his reign of terror has just begun.

Starks grabs a mic and calls MJF ‘Maxi Pad’ and a ‘fifth-rate Roddy Piper’ as the crowd starts chanting ‘Maxi Pad’. Starks talks about how MJF trashed the city, and the people and the low-hanging fruit is getting dry. Starks talks about MJF spray tanning, having crappy shoes, his shirt being too small, a shitty scarf, and a terrible ass haircut, and there is no way he’s better than him. Starks going on about the difference between them is MJF let the fans and Regal down but Starks delivers on time, every time, every night, week and month and MJF can take his ass for Greece for three months but he’s been here busting his ass and MJF avoids responsibility and pressure. Starks shows up to sign meet and greets as MJF blows it off. Starks calls MJF a brown nose and he knows nothing about respect, as Starks was grinding and taking care of himself before pointing to a woman ringside and saying that’s his responsibility. Starks says next week is a big deal because he’s shutting MJF up once in his punk-ass life and he doesn’t deserve the title, such as him. Starks says he has been there, done that with YouTube, and next week he’s smacking the mole off MJF’s neck and taking the title and taking the responsibility off his place. MJF kicks Starks down low and tries to hit him with the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but Starks ducks it and takes MJF out with a spear before holding up the AEW World Championship.

You Know Where To Find Me

When we come back from break, Jon Moxley is backstage and last week they didn’t take it too far and said he respects Adam Page for dusting himself off and fighting as this is All Elite Wrestling, not All Elite Talking, and this Friday they will bring back ass-kicking wrestling and they are sick of the Jericho Appreciation Society and they will put them in their rearview mirror for good and tells Page if he wants another piece, he knows where to find him.

AEW TNT Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Darby Allin

No Sting out with Darby Allin for this championship match, as Samoa Joe has another defense against Juice Robinson this Saturday at ROH Final Battle, defending the ROH Television Championship against Juice Robinson. Allin starts the match trying to punch him in the corner, dropkicks him to the outside but misses a cannonball to the outside and crashes right into the floor and barricade. Joe follows this by ramming Allin into the apron and barricade a couple of times. Joe continues by hitting a back body drop to Allin on the floor. Joe tries to powerbomb Allin on the exposed floor, but Allin escapes before Joe catches him for a power slam right onto the cement before they go to break.

When we come back, we see Joe bouncing Allin off the ring post as he goes crashing to the outside. The medical staff goes to check on Allin as Bryce Remsburg starts counting Allin out but Allin gets in at 6. Joe starts kicking away at Allin before hitting the Manhattan Drop, a high boot, and a senton for a two count. Allin dodges Joe on the outside and dives onto him, but Joe catches him as Allin escapes, tosses Joe into the steel steps, and hits him with a Coffin Drop to the outside. Allin tosses Joe inside and tries a Coffin Splash, but Joe catches him before Allin hits a Stunner and a Code Red for a two count. Joe catches Allin in the corner for an STO, places Allin on the top rope, and calls for the Muscle Buster. Instead, Joe goes to the top rope as Allin bites Joe off and tries a Coffin Drop just for Joe to catch him in the Coquina Clutch before Allin eventually passes out.

Winner: Samoa Joe by referee stoppage at 10:27, to retain

Allin gets back up after the match and pushes Joe, which Joe follows with a headbutt taking Allin down. Joe grabs Allin’s skateboard, places it upside down, and puts Allin on top of it with a Muscle Buster. Joe puts Allin in a sleeper hold as officials come out to try and break them up. Wardlow runs into the ring, as Joe lets go and run off.

Find Someone Who Can

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Orange Cassidy and Kip Sabian as Cassidy said Sabian doesn’t have to do this and if he wants a title shot, all he has to do is ask. Sabian says he’s injured and Cassidy said he can’t fight him, to find someone who can. My prediction is Miro, to become the AEW All-Atlantic Champion.

We see a video hyping up Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli’s match at ROH Final Battle.

Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta (w/ Jon Moxley) vs. Daniel Garcia & Jake Hager (w/ Sammy Guevara)

Jon Moxley comes out with them through the entrance tunnel. The graphic notes that Jake Hager’s hat is accompanying them to the ring as Daniel Garcia starts the match with Wheeler Yuta, just to quickly tag out to Hager. We also see someone in the crowd with a Y2J era Chris Jericho tattoo on his stomach. Commentary brings up how the Blackpool Combat Club is still a thing. Hager takes his purple hat and passes it to Claudio Castagnoli who teases putting the hat on, just to kick it into the crowd. This causes Hager to brutally start attacking Yuta. Yuta and Garcia go at it, where Yuta hits a senton before tagging out to Claudio. As Claudio and Hager go at it, the crowd chants ‘We the People’. Claudio tags out to Yuta who hits a double sledge to the elbow of Hager. Yuta takes Garcia to the outside where he takes out both Garcia and Hager with a tope. As Sammy Guevara distracts the referee, Hager and Garcia double team Yuta, as Hager hits the Hager Bomb for a two count. Yuta and Garcia head to the top rope, where Yuta hits a superplex as we head to break.

When we come back, Yuta hits Garcia with a release German Suplex. Claudio and Hager both make the hot tags and trade blows in the middle of the ring, as Claudio hits uppercuts in the corners before hitting a top rope hurricanrana for a two count. Claudio follows this with a Giant Swing attempt, but Garcia jumps on his back. Yuta heads to the top and hits a top rope splash on Garcia. Hager tries to put an ankle lock on Claudio, but he escapes and puts on the Giant Swing. Claudio follows with a lariat for a two count. Claudio heads to the top rope as Guevara tries to stop him, just for Moxley to take out Guevara. Hager catches Claudio for a slam and puts on the ankle lock. Garcia and Yuta run in as Garcia puts Yuta in the Dragon Tamer. Claudio breaks out and hits an uppercut on Hager, for the pin and the win.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta by pinfall at 12:42

Blackpool Combat Club 4 Life

Tony Schiavone joins Claudio in the ring and says there’s been a lot of talk about what happened at Full Gear and goes to a video he did a few weeks back that may explain what happened. We see the footage where Schiavone asks Regal about what happened at Full Gear. Regal says people will only see this if something bad happens to him and says Regal took great exception at what MJF did to Schiavone, considered the emails he got from MJF so he gave MJF what he wanted in being world champion and says now everybody in this company will be chasing him. Regal then says the Blackpool Combat Club didn’t need him and they can teach Wheeler Yuta to be the greatest wrestler in the world and says Jon Moxley will understand that the reason he did what he did is to teach them the final thing. Always stay one step ahead and make sure you always keep eyes in the back of his head. He’s Blackpool Combat Club until the day he dies and says how it’s been emotional. Schiavone asks Moxley for his response. Moxley says at Final Battle this war with the Jericho Appreciation Society is over and this Friday on Rampage he’s going to make a statement and will challenge any wrestler in the world and they are here to make a serious statement.

Treason, War & Extermination

We see a video from the House of Black as Malakai Black says this company has become corrupted and now it’s sick and dying and perhaps it’s time for himself and the House of Black to put down this corruption. Julia Hart steps in and says the crime is treason, Buddy Matthews says the verdict is war and Brody King says the sentence is extermination. Malakai says if anyone has an issue on what they’ve done then next week on Dynamite, come one, come all.

Winner Faces Hayter

When we come back, we see from earlier today the sit-down interview with Tony Schiavone and Jamie Hayter. Hayter says she’s baffled everybody else gets to sit down, but not her and asks what Schiavone wants to know. Schiavone mentions on Rampage, Hikaru Shida will take on The Bunny as Hayter says the division is getting interesting and she will do her duty to be reigning and defending champion and will have a close look at the Regina Di Wave Championship match but the title doesn’t hold a candle to her title and she will give one of them an opportunity of a lifetime and the winner will challenge her for the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Jade Cargill & The Baddies (Red Velvet & Leila Grey) vs. Kiera Hogan, Skye Blue & Madison Rayne

Jade Cargill and Skye Blue start the match, but Jade quickly tags out to Red Velvet. Velvet and Blue trade pin attempts in this ‘Red vs. Blue’ battle. Leila Grey tags in as her and Velvet double team on Blue for a two count. Madison Rayne tags in and tags control over Grey and tags in Blue, as Grey quickly tags back out to Velvet. Blue takes Velvet to the outside with a thrust kick and tries a dropkick to the outside, but Velvet traps Blue in the ring skirt as they go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Velvet and Blue are laid out and crawl over to make tags as Jade and Kiera tag in. Kiera dropkicks Jade into the corner where she hits a sliding boot while taking Grey and Velvet to the outside. Jade is able to chokeslam Kiera down, but Kiera dodges Jaded and tags out to Rayne. Jade blocks Rayne with a back elbow and hits Jaded for the pin and the win.

Winners: Jade Cargill & The Baddies (Red Velvet & Leila Grey) by pinfall at 8:11

Saraya Needs a Partner

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Saraya but Dr. Britt Baker DMD quickly interrupts and congratulates her on Saraya’s biggest win but says it will never happen again. Baker says Saraya’s first match was a pay-per-view match against the biggest star and hands her tickets to the Kia Forum for AEW Dynamite on January 11th and challenges Saraya in a tag team match against herself and Jamie Hayter and tells Saraya to find a partner, who teases choosing Schiavone.

Rampage Line-Up

  • Orange Cassidy defends the AEW All-Atlantic Championship
  • Regina Di Wave Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. The Bunny
  • We hear from Ruby Soho & Tay Melo
  • The Firm’s Lee Moriarty & W. Morrissey in action
  • We will hear from Athena
  • Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita

ROH Final Battle Line-Up

  • Zero Hour at 3pm ET
  • ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Dalton Castle & The Boys (c) vs. Gates of Agony & Brian Cage
  • ROH Pure Championship: Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta
  • ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Juice Robinson
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Athena
  • Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Swerve in Our Glory

AEW Dynamite ‘Winter is Coming’ Line-Up

  • AEW World Trios Championship Best of 7 Series Match 4: Death Triangle vs. The Elite
  • House of Black in action
  • AEW World Championship & Dynamite Diamond Ring Winner Takes All: MJF (c) vs. Ricky Starks

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ Billy Gunn) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

Max Caster’s freestyle says FTR stands for Find the Remote and says they will lose like Herschel Walker. Both of these teams are over with the crowd, but the crowd chants ‘Oh, Scissor Me Daddy’ as Dax Harwood and Anthony Bowens start the match. We see Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh are watching backstage. Cash Wheeler tags in as him and Bowens trade off pin attempts. They announce a couple upcoming events to debuting towns including a special Tuesday Night Dynamite on March 14th from the Canada Life Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Wheeler gets knocked to the outside on his face as The Acclaimed hit ‘Scissor Me Timbers’ to Harwood. Caster escapes a Sharpshooter attempt from Harwood and puts one on himself as Bowens puts one on Wheeler. They take it to the outside, where FTR catapults Bowens into the ring apron and scissor each other as they go to break.

When we come back, Wheeler has control over Caster, putting him on the top rope, but Caster pushes him off and hits a diving crossbody. Bowens comes in and unleashes on FTR, hitting a knee strike on Harwood for a two count. Bowens follows with a neckbreaker, but Harwood kicks out at two again. FTR follows with a spiked piledriver on Bowens for two. The Acclaimed stay in control, but Harwood escapes out as they try the Big Rig, and eventually do hit it, but Bowens is able to break up the pin attempt. Harwood puts Caster on the top rope, but Bowens breaks them up and catches Wheeler into The Arrival followed by the Mic Drop by Caster, but Wheeler gets out of the way. Caster and Wheeler go at it, as Wheeler hits a lariat for a two count. Wheeler hits two more lariats and a power bomb, but Caster is able to roll up Wheeler for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) by pinfall at 16:42, to retain

Double Dog Dare Ya’

We head to the back as The Gunns call FTR ‘trash’ and say they have some Christmas presents for them. They read a card that says The Briscoes challenge FTR to a double dog collar match at Final Battle.

About John Siino 428 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.