GCW: 56 Nights
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Showboat Hotel
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Commentary: Dave Prazak and Veda Scott
Singles Match: Cole Radrick vs. Masha Slamovich
Early on, the two competitors battled for control with each of them getting a little bit of shine as the sequence ended with a standoff. The fight spilled to the floor where they both connected with some kicks and strikes, Cole delivered a side slam on the apron but Masha was able to recover and brought the fight to Cole who retreated into the ring. Cole connected with a head kick followed by a twisting neck breaker followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Cole hit a combination of kicks into a springboard cutter but Masha fired up and kicked Cole in the head and finished him with a sit-out package piledriver for the victory.
Masha Slamovich Defeated Cole Radrick
Singles Match: Leon Slater vs. Nick Wayne
Wayne and Slater are 18 and 17 years old and two of the best high flyers in the world. The match started with a quick exchange of reversals and flips which saw neither of the competitors able to gain control of the match. The two displayed their fluidity throughout the match as each of them got plenty of time to shine and fly. Nick Wayne went for a springboard cutter but Slater reversed it with a springboard back elbow Nick Wayne popped right back up and this time was able to connect with the springboard cutter; Wayne called for the Cloutcutter but as Wayne was about to begin his sprint, Slater grabbed onto Wayne’s leg; Wayne freed his leg and as he was about to attempt the Cloutcutter Slater pushed him to the floor and dove over the ring post. Slater threw Wayne back into the ring and connected with a leg lariat followed by a Standing Moonsault for a two count, he attempted a Brainbuster but it still wasn’t enough to put away Nick Wayne. The two battled on the top rope, Wayne attempted a Spanish Fly but both men landed on their feet, they looked at each other and charged up and connected with head kicks which laid them both out. The crowd got to their feet after this incredible exchange of offense. Slater recovered first and hit Wayne in the back of his head with an elbow, he attempted another move but Wayne took him down with head scissors followed by a stunner into a Destroyer for a two count. Wayne went for the Cloutcutter but Leon caught him and him with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Wayne hit two consecutive Cloutcutters for the victory.
Nick Wayne Defeated Leon Slater
Do or Die Scramble: Tony Deppen vs. Joey Janela vs. Willie Mack vs. Alec Price vs. Blake Christian vs. Jordan Oliver
The winner of the match will enter the Rumble at 30 and the loser of the fall will be replaced in the match.
All of the competitors tried to land a maneuver but everyone was able to evade before the match broke down in the melee. Deppen took the fight to both Jordan Oliver and Alec Price which saw Price send Deppen to the floor which allowed for a great exchange of offense between the two young stars. Oliver sent Price to the floor which allowed Willie Mack to come in and show off his impressive offense; Christian and Janela had a brief exchange before everyone bailed to the floor which allowed Christian to attempt a dive but Deppen tripped him to the crowds’ delight. Christian was able to battle out of Deppens grasp but was quickly attacked by Alec Price who took him out with a second rope leg lariat. Willie Mack attacked Price from behind and sent him to the floor after he landed a cannonball in the corner. Deppen lit up Mack with a series of palm strikes followed by a jump kick, Oliver returned to the ring and ran wild on Deppen with an exploder suplex followed by a running kick in the corner. Just as Oliver attempted to pin Deppen, he rolled out of the ring, and Oliver was attacked from behind by Joey Janela. The match continued with your usual back-and-forth action that we see in scramble matches. Price, Oliver, and Deppen all flew over the top rope and the spot culminated with Joey and Willie Mack hitting flipping Sentons and a Blake Christian Fosbury Flop. All of the competitors exchanged chops in the center of the ring with Alec Price getting the worst of it from Willie Mack. Blake Christian stole the pin from Alec Price.
Blake Christian Enters #30
Joey Janela is out of the Do or Die Rumble
Blake Christian wins the Do or Die Scramble
Four-Way: Maki Itoh vs. Billie Starkz vs. Sawyer Wreck vs. Dark Sheik
Maki Itoh came to the ring to Nick Gage’s theme song which sent the crowd into a frenzy.
Maki and Sheik started the match with a series of strikes and a headbutt from Maki; Sheik sent Maki to the floor with a dropkick and was met with a kick from Sawyer Wreck. Sawyer connected with a back fist to the back of Billie’s head and then attempted to ram Itoh’s head in the turnbuckle but it didn’t have any effect and Maki took everyone out with her headbutts. Maki attempted to take Sawyer off of her feet with repeated forearm strikes but was unsuccessful until she hit a DDT on Sawyer followed by a tandem one onto Shiek and Starkz. Maki locked in a double Boston Crab but the move was broken up with a kick to the face from Sawyer Wreck. Billie Starkz introduced a door in the match-up. Billie attempted a dive off the top rope but Sawyer met her up there hit her with a couple of headbutts and tossed Billie off the top onto her opponents on the floor. Sawyer Wreck choke slammed Dark Sheik through a door but before she was able to do anything Billie Starkz attacked her from behind and hit her with her finisher but was rolled up by Itoh, Itoh sent Billie into the corner and rolled up Sheik for the victory.
Maki Itoh Defeated Billie Starkz, Sawyer Wreck, and Dark Sheik
Post Match: Nick Gage came to the ring to congratulate Maki on her victory, before Gage could say anything, Maki grabbed the mic from him and said “It’s MDK” crowd responded with “All Fucking Day.” The two left the Carousel room with Nick Gage giving Maki Itoh a piggyback ride to the back. MDK.
Deathmatch: Matt Tremont vs. Mad Man Pondo
First Deathmatch of 2023
The match started with the bar fight spot, both men sat in the center of the ring and started to unload on each other. Tremont has such great-looking punches, after he won the exchange he kicked Pondo out of his chair and sent him to the floor. Tremont asked two fans to hold a bundle of tubes on Pondo’s head and proceeded to smash them with a cinderblock which busted Pondo open immediately. Pondo retrieved a shopping cart that had tubes strapped to the front of it and ran that into Tremont’s head busting him open. Back in the ring, Pondo took a ‘kife’ to Tremont’s head and Tremont sold it like he was stabbed in the kidneys. I was walking back to the Showboat around 2 am on Sunday and I saw Mad Man Pondo walking with a group of people on the Boardwalk carrying his bat with the saw blade on it like it was a completely normal thing to be doing. Tremont tried to hammer a fork into Pondo’s head, Tremont placed a bundle of tubes across Pondo’s chest and climbed to the second rope but he took too much time and was hung upside down in the corner. Pondo drove his stop sign into Tremont’s chest and placed it over Tremont’s head and threw a cinder block at it, Pondo put a cinderblock around Tremont’s arm and sent him into the ring post cinderblock first. Pondo dragged the saw blade across Tremont’s head, Pondo noticed that the blade side was active so he did a little twirl so the worked side was doing the job. Pondo broke a bundle over Tremont’s balls which caused Tremont to flip over the top rope and unintentionally landed directly into a trash can on the floor. Bump of the year. Pondo set up a trash can on top of a couple of chairs and filled the can with light tubes, Pondo tried to bring Tremont to the top but Tremont reversed it and placed Pondo up on the top and sent him head first into the tubes into the trash can. As pointed out by Kings Road Wrestling on Instagram this was a recreation of a spot from 2002 at IWA Mid South’s No Guts No Glory Event. Pondo faced off against Necro Butcher. Pondo was pinned after a tube to the head followed by a splash from Tremont.
This was a perfectly executed match between two absolute legends, every bit of violence meant something and had a purpose behind it.
Matt Tremont Defeated Mad Man Pondo
30 Person Do or Die Rumble winner gets a GCW World Title Shot:
Order of Entrance: Jordan Oliver, Leon Slater, Manders, Tony Deppen, Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, Dyln McKay, Nick Wayne, Shane Mercer, Sam Stackhouse, Yoya, CPA, Miedo Extremo, Mago, Ciclope, Kerry Morton, Facade, EFFY, Mance Warner, Alec Price, Billie Starkz, Cole Radrick, Allie Katch, Masha Slamovich, Jimmy Lloyd, Dark Sheik, Willie Mack, John Wayne Murdoch, Matt Tremont, and Blake Christian
Order of Eliminations: Tony Deppen, Dlyn McKay, Marcus Mathers, Sam Stackhouse, Yoya, Shane Mercer, Mago, Billie Starkz, Starboy Charlie, Manders, CPA, Facade, Leon Slater, Kerry Morton, Ciclope, Allie Katch, Dark Sheik, Jimmy Lloyd, Miedo Extremo, John Wayne Murdoch, Willie Mack, Cole Radrick, Nick Wayne, Mance Warner, Matt Tremont
Jordan Oliver and Leon Slater opened up this match both selling the effects from their matches previously in the evening, Oliver went for an early elimination but Slater was able to get out of it as they went into a Greco Roman Knuckle lock exchange. Manders entered the match-up and proved to be a game-changer from the moment he walked into the ring, he used his power and strength advantage to throw around Oliver and Slater for a brief bit of time before Oliver and Manders teamed up against the young Leon Slater, zeroing on his previously injured ankle. Tony Deppen took his time to get into the ring before he backed Manders and Oliver off and delivered some chops to Slater. Starboy Charlie entered the match next he got off a couple of chops before he too fell victim to the heavy hands of Oliver, Deppen, and Manders. Slater used this distraction to take out all four of his competitors with a dive from the top rope and a series of chops to all of them. Slater eliminated Deppen with a pump kick. Marcus Mather’s entered the ring with a crossbody onto Manders followed by a leaping Destroyer onto Leon Slater. Mather’s turned his attention to Starboy Charlie and Jordan Oliver, he got a couple of kicks off before Oliver turned the tide and started to beatdown Mathers. Thankfully for Mathers, the next entrant was his tag team partner, Dyln McKay. McKay and Mathers started to team up, inflicting their tag team punishment on Manders and Jordan Oliver. Nick Wayne entered the match next and started to unload on Marcus Mathers with a code red followed by a snap dragon suplex onto Dyln McKay. Oliver and Wayne then teamed up to beat down their fellow competitors which drew an “East-West” chant from the crowd. Shane Mercer was next to enter and he started to throw all of the competitors around the ring with a series of suplexes. Shane Mercer eliminated Dyln McKay and Marcus Mathers after he threw them both over the top rope with release suplexes. Sam Stackhouse plodded his way to the ring, Stackhouse’s eye was swollen shut from one of the chair shots he ate from Mance Warner. Mercer and Stackhouse faced off in the center of the ring, Mecer got Stackhouse up on his shoulders and gave him a Death Valley Driver. Shane Mercer eliminated Sam Stackhouse after dumping him over the top rope. Yoya and Shane Mercer locked eyes immediately, these two had a great match at last year’s Fite Club that helped Yoya take off. Yoya took Mercer off of his feet after Mecer popped him up and Yoya delivered head scissors followed by an attempted Tornado DDT. Mercer got Yoya up in the military press and toss him over the ring post to the floor. Shane Mercer eliminated Yoya. Mercer and CPA faced off in the center of the ring, CPA removed his dress shirt and tie to reveal another dress shirt and tie, and NOW he was ready to fight. I might have to steal that gimmick at work. Mercer tried to throw the CPA by his tie but it was a clip on and CPA landed a dropkick. Manders eliminated Shane Mercer after dumping him over the top rope. Miedo Extremo came to the ring next with a door and set up a door bridge on the floor, Miedo and Nick Wayne faced off in the center of the ring and ran a couple of spots together. Charlie tried to get the advantage on Miedo but was quickly choke slammed and forgotten about. Mago made his JCW debut earlier in the day and continued that string of debuts last night. Mago landed a Spanish fly followed by a head kick onto NIck Wayne. Mago tried to eliminate Wayne but Jordan Oliver came to his aid and they landed a double superkick onto Manders. Ciclope followed his tag team partner’s lead and also brought a door to the ring and set up a door bridge on top of the previously set up bridge. Mago and Ciclope faced off in the center of the ring, Mago kicked the sunglasses off of Ciclope’s head and tried to eliminate him but Ciclope eliminated Mago after he was sent over the top through the doors. Kerry Morton continued the heat he had last night as he took advantage of his walk to the ring to further entice the crowd. Morton was still making his way to the ring as Facade entered the match and ran wild on Oliver and Wayne with kicks and strikes. EFFY was next up to enter the match, he walked past Kerry Morton who was still yet to make it into the ring. EFFY called Morton over and handed him a bouquet which Morton used to beat EFFY over the head with. EFFY threw Morton into the second row as they continued to fight on the floor. Mancer entered the match right away and proceeded to hit everyone with eye pokes and headbutts. Kerry Morton threw EFFY over his merch table and threw his merch bag at EFFY’s head but EFFY responded with a belly-to-back suplex that sent Morton through a table. Alec Price ran wild with a series of superkicks and chops to all the remaining competitors in the ring. Price and Mace tried to eliminate the CPA but the CPA was able to fight out of it as the camera cut to Kerry Morton who was still on the floor jaw-jacking with fans. Mance and Billie faced off against each other, it didn’t work out well for Billie as Mance Warner eliminated Billie Starkz after 45 seconds. Starboy Charlie tried to fight with Manders and Mance Warner which saw Manders eliminate Starboy Charlie with a powerslam over the top rope. While his back was turned, Alec Price eliminated Manders. The CPA thought he eliminated Alec Price and took off his dress shirt to reveal a third dress shirt, while this was happening Mance Warner eliminated CPA. Cole Radrick entered the match and focused on both Leon Slater and Cole Radrick, EFFY tried to kiss Radrick but Mance broke that up and started to punch Cole in the face. Kerry Morton has still not entered the ring. Mance Warner Sabu’d a chair at Cole Radrick’s head which ended his momentum. Katch ran wild on all of the competitors with a 4 way-running hip attack cannonball combination. Kerry Morton made his way to the hard cam position and was just standing next to the camera operator. Oliver wasn’t having any of Katch’s antics and proceeded to beat her down. Masha Slamovich and Cole Radrick took some time to land some strikes on the members of the match while EFFY started to bite Kerry Morton’s nipple. The facade was fighting with Masha on the top rope but was unable to do any damage as Masha Slamovich eliminated Facade. While Jimmy Lloyd was making his way to the ring, Leon Slater was eliminated. EFFY finally threw Kerry Morton into the ring where he faced the wrath of Daddy and The Different Boy; Morton attempted some offense on EFFY but was met with a superkick from Jimmy Lloyd. EFFY eliminated Kerry Morton. This was an incredible weekend for the career of Kerry Morton. Dark Shiek entered the match next and stomped away on Nick Wayne and grounded Jimmy Lloyd with a head kick. Katch placed Ciclope up on the top rope, and Ciclope responded by kissing Allie Katch, she turned to EFFY who was going to make the save but she said “one more” and kissed Ciclope back and gave EFFY a thumbs up. EFFY charged in and connected with a boot to Ciclope’s chest. EFFY eliminated Ciclope. The next in the match was Chocolate Thunder, Willie Mack not Darryl Dawkin. Mack and Lloyd exchanged shots in the center of the ring, which culminated in a pop-up punch from Mack to Lloyd. Mack hit a stunner onto Oliver, Mance Warner, EFFY, Nick Wayne, Jimmy Lloyd, Cole Radrick, Alec Price, Jordan Oliver again, Jimmy Lloyd again, Mace again, and EFFY again. Masha was able to stop his momentum with a chop but it didn’t do anything as Mack hit her with a stunner. John Wayne Murdoch placed a bundle of tubes in the corner before facing off with Allie Katch, Allie attempted to eliminate Murdoch but she was met with a sick kick. John Wayne Murdoch eliminated Allie Katch. Sheik was next to try and eliminate Murdoch but was also unsuccessful. John Wayne Murdoch eliminated Dark Sheik. Murdoch hit Jimmy Lloyd with a Destroy and sent him over the top rope. John Wayne Murdoch eliminated Jimmy Lloyd. Murdoch grabbed the bundle of tubes and broke them over Masha’s head. Matt Tremont was the 29th competitor to enter the match as he entered the ring still bleeding from the prior match. Tremont and Murdoch went back and forth with forearms in the center of the ring, Tremont fired up and took Murdoch out with a clothesline. Matt Tremont eliminated John Wayne Murdoch. The crowd did their best impression of me in my car by scream-singing Matt Tremont’s theme song as Nick Wayne eliminated Willie Mack. Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne eliminated Cole Radrick. While we were waiting for Blake Christian to enter the ring, Jordan Oliver eliminated Nick Wayne. Mance Warner and Tremont faced off in the center of the ring and started throwing punches back and forth, Oliver tried to interject but they quickly sent him away with a couple of punches. Mance and Tremont fought on the apron with a series of headbutts, Matt Tremont eliminated Mance Warner, and Jordan Oliver eliminated Matt Tremont.
Final Four- EFFY, Jordan Oliver, Blake Christian, and Alec Price
They all squared off with Christian and EFFY taking the fight to each other while Mance and Tremont continued fighting to the back. Blake Christian eliminated EFFY. Blake almost eliminated Oliver but Oliver was able to grab onto the top rope, he dragged Blake to the apron as they both fought for an advantage. Blake Christian eliminated Jordan Oliver with a springboard drop kick.
Finals: Alec Price and Blake Christian
The crowd was firmly behind Alec Price chanting “gahbige” in his native Massachusetts/Rhode Island accent. Blake caught Price with a buckle bomb but Alec charged in and connected with a strike to Christian’s head followed by a bulldog. Price threw Christian onto the apron, Christian was hanging on by his fingers tips but was still able to catch Alec Price’s boot and return to the ring. The two men spilled onto the apron, Blake Christian eliminated Alec Price with a spear, and his music hit, as Masha Slamovich returned uneliminated which sent the crowd wild. Masha laid in a series of forearm strikes on Blake Christian. Christian landed a couple of his own followed by a knee strike. Masha connected with a boot but Blake grounded her with a Death Valley Driver. Blake dumped Masha over the top but she skinned the cat and landed a capo kick which eliminated Blake Christian. MASSIVE pop from the crowd as they all ran ringside to pound on the mat in celebration.
Masha Slamovich wins the Do or Die Battle Royal to secure a future GCW World Title shot in the future.
Blake and Masha shook hands but Blake pulled an HBK and superkicked her and Pilmanize her head with a knee strike. AKIRA came to his girlfriend’s aid but was also met with a superkick from Christian as the show went off the air.